Ch4: Injury, inflammation and repair Flashcards
parenchymal cells
cells that carry out the main function of an organ; most abundant; and often unique to that organ
vital to cells- genetic code in DNA is ultimate regulator of cell’s function surrounded by nuclear membrane, contains loosely arranged CHROMATIN- high content of DNA during cell division, chromatin aggregates into discrete strands (chromosomes) which replicate and separate to form 2 daughter cells
enclosed by highly specialized cell membrane
- mitochondria
- endoplasmic reticulum
- Golgi apparatus
- smooth ER
- lysosomes
CYTOSOL: soluble component
complex, membranous structures that generate energy for use by the cell
endoplasmic reticulum
tortuous set of membranes
rough: lined by small basophilic granules= RIBOSOMES
smooth: also transport materials through the cell and is the site of production of many biochemical substances other than proteins
Golgi apparatus
proteins under ribosome control are carried through the RER to the GA where they are modified, sorted and stored for secretion
membrane bound packets of digestive enzymes
may surround and digest foreign substances that have been engulfed (phagocytosed) by the cell
epithelial cells
work with each other as coherent units to carry out specialized functions:
- protection
- secretion
- metabolism
injury interfere with their functions- have to revert to purposes of reproduction to replace dead cells
CT cells
more loosely arranged, involved in general support function:
- provide physical support
- facilitates movement of fluids and nutrients
tissues that give support:
- bone
- cartilage
- ligaments
- tendons
- fascia
- other fibrous tissues
WBC; mobile CT type cells specialized to attack foreign substances
neutrophils & monocytes
basophils and eosinophils
neutrophils and monocytes
can engulf and digest foreign materials such as bacteria
monocytes -> macrophages when they leave the bloodstream
direct the attack against persistent foreign materials by remembering their chemical structure
they release substances that kill cells in the area of the foreign material and other substances that attract macrophages to the area. the macrophages then phagocytose the material and dead cells to prevent further spread.
B-cells also transform into plasma cells to produce ANTIBODIES- attach to unique chemical structure of foreign substance (antigen) to aid in neutralizing/destroying it
basophils and eosinophils
much less abundant
involved in allergic reactions
most abundant component of CT
amount of collagen= strength and fibrous nature of CT
events following injury
intensities depend on magnitude, duration and location of the injury
- necrosis: death of cells/tissues as result of endo/exogenous injury.
- Inflammation: vascular & cellular response to necrosis or sublethal cell injury. body’s mechanism of limiting spread of injury and removing necrotic debris
- Repair: body’s attempt to replace dead cells. doesn’t happen until necrosis ceases
degeneration=changes w/out necrosis
sublethal= can recover
“programmed cell death”
when not all cells generated are needed, rids the body of excess lymphocytes following injury
differs in appearance from necrosis
nuclear changes
pyknosis= condensation of the nucleus
karyorrhexis= fragmentation of the nucleus
karyolysis= lysis or fading of the nucleus
lack of oxygen
=reduced oxygen
most common cause of acute injury and necrosis
localized hypoxia resulting from poor BF
when severe leads to necrosis of the cells in the area
area of ischemic necrosis
most commonly caused by obstruction of arteries
artherosclerotic placques that obstruct coronary arteries and lead to myocardinal infarcts are responsible for high percent of deaths
immunologic mechanisms
important part of inflammatory reaction and also contribute to the damage produced by inflammation
less damaging than no resolve though!
autoimmune reaction
body reacting to own tissues >producing damaging diseases
RA, lupus
coagulation necrosis
caused by anoxia; coagulation process evolves slowly over days.
can recognize coagulation necrosis of an infarct by its pale, yellow color and solid but soft texture
size, location and shape depend on area supplied by blocked artery