Agriculture And Collectivisation Flashcards
What was collectivisation?
Peasants had to giveup small plots of land in order to pool their land wth those of other families, this would make a farm large eniugh to use modern machinery and peasants owuld provide the state with a fixed amount of produce and earn a wage for doing so - idea was to create surplus food for town workers and sell abroad to profit for financing industrialisation
Reasons for collectivisation?
Fear of invasion Dissapointing output Communist principles Leadership Control of the people Indutrialisation Problems of the NEP Attacks on the kulaks
Why did fear of invasion cause chnages
Stalin feared attacks from west after france britain usa sided with whites
Modernisation for agriculture and industrialisation was key for victory and deter people
What was dissappinting output and why did this cause changes
Soviet industrial output was very low
Felt that central direction and control would allow him to direct econmy to rapid expansion and heavy industry
NEP failed to improve agriculture
How did comunist principles factor into this change
Collectivisation fitted with communist ideas of common ownership
In 1925 NEP failed to cultivate land
Hoped method of sharing wealth would allow him to create state controlled economic activity
Why was leadership a factor of this chnage
Introducing collectivisation would allow stalin to gain better leadership as the right wing communst members of teh politburo were in favour of the nep so he had to get rid of teh nep so he used collectivisation to get rid of it
Thus strengthenung his position
Why was control of teh people a reason for change
Stalin wanted control of peasants, they were his natural enemy - this was his chnace to eliminate the threat
Why was industrialistaion a raeson for chnage
If 5 yr lans were to suceed, then surplus food must be produced
Mechanisation was crucial - more people went to towns to find work, less farmers in countryside making produce, more workers
Why was the problems of the nep a reason for change
Farmers werent producing enough a they knew there food would get siezed
Grain crisis of 1927-28 - pesants hoarding grain - stalin increased grain prices and made kulaks produce quotas of grain, kulaks reduced production as they werent getting paid enough, collectivisation was the solution
What was the attacks on kulaks that was a reasonf or change?
Increasing pressure of bolsheviks as kulaks became richer during the nep. Kulaks accused of hoardng food. Collectiviation would rid this class
What are the two types of collectove farms
There is a kolkhoz chairman - mmber of communist party that would claim ownership of animals, grains, villages
By 2940 240,000 kolkhoz - 80 peasant families and 500 hectares of land
Families gave fixed amt of food to state at low prices and got low wages
State provided tractors - MTS machine tractor stations led by secret police
40 tractors for eery collective farm
1923-2900 MTS and 120,000 tractors
Farmland created from old large estates
All land owned by state and produce taken by state
3,6000 hectares and had own tractors
Peasants as paid labourrs referred to as workers
‘A factory without a roof’
What oppostion was theer to collectivisation?
Set fire to farms and slaugheterd animals
- 60 mil down, 30 mil killed
Stalin retaliated by sending de-kulakisation squads - ten mil deported in war agaisnt kulaks
What was the mpact of the opposition?
Forced stalin to slow down collectivisation in 1930s
Made some chnages, let peasnats keep somethings animals and small areas
Late 1930s collectivisation began again
1932- 62% housholds collectivised
5 yrs later 93%
Failures of collectivisation?
Human cost - serious famine 1932-33 6-10 milllion dead
Fall in production - grain dcreased from 73.3 million tonnes to 67.7, countryside worsene, rural population starved as food was given to wokers, so peasants moved to cities, passports intrduced
Insufficient farming - mid 1930 not eniugh food, had to be imported, not until 1940 did grain producion improve to levels of 1914
Suceeses of collectivisation?
Aim of producing eniugh food for town and army worked
Life on collectoves not all bad - skls and hospitals
MTS uccesful and sped up farming
90% of land had been collectivised and tractors on large scale
Stalin got greater control over countryside
Peasants never openly reelled again