Chap 6: The digestive system Flashcards
Gastric glands
produce gastric juice in the stomach that breaks down protein
What comes first: Mechanical transformation or chemical transformation?
Mechanical transformation consists of mixing and breaking down food into smaller fragments without changing its nature. It prepares food for the next step: chemical transformation.
The digestive tract is made up of the following (6) components:
- the mouth
- the pharynx
- the esophagus
- the stomach
- the small intestine
- the large intestine (which terminates in the rectum and anus)
FIll the blanks
____ ____ consists of physically break- ing down food into smaller substances in preparation for sub- sequent chemical transformation.
The digestive system can be divided into two parts: the digestive ____ and the digestive ____
- The digestive tract
- The digestive glands
What does bile do
eliminates fats
Intestinal glands
secrete intestinal juice into small intestine to break down protein carbs and fats
Mostly occurs in small intestine which contain
folds called VILLI.
Absorption of nutrients
Food we consume undergoes two types of transformation in the digestive process.
What are mechanical and chemical transformation.
Glands in the digestive system include:
- the salivary glands
- the gastric glands (located in the stomach lining)
- the liver (the gallbladder stores fluids from the liver until they are released into the digestive tract)
- the pancreas
- the intestinal glands (located in the lining of the small intestine)
secretes pancreatic juice into the small intestine to eliminate proteins carbs and fats
The digestion of food is a complicated process that involves the following functions:
- ingestion and propulsion of food along the digestive tract
- digestion of food
- absorption of nutrients
- elimination of fecal matter
Where does gastric juice come from
the stomach
Absorption of nutrients
This is when the nutrients move through the
lining of the digestive tract into the blood or
Mostly occurs in small intestine which contain
folds called VILLI. The villi have blood and
lymphatic vessels through which nutrients
flow through the body
transformation of food into
nutrients that the body can use
Digestion of food
also known as deglutition
Mechanical transformation of food
Food is physically broken down into smaller substances to prepare for chemical transformations
Chewing(teeth used to crush and grind food)
Churning (muscle contractions with mix food withsecretions from digestive system…in stomach andsmall intestine)
Organs and glands responsible for the chemical transformation of food
Salivary gland (saliva)
Gastric glands (gastric juice)
Intestinal glands (intestinal juice)
Pancreas (Pancreatic juice)
Liver (Bile)
Salivary glands
produce saliva which breaks down starch
Refers to the muscular contractions of
esophagus, stomach, small and large
intestines that move substances through the digestive tracts
What is
The organ that stores bile
The Gallbladder
Chemical transformation
The digestive tract breaks down the complex
molecules of food into simple molecules. There
is much help of secretion from digestive glands
during this process
Mechanical transformation
Food is physically broken down into smaller
substances to prepare for chemical transformations
Chewing(teeth used to crush and grind food)
Churning (muscle contractions with mix food with
secretions from digestive system…in stomach and
small intestine)
The digestive tract breaks down the complex molecules of food into simple molecules. There is much help of secretion from digestive glands
during this process
Chemical transformation
What is
The gland that secretes bile
What are
the purposes of the digestive system
Ingestion and propulsion of food
Digestion of food
Absorption of nutrients
Elimination of fecal matter