ch17: infant (birth-12months) Flashcards
what stage of erikson’s psychosocial dev is the infant in?
trust vs mistrust
what stage of piaget’s cognitive dev is the infant in? explain big ideas in this stage
sensorimotor period
- reflexes, stimulation: rooting, sucking
achievements at 1 month
head lag, lift head when prone, tonic neck + Moro reflex
how much should 1month old be eating
4 oz q4hrs
achievements at 2 months
- what is important to start at this age?
- skull structure
closed posterior fontanel
listens actively to sounds
closed posterior fontanel
follow moving objects with eyes
achievements at 3 months
stares at own hand
longer periods being awake
can hold head erect
achievements at 4 months
- what movement begins here
recognize familiar objects
roll from side/back vice versa
reaching out
hand eye coordination begins
achievements at 5 months
- what important speech ability is gained here
smiles at mirror
tooth eruption
can discriminate fam from strangers
achievements at 6 months
- should _____ weight here
sits in high chair
imitates sounds “mama, dada”
likes and dislikes
t/f: new foods should be introduced one at a time
achievements at 7 months
can bear weight when standing
sits while leaning forward on hands
fear of strangers, separation anxiety
achievements at 8 months
- what important movements are gained here
feeds self with finger foods
respond to “no”
clapping hands, crawling, pulling up
what age should the parents start baby proofing the house
8 months
achievements at 9 months
- what happens when baby is not as active by this age?
creeps and crawls
drink from cup with assist
can stand by themself
- not as active = possible developmental problem
achievements at 10 months
looks and follows pics in book
attention to own name
picks up objects, sit up, improved motor skills
achievements at 11 months
- what important communications skills are gained here
try to walk without assistance, try to take steps
holding objects
points to what they want
can wave bye bye
achievements at 12 months
_____ the birth weight
height should ______
- head circumference vs chest
TRIPLED birth weight
height should DOUBLE from birth length
head circumference should equal chest
recover balance
walk alone or while holding hand
achievements at 15 months
- word ability?
3-10 word ability
drinks from cup by themselves
can squat to pick stuff up
indicate what they want by pulling, grunting, pouting, pointing
achievements at 18-24 months
- skull structure>
closed anterior fontanel
can run and carry several things
more motor skills
eat with spoon, cup, fork; with fewer spills
months where vaccines are mostly likely given
2, 4, 6, 12, 15
infant health perception-health mgmt
mostly thru parents
recognize infant susceptibility
infant nutritional metabolic
- protein caution
- supplementation if breastfed
- how long is breastfeeding rec
- when intro solid foods
protein can’t exceed 20%, kidney not mature
vit D supplement if breastfed
breastfeeding preferred for first 6mos
intro solid foods at 4-6mos
why are solid foods intro at 4-6 months
6 months = lower risk of food allergies
infant elimination
- breastfed vs bottlefed stool
- when toilet train
breastfed stool = softer, clean smell
bottlefed stool = harder, smaller
toilet train at 18months
infant activity/exercise
thru play, stimulation , tummy time
what is tummy time
time spent with baby on stomach to prevent flattening of head from supine position
infant sleep/rest
- what syndrome should be considered
quiet room sep from parents
- sudden infant death syndrome (SIDs)
risk factors of sudden infant death syndrome
prone sleeping, tobacco exposure, hyperthermia, bed sharing, lack of breastfeeding
how to prevent SIDs
sleep in supine position, have pacifier
infant self perception-self concept
4-5months - differentiate from mirror
- dev from feedback of the parents
infant roles/relationships
- issues that can arise
attachment and bonding to parents
- issues: child abuse, failure to thrive, behavioral probs
infant sexuality/repro
sexual ID at birth, infant characteristics
infant coping/stress tolerance
- two types of crisis an infant may experience
developmental crisis: learning new skills
situational crisis: protest, despair, withdrawal
infant values-beliefs
influenced by parent (modeling, attitudes, approaches)
what screening tool is used from birth-6yrs and what 4 factors does it analyze
- what months is it screened
denver developmental screening test ii
- personal-social, fine motor-adaptive, language, gross motor
screened @ 3-4mos, 10mos, 3yrs
what do growth charts look at
normal development/growth using height, weight, head circumference
basic needs of infant
food, sleep, love
no child younger than 6mos should receive the ______ vaccine
infants should be _____lbs for rear facing car sets
infants should be _____lbs for shield type car seats
male circumcision can reduce what type of STD
HIV infection
role of the nurse with infants
assess fam situation
ID resources, advocacy, health planning
well-child visits
guide parents