Ch.10, Repeated Measures Flashcards
Between-Subjects design
xevery participant experiences only one condition, and you compare group differences between participants in various conditions
Pretest-intervention-posttest design:
weigh in participants before the program and weigh them after they participated in the program
Repeated Measures Design
Measure a dependent variable more than once in the same participant
Within-Subjects design:
participants engage in the control as well as the experimental condition
Advantages of repeated measures
need fewer participants for repeated measures design, more power; meaning that with similar effect sizes you are more likely to reject the null hypothesis and find statistical significance than you are in a between subjects design, ability to detect the effect increases with less variation in responses (since it is the same people being measured rather than adding in more people), measure change across time
not always possible to use repeated measures time wise, must follow the order effect (effect that occurs on the dependent variable because of the order of the levels of the independent variable/example, once participants undergo surgery we can’t go back and measure them how they were before)
Order Effects
Occur when exposure to one level of the independent variable (one condition) influences the next level of the independent variable
Practice Effects:
the more people do something, the better they become at it; participants may change answers after doing the response once or they get better at a task bc they’ve done it before
Fatigue Effect:
participants become bored and tired with time, decreasing effort and performance
Carryover Effect:
observed when the effects of a preceding condition spill over onto the following condition; getting participants to drink 16 oz of coffee every hour=isn’t accurate because that would buildup in their system
Sensitization Effects:
after experiencing one condition of the independent variable, participants may react differently to the other conditions (seeing interviewees, reaction to the average one after seeing multiple good ones will likely be different)
Expose participants to the conditions in different orders; we cannot totally eliminate order effects, but we can balance them across different conditions to which participants are exposed
Within-Subjects Counterbalancing:
each participant receives all of the condition orders in the experiment
Across Subjects Counterbalancing:
each participant receives a subset of the condition orders used in the experiment
Washout Period:
time gap in between trials so carryover effects are reduced
Latin Square
technique that uses a formula to ensure each condition appears in each position at least once; meaning that each condition precedes and follows every other condition once
Differential Transfer
A situation in which an ordering produces a reaction to the dependent variable for that ordering only
^Counterbalancing cannot help this; better to choose a between subjects design instead
If * a washout period is too long you may deal with attrition: loss of participants from the study because they are no longer interested
Matched Groups Design
Same participants don’t go through all of the conditions, but each one of many pairs of participants (matched according some measure that is relevant to the dependent measure) goes through a different condition
Advantages of Matched Groups Design
Advantages: same as the repeated measures design and between-subjects designs (less variability among conditions which is a benefit of the repeated measures design, avoids order effects since each participant goes through only level of the independent variable, which is a benefit of the between subjects design)