Ch. 2 Flashcards
meaning “one who is sent”
Jesus selected 12 apostles to be his inner circle of companions and to carry out his mission after his Ascension
brief narrative of allegory used to illustrate and explain moral or spiritual principles
meaning “universal”
in early church term referred to the fact that the gospel of Christ was for the entire world, today it is the name for the universal church established by Christ
kingdom of heaven
name of church used frequently by Jesus, it highlights the relationship between the Davidic covenant and the church
real presence-
term used to describe Eucharist, in which Jesus is really and fully present- Body, Blood, Soul & Divinty under the species of bread and wine, which have been consecrated to become his Body and Blood
mystical body of christ
faithful people of God, who in a supernatural way become one body, with Christ as the head
Bride of Christ
name of church derived from the writing of St. Paul, it highlights purity and holiness that Christ has bestowed upon the church
a name used for God the father and invites us to use in our prayer as well, translates similarly to “daddy”
family of God
a name of the church derived from the teachings of Christ, it highlights the intimate communion that the Father offers to man in the person of Jesus Christ
Pilgrim Church
a name used to describe the church on earth who is still on its “journey” to Heaven
How does St. paul use the image of marriage?
Saint Paul uses the image of marriage to explain the relationship between God and the church. Marriage is the symbol of the relation between God and man which is restored in the church. Jesus is the bride groom and the church, his bride.
what are some familial qualities of the church?
some familial qualities of the church are that we gather in a house, the church, and gather the table for a meal, the Eucharist. we are also called my name, share a mother, and follow the rules of the church.
what does the parable of the weeds and the wheat explained about the church?
in the parable about the weeds and the wheat, wheat represents God and weed represents evil. It explains to us that in the church, there will always be evil in the kingdom of earth until the end of time.
how does Christ fulfill the promise to David?
David is promised an air that will reign forever. Jesus fulfills this promised by establishing the church as his kingdom on earth, reigning forever.
What experience of Saint Paul led to a deeper understanding of the church as the body of Christ?
his conversion, where Jesus identifies with the church
what does the church being the body of Christ say about our role in the church?
in the church, Christ is the head and we are the parts. Each of us have a different part of the work in the church.
why does Jesus share his authority?
Jesus shares his authority with the apostles. The apostles are given us share to help Jesus in his public ministry.
what Old Testament figure do the details of Christ infancy show he’s connected to?
The details of Christ’s infancy show that he is connected to David. It shows Jesus is the promised Messiah, who will reestablish the kingdom. He was born in Bethlehem just as it was the city of David.
what does the parable of leaven say about the church?
we must sanctify the world within. Through people working in the church, we help spread the gospel within.
how is Christ still present in the church?
Christ is still present in the Eucharist by instituting the Eucharist Christ is able to be present in a real way in the church. In the church, we celebrate the communion between God and man.
how Is The Church The New Temple?
The church is the new temple because Christ gives us his body as the new temple. The eucharist resides in the church where we gather to worship.
From where is the church born?
The church is born from the side of Christ. This is a reestablishment of of how Eve is born from the side of Adam.
how is the church of the people of God?
The church is the people God, because we are on a pilgrimage towards Heaven. This represents Jesus as God’s chosen people wandered in the desert towards the promised land
What kind of relationship with the father is Jesus calling us to?
Jesus calls us to be a sons and daughters. Jesus reveals the father‘s love in a deeply personal way, We can turn to him as a father.
how does Christ and the church fulfill the promise of Abraham?
Christ and the church fulfill the promise of Abraham through the blessing of all nations. In the church all nations are blessed.