CH11 Social Structure and demographics Flashcards
Social Theories:
- Functionalism (manifest, and latent functions)
- Conflict theory
- Symbolic Interactionism
- Social Contructionism
Social Theories:
- Functionalism: Study of structure and function of society. parts and systems most work together. manifest function is any action intended to help some part of a system. Latent function: unintended + effect on system
- Conflict theory: How power roles contribute and maintein social order. i.e in healthcare who has the power
- Symbolic Interactionism: how we interact from symbols i.e words, gestures, behaviors i.e thumbs up
- Social Contructionism: how we put together the social reality, how we define concepts and what things are i.e definition of honor and justice, or money
Rational choice theory and exchange theory
Rational Choice: decision making pros and cons
Exchange theory: We change our behavior to anticipate a reward or avoid a punishment
Material vs symbolic culture
Material Culture: association from artifact (objects)
Symbolic Culture: Association from ideas
- Age (Ageism)
- Gender (difference with sex)
- Race and ethnicity
- Sexual orientation
- Immigration status
- Age: 20% of population will be 65 and older by 2030 (baby boomers). Ageism: prejudice or discrimination based on person’s age
- Gender: behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits. Sex=(XY, XX)
- Race and ethnicity: Race: based on phenotypic differences. Ethnicity: baed on cultrualfactors (language, nationality, religion)
- Sexual orientation:
- Immigration status
Birth, Mortality, and migration rate
Immigration vs Emigration (pull and push factors)
Birth rate: children per 1000 people per year
Mortality rate: deats per 1000 people per year
Migration rate: immigration rate - emigration rate
Immigration: people move to a new location
Emigration: people move away from a location
Pull: Postive factors
Push: negative factors
Demographic transition stages (1-4)
Malthusian theory?
- preindustrial society; birth and death rates are both hight
- improvements in healthcare, nutrion, saitation, and wage cause death rates to drop
- improvement in contraception, women’s rights, and shift to an industrial economy cause birth rates to drop. Children have education = dependency from parent = less children wanted
- Industrialized society, birth and death rates are both low
Malthusian theory: when population growth outpaces food supply and resources = social degradation and disorder
Four tenets of medical ethics:
- Beneficence
- Nonmaleficence
- Respect for patient autonomy
- Justice
- Beneficence: Act in patients best interest
- Nonmaleficence: do no harm: avoid treatments in which harm outweighs the benefit
- Respect for patient autonomy
- Justice: same treatment for all and fairly
The Kinsey Scale question