Ch.7 Flashcards
moral development
changes in thoughts, feelings, and behaviors regarding right and wrong
has intrapersonal and interpersonal dimensions
social cognitive theory of moral development
distinction between moral competence (ability to produce moral behaviors) and moral performance (performing those behaviors in specific situations)
Moral thought
Kohlberg theory of moral reasoning
3 levels/6 stages
increased internalization characterizes movement to levels 2 and 3
influences include modeling, cognitive conflict, peer relations, and role taking opportunities
critics say he gave inadequate attention to moral behavior, not assess moral dev.
underestimated cultural and family influences
underestimated care perspective
moral bahavior
argue that moral behavior is determined by reinforcement, punishment, and imitiation
situational variabliity
Hartchorne and Mays sutdy: considerable variation in moral behavior across situations
moral exemplars
people who have lived exemplary lives
social domain theory
there are different domains of social knowledge and reasoning, including moral, social conventional, and personal domains
moral bahavior
argue that moral behavior is determined by reinforcement, punishment, and imitation
situational variability
Hartchorne and Mays study: considerable variation in moral behavior across situations
prosocial behavior
forgiveness and gratitude
adolescents engage more than children
girls engage more than boys
moral feeling
Freud: superego (moral branch of personality) - ego ideal and conscience
through identification children internalize parent standards of right and wrong
children may conform to moral standards in order to avoid guilt
perspective taking as a cognitive component
changes developmentally
contemporary perspective
both pos and neg feeling contribute to adolescents moral development
emotions are interwoven with cognitive and social dimensions of moral dev
moral personality
moral identity, character, and exemplars
moral character
having strength of your convictions, persisting, and overcoming distractions and obstacles
having certain virtues, such as honesty, care, and conscientiousness
discipline: love withdrawal, power assertion, or induction (most effective)
moral dev advanced when parents are supportive, create opportunities to learn others perspectives, include children in family decision making, model moral behavior and thinking, state behaviors that are executed and why, and encourage internal moral orientation
unselfish interest in helping another person
care perspective
moral perspective of Carol Gilligan
views people in terms of their connectedness with others and emphasizes interpersonal communication, relationships with other, and concern for others
character education
direct moral education approach that involves teaching students basic moral literacy to prevent them from engaging in immoral behavior or doing harm to themselves or others