Chap 3 Key Terms 1 Flashcards
branch bark ridge
Raised strip of bark at the top of a branch union, where the growth and expansion of the trunk or parent stem and adjoining branch push the bark into a ridge.
branch collar
Area where a subdominant branch joins another branch or trunk that is created by the overlapping vascular tissues from both the branch and the trunk. Typically enlarged at the base of the branch.
branch removal cut
Pruning cut that removes the smaller of 2 branches at a union or a parent stem, without cutting into the branch bark ridge or branch collar, or leaving a stub.
branch union
Point where a branch originates from the trunk or another branch.
chemical pruning
method of pruning that utilizes certain herbicides to selectively control targeted branches, typically applied along the side of right-of-way corridors; also called chemical side trimming.
preventive maintenance
Maintenance operations scheduled to take place in advance of failure or other problems (contrast with reactive maintenance).
pruning system
Processed used to achieve the desired long-term form of a plant.
reduction cut
Pruning cut that removes the larger of 2 or More branches or stems, or one or more codominant stems to a live lateral branch, typically at least 1/3, the diameter of the stem or branch being removed.
response growth
New wood produced in response to loads to compensate for higher strain in marginal fibers; Includes reaction wood (tension and compression) and wound wood. Also called compensatory growth or adaptive growth.
right-of-way (ROW)
Defined area of land, usually a linear strip, reserved for the passage of traffic (e.g. paths and roadways) or the construction, maintenance, and operation of various aboveground or underground utilities. Rights-of-way may be granted by easement rights and may cross a single property or many properties (highways, railroads, or utility corridors are common examples).
codominant stem/branch
Forked branches nearly the same size in diameter, arising from a common Junction; may have included bark.
Discredited pruning technique whereby trees are severely reduced to a predetermined shape using heading cuts.
directional pruning
Selective removal of branches to guide and/or discourage growth in a particular direction.
service reliability
method for measuring the probability that a system, product, or service will maintain performance standards for a specific period of time.
Legal, non-possessory interest in real property that conveys use or partial use, but not ownership, of all, or more typically a portion, of an owner’s property.
1) cutting leaves, shoots, and branches to a desired plane, shape, or form, using tools designed for that purpose, as with topiary. 2) whole tree removal with devices mounted on excavators or other heavy equipment.
epicormic shoot
Shoot arising from a dormant bud or from newly formed adventitious tissue.
structural development
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Pattern of tree branching, characterized by a central leader and a pyramidal cone-shaped crown (contrast with decurrent).