9. Lymphatic System Flashcards
What is the role of the lymphatic system?
Circulation of antibodies outside the blood vessels
The lymphatic system is essential for immune function and fluid balance.
What are the functions of the lymphatic system?
- Helps get rid of toxins in the body
- Transports lymph (which contains antibodies and white blood cells) to tissues
- Drains excess fluid from tissues (including lymph that has dead bacteria).
Lymph includes dead bacteria and other waste.
that the role of blood circulation is to carry certain substances to the cells and carry other substances away from the cells to be eliminated.These exchanges do not occur directly between the blood and the cells.They take place in the liquid that surrounds our cells, called _____.
extracellular fluid
What is extracellular fluid?
Clear liquid that surrounds our cells and contains
1. water and other substances from blood plasma.
2. It also contains white blood cells.
Includes interstitial fluid (fluid between blood vessels and cells
True or False
Extracellular fluid becomes lymph once it enters the lymphatic vessels
What is diapedesis?
Movement of white blood cells out of circulatory system towards damaged tissue/infection.
In other words: Diapedesis is the process whereby white blood cells are able to exit the capillaries by squeezing through the pores in the capillary membranes.
It is a critical process for immune response.
What is lymph?
Fluid that comes from extracellular fluid and circulates in lymphatic vessels to evacuate cellular waste.
It plays a role in waste removal and immune function.
How is lymph moved through the lymphatic system?
By muscular contractions
This movement is essential for the circulation of lymph. The lymphatic system does not have a heart to pump the lymph. Like veins, it relies on muscular contractions to keep the lymph moving.The largest lymphatic vessels have valves to keep the lymph flowing in the right direction.
What are ‘invaders’ in the context of the immune system?
Bacteria and viruses found in extracellular fluid, lymph, or blood
They trigger an immune response.
What is phagocytosis?
Process where white blood cells ingest and destroy invaders
The membrane of WBC engulfs the invader.
What is an ANTIBODY
An ANTIBODY is a substance secreted by white blood cells to neutralize invaders.
What is an antigen
An ANTIGEN is a substance recognized as foreign by the body and that triggers the body’s white blood cells to produce antibodies.
What is the function of antibodies?
- Antibodies recognize the antigens, elements which are attached to an invader.
- Antibodies then attache themselves to the antigens, thus neutral- izing the invader and preventing it from reproducing or attack- ing other cells. Once neutralized, the invader is eliminated.
Antibodies prevent invaders from reproducing or attacking other cells.
What does it mean for antibodies to be specific?
They can only recognize the antigens they were produced for
This specificity is crucial for effective immune responses.
What is an antigen?
Elements attached to invaders recognized as ‘foreign’ by the body
Antigens trigger the production of antibodies by white blood cells.
Define immunity.
The ability to resist a disease by fighting the infectious agent
Immunity can be acquired through natural exposure or vaccination.
What is a vaccine?
A prepared substance that immunizes an organism
Vaccines train the immune system to recognize specific pathogens.
What are live vaccines?
Cultures of infectious agents that are chemically treated but still alive
They stimulate a strong immune response.
What are inactive vaccines?
Vaccines that use only the antigens of infectious agents with no live agents
They are generally considered safer than live vaccines.
List two pros of vaccines.
- Offer protection
- Increase life expectancy
Vaccines play a crucial role in public health.
List two cons of vaccines.
- Side effects
- Can cause new resistant strains to develop
These risks must be weighed against the benefits of vaccination.
What are the two ways to obtain active immunity?
- Natural production of antibodies
- Vaccination
Both methods enhance the body’s ability to fight infections.