Ch. 5 test Flashcards
paschal mystery
-christ’s work of redemption accomplished pricipally by his passion, death, ressurection, and ascension
-celebrated and made present in the liturgy of the church
agony in the garden
mental, moral, and physical agony Jesus suffered in the Garden of Gethsemane, where he was arrested while praying
ruling council of the temple in Jerusalem
seat of the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, in Jerusalem
hebrrw place of the skull, place where Jesus was crucified
the suffering of Jesus leading up to his death
method of execution, where the person is affixed to a cross
stations of the cross
a method if prayer that meditates on Jesus’s suffering and death
Jesus’s bodily rising from the dead on the third day
St. Mary Magdalene
the first witness to the resurrection
-40 days after his Resurrection, the entry of Christ’s humanity into divine glory
-Jesus returning to heaven at the end of his earthly ministry
Why is it important that Christ ascended into Heaven?
-to take our human nature into heaven
-to rain and glory at the right-hand of the father
What happened to Jesus after His death on the cross?
-he descended into hell
-he did it to raise the just who had died waiting for him to open the gates of Heaven
What is redemption?
-the act of Christ saving us and giving us a second chance
-happens by Christ’s passion, death, resurrection and ascension
Who is at fault for the death of Jesus?
-those who continue to sin
-especially those who know who Christ is and continue to deny him with their deeds
Why is the Paschal Mystery a sign of Christ’s love
-love is measured through sacrifice
-by sacrificing himself for us it shows his infinite love
How do we participate in Christ’s paschal mystery?
-through the sacraments
-going to church is a direct re-representation of his paschal mystery
What crime is Jesus accused of to be condemned?
-accused of blasphemy
-when asked if he was Christ, he answered with the divine name
What is significant about Christ’s glorified body?
-when he ascended, he returned to his normal body
-his glorified body was no longer bound by earthly limits nor affected by sickness or death
What does the Resurrection show about Christ’s divinity?
-only God has power over death
-Christ was true when claiming to be God
-God cannot be conquered
What does Jesus’s prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane show?
-shows the agony that Jesus suffered
-still surrendered to God’s will, despite his suffering
How do we know the Resurrection is a historical event?
-it actually happened in a certain time & place
-there were witnesses such as Mary Magdalene and the apostles who saw the risen Jesus
-St Paul also states that Christ appeared in his risen body to about 500 people
What is the liturgy?
-the liturgy is how the sacraments are celebrated
-also gives us grace
How does the Holy Spirit sanctify us?
-through sanctifying grace
-through the holy spirit working in the church, Christ carries on its mission in redemption
How is Mary a sign of our hope?
-because she assumes body and soul into heaven
-she anticipates our Resurrection at the end of time
Why did Christ institute the Church?
-to make redemption known to the world
-to make its fruits effective within us