CH5 Flashcards
______ ______ refer to individuals linked together by one or more social relationships connecting them to the larger society.
Social Networks
______ _____ consists of two or more individuals purposefully relating to each other.
Social Interaction
______ ________ are interactions without words using facial expressions, the head, eye contact, body posture, gestures, touch, walk, status symbols, and personal space.
Nonverbal Communication
_______ is analyzing life as a play or drama on a stage, with scripts and props and scenes to be played. It is a tool in understanding the interaction process from a symbolic perspective.
_______ _____ is a process by which people hope to create an impression that works to their advantage. It is a tool in understanding the interaction process from a symbolic perspective.
Impression Managment
A _______ _____ is a social position in society.
Social Status
______ ____ are statuses assigned at birth and do not change during an individual’s lifetime.
Ascribed Statuses
_____ ______ are statuses chosen or earned by decisions one makes and sometimes by personal ability
Achieved Status
An individual’s status that is most important and take precedence over all others is called a _____ ______
Master Status
____ are the expected behaviors, rights, obligations, responsibilities, and privileges assigned to a social status.
_____ ______ is tension between roles within one of the statuses.
Role Strain
____ _________ is tension between roles of two or more social statuses.
Role Conflict
_____ are units involving two or more people who interact with each other because of shared common interests goals, experiences, and needs.
______ is the state of normlessness that occurs when the rules for behavior in a society break under extreme stress from rapid social change or conflict.
_____ ______ occurs when the individual feels little social bond to the group or society and lacks ties such as family and friends. It is a result of personal despair.
Egoistic Suicide
______ ______ occurs when a society or one of its parts is in disorder or turmoil and lacks clear norms and guidelines for social behavior.
Anomic Suicide
_______ ______ occurs when the individual has such a strong bond to a group they they feel more obligations to the group than their individual survival.
Altruistic Suicide
_______ ____ are characterized by cooperation among people in close, intimate relationships mostly in micro level.
Primary Groups
________ ____ are those with formal, impersonal and businesslike relationships, often temporary, and based on a specific limited purpose or goal.
Secondary Groups
______ ____ are composed of members who act as role models and establish standards against which members measure their conduct.
Reference Groups
An __-_____ is one to which an individual feels a sense of loyalty and belonging.
An __-____ is one to which an individual does not belong, but more than that, it is a group that is often in competition or opposition to.
Max Weber called _________ _ _____ ___ is the attempt to maximize efficiency by creating rules and procedures focused solely on accomplishing goals.
Rationalization of Social Life
_______ ____ are comprised of complex secondary groups deliberately formed to pursue and achieve certain goals.
Formal Organizations
_______ are specific types of very large formal organizations that have the purpose of maximizing efficiency. They are characterized by formal relations between participants, clearly laid-out procedures and rules, and pursuit of stated goals.
Weber’s concept of the _____-___ ________ refers to the dominant and essential characteristics of our modern organization that are designed for reliability and efficiency.
Ideal-type Beureaucracy
Ideal Type Bureaucracy:
_____ _ _____ is based on technical competence
_______ _______ with channels of communication
_____ ____ and _____ that are written procedures/guidelines
______ relationships based on formal interactions
Emphasis on ______ and _____
Provisions of ______ ______
Division of Labor Administrative Hierarchy Formal Rules and Regulations Impersonal Rationality and Efficiency Lifelong Careers
Weber’s _______ ____ includes unwritten norms and the interpersonal networks within an organization.
Informal Structure
________ is the feeling of being uninvolved, uncommitted, unappreciated, and unconnected to the group or the society.
_______ is the concentration of power in the hands of a small group.
_____ _____ occurs when the original motives or goals of the organization are displaced by new secondary goals.
Goal Displacement