Chapter 1 Flashcards
Which of the following are true statements for a surgery room?
a. Ideally it should have its’ own anesthesia machine
b. It should only be used for aseptic procedures
c. It should have positive pressure ventilation
Which of the following are true for a patient warming device?
b. The hard warm-water acrylic circulating pad is puncture proof.
Which of the following is a false statement for a monopolar electrosurgery unit is used…
has a hand piece that resembles thumb tissue forceps and therefore does not require a ground plate for the patient.
This suction tip is primarily used to remove large volumes of liquid or fluid.
Since there is never a “no risk” anesthetic patient, which of the following best
describes a Class III anesthetic patient
Moderate Risk – Patient has moderate systemic disease or mild clinical signs.
Which of the following is false when administering an injectable anesthetic induction drug…
the dose in volume is appropriate as the only entry of the amount administered into the medical record.
This pattern for initial scrubbing starts at the proposed incision site. The scrub sponge is grasped by the four corners and moved progressively outward in a circle until the edge of the site is reached.
Target Pattern
70% isopropyl alcohol is a common rinsing agent for a surgical site preparation. Which of the following are characteristics of this rinsing agent?
a. It is effective against gram-negative bacteria
b. It can enhance the residual properties of chlorhexidine gluconate
c. It evaporates quickly and can contribute to patient hypothermia
Which of the following would be the most correct process for the Final (Sterile) Preparation of the surgical site?
Scrubbed with Chlorhexidine Gluconate Scrub, Rinsed with 70% Isopropyl Alcohol, Painted with a 0.2% Chlorhexidine Solution
The absence of pathogenic microorganisms that cause infection is known as…
Cervical: ventral approach
midventral mandible to midsternum, laterally to halfway between the dorsal and ventral midline.
Exploratory Laparotomy
midsternum to pubis, laterally to edge of ribs
tarsus to hip, cranially to last rib, caudally to tuber ischii.
xiphoid to pubis, laterally to edge of ribs
As a member of the surgical team, your fingernails…
should be clean, free of nail polish and not extend past the fingertips.
As a member of the surgical team, which head cover should be worn by a man with a full beard.
When performing a “hand” scrub of your fingers, hands and arms. Which of the following statements is false?
A nail cleaning pick is not necessary to use if you are using an antiseptic-impregnated scrub brush on the fingertips
Which of the following statements are true for Surgical Hand Rub / Brushless
a. They contain alcohol and an additional agent such as chlorhexidine gluconate
b. They require a shorter scrub time that traditional surgical scrub agents
c. They avoid the use of brushes
Which of the following is false for a surgical gown?
The gowns are folded right side out in packs
Alcohol (60-90%)
Broad Spectrum, conflicting evidence of affect by organic matter, no persistent activity
Chlorhexidine Gluconate 4%
Broad Spectrum, minimally affected by organic matter, residual effect maintained for more than 6 days
Iodophores 7.5% (Povidone-iodine)
Broad Spectrum, neutralized rapidly by organic matter, persistence of effect for 4-6
Parachlorometaxylenol (PCMX)
Broad Spectrum minimally affected by organic matter, persistence limited to
a few hours
Which of the following is false when wearing a surgical mask in surgery?
If you need to sneeze you should step away from the sterile field and turn your head away from the sterile field.