5. Nutrition and Digestive System Flashcards
Molecules formed by chains of amino acids
What are proteins?
Build and repair cells/tissues and provides energy. Dairy products, meat, fish, eggs, nuts, tofu are reliable source
What are proteins?
This nutrient can be found in dairy products, meat, fish, eggs, nuts, tofu.
What are proteins?
This nutrient refers to both a single sugar molecule and a long chain of sugar molecules.
What are carbohydrates?
This very easily digested nutrient main function is to provide energy,
What are carbohydrates?
In the form of a long chain of sugar, this nutrient synonym with starch and found in breads, cereals, pasta, potatoes, legumes.
What are carbohydrates?
In its simplest form, this nutrient is found in fruits, vegetables, honey, juice and candy.
What are carbohydrates?
These 2 nutrients both provide 4 cal/gr (17kJ\g) of energy.
What are carbohydrates and proteins?
True or false
Protein is the preferred source of energy.
Protein are use as a form of energy only if there aren’t enough carbohydrates and fats to meet our energy needs, or if there is too much protein in the body.
This nutrient is often associated with muscle building
What are proteins?
True or False
Cholesterol is a type of fat
Fill the blanks
Fats, also called lipids, are generally composed of __\__ and a ____.
Fatty acids
As well as Storing /providing energy, this nutrient forms the building blocks of hormones/cell membranes
What are Fats/lipids?
Number of calories (or kilojoules) in one gram of fat/lipid
What is 9 cal/g (or 37 kJ\g)?
This nutrient protect organs and insulate the body from the cold.
What are Fats/lipids?
Nutrient F=found in Dairy products (except skimmed), oil, cheese, butter ,
meat, fries.
What are Fats/lipids?
Fill the blanks.
____ ___ are liquid at room temperature,
Unsaturated fats
True of False
Saturated and trans fat have
negative health effects
Fill the blanks
____ ___ are produced when hydrogen is added to
vegetable oil, which causes the oil to become
solid at room temperature.
trans fat
Process of bombarding an substrate (in this case, an unsaturated fat like vegetable oil) with hydrogen in order to increase it’s shelf life.
What is fat hydrogenation?
Molecule responsable for the Transports nutrients/waste as well the regulation of body temperature
What is water?
Fill the blank
____ is used to to maintain body temperature at 37 degrees and to maintain respiratory
rhythm and heart rate
Number of kJ is 1 calorie
WHat is 4?
This simple molecule is responsible for 70% of human body weight.
What is water?
True or false
100% of our daily water need are met by drinking water.
**False: **Fruits, vegetables (whole or in the form of juice or soup), as well as milk help meet our daily water need.
Substances that the human body requires in small amounts.
What are vitamins?
Without vitamins, the body would be enable to perform the following fonctions (4):
What are
1. contributing to chemical reactions
2. helping in energy production
3. helping fight off infections by strengthening the body
4. repairing damaged tissue?
Substances of mineral origin that make up about 4% of the weight of the human body.
What are minerals?
Substance found in food that is used by the body to meet important needs.
What are nutrients?
Nutrients are separated in these 6 categories
What are:
1. proteins
2. carbohydrates
3. fats
4. water
5. vitamins
6. minerals?
These 3 nutrients are not source of energy.
What are
1. Water,
2. vitamins and
3. minerals ?
Minerals are required for the body to perform the following fonctions (4)
- building tissue (e.g. bones and teeth)
- maintaining fluid balance in the body
- helping muscles contract
- transporting oxygen in the blood
4 fonctions of the digestive system
Ingestion and propulsion of food
Digestion of food
Absorption of nutrients
Elimination of fecal matter
Fill the blanks
On a nutrition facts table, the ___ is a quick reference to tell you if a food product contains a little or a lot of a certain nutrient:
___ DV or less is a little
___ DV or more is a lot
Refers to the muscular contractions of
esophagus, stomach, small and large
intestines that move substances through the digestive tracts
also known as deglutition
transformation of food into
nutrients that the body can use
Digestion of food
Mechanical transformation of food
Food is physically broken down into smaller substances to prepare for chemical transformations
Chewing(teeth used to crush and grind food)
Churning (muscle contractions with mix food withsecretions from digestive system…in stomach andsmall intestine)
The digestive tract breaks down the complex molecules of food into simple molecules. There is much help of secretion from digestive glands
during this process
Chemical transformation
Organs and glands responsible for the chemical transformation of food
Salivary gland (saliva)
Gastric glands (gastric juice)
Intestinal glands (intestinal juice)
Pancreas (Pancreatic juice)
Liver (Bile)
Mostly occurs in small intestine which contain
folds called VILLI.
Absorption of nutrients