Changes Under The Bolsheviks, 1918-24 Flashcards
What was the cheka and who was the leader?
In december 1917 lenin used sovnarkom to set up cheka.
The head was felix Dzerzhinsky
What was the role of the cheka
It was used to deal with political oppposition to the bolsheviks and to shoot army deserters. Lenin gave it unlimited powers.
What was the red terror, give some statistics
Following an attempt on taking lenins life at the end of august 1918, dzerzhinsky began what is known as the red terror, in which those suspected of working against the revolution were arrested tortured and executed.
- victims included wokrers, peasants, princes, priests, judges, merchants, traders and children
- in petrograd aon there were 800 executions
- arrests were random, - could be taken or being an aquaintance of a suspect
- imprisoned in concentration camps and labour camps
By end of 1918 there were how many deaths from the cheka?
50,000 people
What were the effects of the cheka?
It increased fear within the peole and the government, so no one would turn against lenin
How may deaths and arrests by the end of the civil war?
200,000 killed 85,000 in prisons
What two moves were taken towards totalitarianism?
Red terror/cheka
Bolshevik centralisation
What is bolshevik centralisation?
Lenin being able to create a dictatorship of the communist party but this was also achieved through political centralisation - through the politburo
What was the role of the politburo?
It was the leading decision makig body of the communist party.
It was set up in 1919 and made all key decisions about control over government
They met on a daily basis and consisted of 5 members chosen by the bolshevik central commitee
All major decisions were increasingly made by the politburo under lenins control
What was lenins role for bolshevik centralisation
Lenin reliased the need for strong gov especially due to all the opposition and the civil war
He was tthe driving force behind early bolshevik decrees and increasing bolshevik centralisation in the desperate struggle for survival
He didnt believ in democracy but in the civil war was desperate need for quick decisions which was taken by politburo and lenin himself
Lenins death timeline
May 1922 - stroke 1 - partially paralysed on left side. Zinoviev, kamanev, aand stalin took control in summer of 22
Decemeber 1922 - stroke 2
9 march 1923 - stroke 3 - almost complete loss of speech and was confined to a wheelchair
Died january 1924
When was war communism intrduced?
What was the purpose of war commmunism?
Controlling the economy in order to make sure every area of economic life was focused on supplying th needs of the red army and winning the civil war
What were the reasons for war communism?
Economic - peasants wanted to kep land given but were unwilling to give ther crops, lenin wanted to control supply of food for towns, prices had risen rapidly due to inflation.
Social - there was severe shortage of food and other basic neccesties
Political - policy folllowed communist idea and central control and direction of the economy
Military - bolsheviks had to guarantee supplies to the huge red army during the civil war against the whites
Features of war communism
Rationing of food
Privat trading banned - peassants could no longer sell food, lenin would sieze food
Factories with more than 10 workes were nationalised - meaning the state owned the factories, under control of versenkha
Rapid inflation led to money becoming valueless, ppl had to exchange goods instead of money.
Reasons for unpopularity for war communism
Peasants and wokers starved
Peasants bred fewer animals and grew fewer crops - when lenin sent troops to get food and peasants fought back so lenin made kulaks turn agaisnt peasats who wouldnt hand over food
Encouraged more opposition
Wokers opposition set up ‘soviets without communists’
Lenin lost all support gathered from decrees
When was the Kronstadt mutiny?
March 1921
What was the kronstadt mutiny?
Rebelllion of sailors at the naval base of kronstadt against the bolshevik government
Thousands of sailor protested at the events like the workers opposition to the way that the communist (bolshevik) party was taking powr away from soviets
What deands were made during the kronstadt mutiny?
All political socialist members to be set free
Freedom of speech and press to be granted to workrs and peasants
Freedom of assembly and trade unions and peasants association
New election
What did lenin do as a response to the kronstadt mutiny?
He stopped the protest - he was shocked as the soldiers had been loyal to him
Trotsky used red army to put them down
60,000 troops attacked at the naval base
Over a 3 week struggle 20,000men were killed or wounded
Survivors killed by cheka or sent to gulag
He got rid of war communism and introduced NEP - “flash that lit up reality”
When was NEP introduced?
Key features of the NEP
Peasants have to give a fixed amount to gov but can keep the rest
Peasants who increased crop production pay less tax
Factories with lower than 20 workers were given back to owners
People could ue money againa nd new rouble was introduced
Key industries like coal and steel still under state control
Electrification of russia - network of power stations established after 1921
Encouraged foreign trade
Reactions to nep
Some saw it as betrayal to october revolution as it went back to classes and the same rule once more
Lenin fought back by saying its temporary
Reasons why NEP was popular and succesful
Increase in more industries Rapid revovey from famine Peasnts able to make more money Trade encourages Grain produce, meat and vegetables increased
Reasons why NEP was unpopular and succesful?
NEP men handled 3/4 of retail trade but were heavily critisised for it
NEP men and kulak were only in it to get rich quick - capitalist- agaisnt october revolution
Moscow gov got most outcome from taxes on gambling - corruption
Reasins why NEP was unpopular and unsuccesful?
Encouraged corruption
Protitution and crime flourished
Divisions within communist party
Scissor crisisi - too muh food flooding into cities, prices began to drop, industrial goods prices rose
Pesannts reluctant to buy industrial goods
Who were the nepmen
Ppl who benefited from the nep and therefore followed capitalist ideology of gtting money quick, kulaaks nd nepmen
In what areas were their social changes in 1918-24?
Women - marriage employment politics Education - schooling, youth organisations Culture - art, writers, cinema street percussions
What changed for women?
Marriage - new divorce law easy to divorce - paid maternity leave - abortion legal - civil marriages without church needed - family code of 1918 But - divorce rates increased - men initiated 70% divorces - Women abondened when pregnant - legal age of marriage 16
- women joined sovnarkom
- in ww1, no of women in industry doubled
- after civl war men took over
- women did 8 hour shift plus hous work for 5 hours - men didnt help at home
- women left unemployed
Politics - womens department in sovnarkom - zehnotdel - allowed to vote But - only formed 10% of party membership - little progress - only 5% would vote and it decreased
What changed in education
- compulsory to learn evolution and communsm history
- more practical education - factores and industry
- teachers had less authority - cant set hwk
- universal schooling ended (one yr of free eduction) by 1923 pupils halved
Youth organisations
- teach kids communism
- pioneers under 15s - like boy scouts
- komsomol 15-20s, increase propoganda to prepare for communsm
What changed in culture ?
-‘solcialist realism’, present red army as heroic, used for propaganda for comunism
- controlled, only communism to be praised, well known writers what the wanted
- restricted to propaganda films
- proletkino set up
Street processions and theatre
- festival to celebrate oct revolution
- street theatre to promote party and re inact storming of winter palace