Ch.13, Single-Case Designs, Quasi-Experiments Flashcards
True Experimrnt:
manipulate and control independent variables, random assignment, and include control group
researcher does not use randomization to conditions but some other method, has multiple groups
What type of variables do quasi and correlational research use?
after the fact groups; groups that have already been formed; may allow us to study variables that would otherwise raise ethical concerns
One Group/Post-Test Only Design
Simplest form of quasi-experimental design
Measures behaviors after an event has occurred when there is no opportunity to run a pre-test (like following a war)
One-Group Pretest/AND Post-test Design
Researcher has the ability to measure behavior prior to the occurrence of an event or treatment and to examine the same behavior afterwards
Non-Equivalent Control Group/Post-Test Only
Two research groups: one with an event and one without
No pretesting
Pre-Test/Post Test, Non Equivalent Control Group
Both groups will be measured before an event occurs and only one group will be exposed to the event
Cannot manipulate who was involved in the event: still quasi experiment
Cohort Design
None of the participants have a feature or experience of interest at the beginning of our measure
Birth Era: any group that enters a system at a given point in time
Retrospective cohort studies can help us understand rare or unsual events
Case-Control Design
Researchers first take note of a behavior and then they measure potential causes for the behavior
Behavior observed first —measurement of variables that may correl;ate with the behavior is documented retrospectively
Time-Series Quasi-Experimental Design
nvolves repeated measures over time
Interrupted Time Series Design:
one group design, in which the interruption is a treatment and time series refers to the period before and after the treatment; useful when we cannot manipulate behavior
Multiple-Time Series Design:
Combines aspects of non-equivalent control group design and the times series design; extends number of measures, more than one group, each group is evaluated on a dependent measure multiple times before and after an intervention; comparison made between expeirmental and control groups
Threats to Internal Validity in Quasi-Experiments
History may impact internal validity: events unrelated to our intervention that may change the research outcome
Maturation may impact internal validity: normal developmental processes may interfere with study
Testing may impact internal validity: testing behavior may change the behavior
Instrumental decay: instrument change or decay over time
Participant attrition: participants drop out if study is too long
Regression To the Mean: statistical principle that says when you retake a measure, you are more likely to move toward the mean than away from the mean
Self-Selection to groups: participants who self-select can be different in many important ways
Program Evaluation:
uses the methods of science to determine the effectiveness of a program (must be highly operationalized,
Single Case Designs
Can be a case study or single case experiment
Case Study: idiographic, in depth investigation of a single case of interest, no multipe groups
^However, if we manipulate a variable then it is called a single case experiment
How single case designs reduce error variance?
REDUCES Error Variance: part of the variability in scores that is produced by individual differences, not the independent variable
Reversal Designs
ake an initial baseline of a targeted behvaior, use a treatment to improve the behavior, then reverse or remove the treatment to allow the behavior to go back to the original level of the targeted behavior, and then reinstate the treatment (behavior should improve and then return to the baseline)
Advantages: observe everyday behavior, brief process, clear process for collection and analysis, participants serve as their own control, replicate treatment effects within a single study
Disadvantages: no control condition to determine whether the observation of behavior is altering it
Multiple Baseline Designs
Determines whether the findings from the reversal design would occur without any treatment simply because of the passage of time
Observing behavioral changes over time, but stagger the times at which the intervention takes place for each of several participants
Advantages: assess the possibility that time being observed can confound our results
Testing threat in quasi experiment problems with internal validity
Testing Threat: same thing as practice effect; talked about in relation to longitudinal design
Ceiling Effect:
where your group is already high on a particular score before event even occurs and you don’t know that because there hasn’t been a pretest (high on social anxiety before pandemic even happened)
What does “factorial” imply?