Ch.8 (Fire Protection) Flashcards
Fire Protection
What happens when either illuminated Master FIRE WARN light is pushed?
- Extinguishes both FIRE WARN
- Silences the fire warning bell
- Resets the system for future warnings
- (On the ground) silences the Remote APU fire warning horn
Which other switch provides the same function as pushing either Master Fire Warn light for an
engine fire warning?
Fire Warning Bell CUTOUT switch on the top center of the Overheat/Fire prot panel
Which bus powers the Engine Overheat and Fire detection?
Which bus powers engine fire
- Engine Overheat/ Fire detection: Battery Bus
- Engine Fire extinguishing: Hot Battery Bus
What will cause an illuminated ENG OVERHEAT light and/or engine fire switch to extinguish?
Until the temperature drops enough to allow to gas in the fire loops retract enough to close the overheat and fire pressure switches
With the OVHT DET switch in the A or B position, what initiates an overheat or fire warning?
The loops that the OVHT DET switch is positioned towards. The other loop is unmonitored
With the OVHT DET switch selected to “A”, during an overheat/fire test, what does a FAULT light (amber) indication mean?
The selected loops have failed
If one overhear/fire detector loop fails with the OVHT DET switch on NORMAL, how is a fire detected?
The remaining loop continues to detect overheats & fires
What does rotating an engine fire switch do?
Electrically fires a squib, discharging the contents into the respective engine. Rotating the other direction fires the other bottle
What causes a fire switch to unlock?
The illumination of the ENG fire switch or ENG overheat light unlock the fire switch
Which bus powers the APU overheat and Fire detection?
Which bus powers the APU fire extinguishing?
- Overheat/Fire Det: Battery Bus
- APU Fire Extinguishing: Hot Batter Bus
What does pressing the HORN CUTOUT switch on the APU Fire control panel (main wheel well) do?
Silences the fire warning bell, silences the APU fire warning horn, stops the APU fire warning light from flashing (maintains steady illumination)
What power source is required for main wheel well fire detection?
2 AC Transfer Bus
What components are tested with the Overheat/Fire Protection Panel test switch to OVHT/FIRE?
When held in this position, a test is initiated that checks Engine/APU overheat/Fire detection circuitry and related flight deck indicators. Includes overheat/fire detection loops on both engines, APU and main wheel well.
- Fire Bell
- FIRE warn lights
- Master Caution
- OVHT/DET annunciator
- ENG OVHT lights
- ENG fire switches illuminate
- APU fire switch illuminates
- Wheel well Fire warning light illuminates if AC power is avail
What components are tested with the Overheat/Fire Protection Panel test switch to FAULT/INOP?
ENG/APU fault detection circuitry and Flight deck indicators.
- Master Caution Lights
- OVHT/DET system annunciator light
- FAULT light illuminates (If not the fault monitoring system is inop)
- APT DET INOP light
What does a FAULT light (amber) illuminating during an OVHT FIRE test indicate?
A possible bad loop on an engine
What does the ENGINES APU EXT/TEST switch test?
The squibs for the engine fire bottles and the APU fire bottle
What does a DETECTOR FAULT light (amber) illuminated indicate when TEST is pushed and held on the Boeing Cargo Fire Panel?
One or more detectors in the related loop have failed
When does the first bottle on the Boeing Lower Cargo Compartment Fire Suppression Dual Bottle System discharge? The second bottle?
- First Bottle: 1 press of the armed button and then 1 press of the discharge button
- Second Bottle: Automatically by times. Provides Halon for a total of 195 mins