Ch.3 Test Flashcards
why is original sin infinitely serious?
Original sin is infinitely serious because it offends God. God is infinitely perfect and sin is infinitely bad.
how does the incarnation pay our debt to God?
Incarnation pays our debt to God because since man brought sin into the world it must be man to atone for it. Only God could take away our sins because he is infinitely good and perfect.
what does Jesus’ hidden life teach us
Jesus’ hidden life teaches us to offer up daily activities as prayer to God. It also teaches us obedience to God, and our earthly parents.
Why is St. Joseph a just man?
St. Joseph was a just man because he was faithful to God’s will. St. Joseph always listened and followed God’s plan for him.
what is the relationship between faith and good works?
Faith is our trust in God and cannot be earned. Therefore our faith must live through good works of charity.
what does the finding in the temple teach us?
The finding in the temples teaches us Jesus’ vast knowledge of scripture despite being so young. It also foreshadows christ’s death and ressurection.
what does Mary’s virginity signify about God’s plan
Mary’s virginity signifies God’s initiative to the plan. Demonstrating God’s power and intention to fulfill divine purpose.
what is the significance of the shepherds at the Nativity?
Shepards are seen as outcasts yet Jesus still chose to announce Christ’s birth to them. The significance is that Jesus loves and cares for all of us regardless of our social statues.
what does the incarnation teach us about our dignity?
Through the incarnation Jesus shows us how to live out our human dignity. We ought to imitate Christ loving like he does.
what do the gifts of the Magi represent?
Gold- sign of Christ’s royalty
Frankincense- Christ’s divinty and priesthood
Myrrh- Christ’s priesthood and death
what does the devil try and do?
The devil tries to tempt us and ruin our relationship with God. The devil is defeated by Jesus’s death and resurrection.
what does Christ’s poverty teach us?
Christ’s poverty teaches us to detach ourselves from wordly things. In order to have a relationship with God we must be able to put him first.
why does Christ reflect the Father’s glory
Christ is the perfect manifestation of God dwelling among us. Christ is one with the ftaher, everything he does reflects the father.
How is John the Baptist a fulfillment of the prophecy
He recognized Christ while in the womb. John is also the “voice in the wilderness” that Isaiah said would come before the messiah
how is grace a gift?
It is the free and unmerited Gift of Gods love that heals and gives us divine life. It is given to us by the sacraments and helps us live a life of holiness
visit if archangel gabriel to the blessed virgin mary to inform her she would be the mother of Jesus
means “Gods with us”
latin for “let it be done”
Mary’s yes to Gods plan
Gods divine life freely given
First of 7 sacraments
when God become fully man
sanctifying grace
free and unmerited gift of God dispensed through the sacraments
willingness to abandon worldly tickets or otherwise seperate from the world for the sake of the kingdom of heaven
hidden life
period in life of Christ between his childhood and the beginning of his public ministry
divinely revealed truth whose very possibility cannot be rationally conceived before it is revealed and after revelation
being made right with God
ritual offering made to God by a priest on behalf of the people