Ch. 9 Personality Flashcards
feared selves
religiosity y spiritual support
gender-role identity
dispositional trait**
aspects of a personality consistent across different contexts that can be compared across a group along a continuum
personal concerns
things that are important to people, their goals, and their major concerns in life
life narrative**
aspects of the personality pulling everything juntos, those integrative aspects that give a person an identity or sense of self
(ie) creating your own identity
state processes**
a component of personality that acts w/ dispositional traits to create transient, short-term changes in emotion, mood, hunger, anxiety, etc.
cognitive process**
a component of personality that acts jointly w/ life narratives to create natural interaction that occurs btwn a storyteller y listener
- processes central in organizing life stories
any distinguishable, relatively enduring way that one individual differs from others
trait theories**
theories of personality that assume little change occurs across adulthood
five-factor model
(Costa & McCrae) a model of dispositional traits w/ the dimensions of neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness-antagonism y conscientiousness-undirectedness
personality adjustment
refers to developmental changes in terms of their adaptive value y functionality
- FFM criticism
(ie) fcn effectively w/in society
(ie) how personality contributes to everyday life running smoothly
personality growth
refers to ideal end states
- FFM criticism
(ie) increased self-transcendence
(ie) wisdom
(ie) integrity
Jung’s Theory
each aspect of a person’s personality must be in balance w/ all the others
- each part of personality = expressed in some way
(ie) healthy = balance btwn archetypes
young adulthood
intimacy vs. isolation
Erikson stage of psychosocial development
- partners in friendship, sex competition, cooperation
- strength: LOVE
generatively vs. stagnation
Erikson stage of psychosocial development
- divided labor y shared household
- strength: CARE
old age
integrity vs. despair
Erikson stage of psychosocial development
- humankind, “my kind”
- strength: WISDOM
epigenetic principle**
(Erikson) the notion that each psychosocial strength/stage has its own special time of ascendancy or period of particular importance
- they build up on one another
midlife crisis
reevaluating one’s roles y dreams and making the necessary corrections
- behavioral changes may occur
life-span construct**
person’s unified sense of the past, present y future
the organized, coherent, integrated patterns of self-perceptions
(ie) notions of self-esteem y self-image
subjective well-being**
evaluation of one’s life associated w/ (+) feelings
- assessed by measures of life satisfaction, happiness y self-esteem
possible selves
represent what we could become, what we would like to become, and what we are afraid of becoming
- often reflects personal goals
(ie) I want to be an actress.
spiritual support
seeking pastoral care, participate in organized y nonorganized religious activities, and express faith in a God who cares for people