Ch. 3 Flashcards
primacy of peter
the position of being first in rank or authority
On 50th day after Resurrection, Holy Spirit was manifested, given, and communicated to the apostles fulfilling the mission of the church
council of Jerusalem
Synod of the apostles 49 or 50 AD spoke with the authority of Christ in deciding that gentile converts to Christianity did not have to be circumcised according to the Law off Moses
ecumenical council
meaning ¨the whole inhabited world¨
a formal synod of bishops from the whole inhabited world convened to define doctrine, regulate christian life, or apply discipline in the church
a witness to the truth of the faith in which a christian endures suffering and even death for christ
individual who has died and been canonized by the catholic church meaning that the person is known to be in Heaven
eternal state of supreme and definitive happiness with God
specific gift or grace of the Holy Spirit that directly or indirectly benefits the church, given to help a person live out the christian life
sacred tradition
the church´s teachings that have been passed down through the ages through the successors of the apostles
vicar of christ
term used for the pope that emphasizes his role as a representative of Christ himself, from the Latin ¨vicarius¨ meaning ¨in the person of¨
How does Pentecost connect with the Exodus?
Exodus is the foundation of the nation of Israel. Pentecost is the foundation of the church.
How is our communion with Christ deepened?
Our communion with Christ is deepened with the Eucharist. Christ´s kingdom is present in the Eucharist, which we can see with eyes of faith.
What happened to St. Andrew?
His missionary activities took him to Seythia, Byzantium, Greece, and Patras. He was martyred by being crucified in an X shape in Patras.
How does St. Stephen´s death mirror Christ´s death?
St. Stephen was accused of blasphemy as he preached about Jesus. He was stoned to death and died forgiving his persecutors, just as Jesus did.
Who is St. Cornelius?
He was a roman centurion. He was baptized by St. Peter and was one of the first gentiles to convert.
How did the Romans view Christians?
Romans viewed Christians as scapegoats for issues in society. Romans began a policy of persecuting christians.
What image signifies St. Peter´s governing authority?
In Matthew 16, Jesus gives Peter the keys of the kingdom. Keys are a symbol of authority.
Why is St. Paul the apostles to the Gentiles?
St. Paul zealously persecuted Gentiles until his encounter with Christ led him to conversion. Known as the apostles of Gentiles because he began bringing the Gospel around the Roman Empire.
What happened to St. John?
He was given Mary to take care of. He wrote the Gospel, Revelation, and Letter of St. John. Unable to kill him, he was sent to die in exile on Patmos.
What is the first instance of Apostolic Succession?
The apostles need to fill spot left open by Judas. St Peter acts in his authority to pick St. Matthias.
What is significant about the council of Jerusalem?
St. Peter and apostles decided on the controversy of not requiring Gentiles to follow the mosaic covenant. The apostles recognized Christ´s call to go out to all nations by baptizing Gentiles.
What is significant about St. Philip baptizing a man from Ethiopia?
Ethiopia is the farthest region known to the Romans. It symbolizes the apostles going to the ends of the Earth to spread the gospel.
Why are the martyrs the seed of the church?
Martyrs are witnesses to Christ by giving up their lives. They are the seed of the church because the Church grows through the example and sacrifice of the martyr.
What mission is the whole church called to?
We are called to the church´s apostolic mission of spreading the gospel. This mission is strengthened by our deeper communion with Christ in the Eucharist.
How does the Holy Spirit still work in the church?
The Holy Spirit works in each sacrament to give growth and healing to church members. The Holy Spirit assists the pope and the bishops in their role of leading the church.