Ch. 12 Work, Leisure y Retirement Flashcards
meaning-mission fit
concept explaining how corporate executives w/ a better alignment btwn their personal intentions y their firm’s mission care more about their employees’ happiness, job satisfaction y emotional well-being
career construction theory
theory that people build careers through their own actions that result from the interface of their own personal characteristics y the social context
social cognitive career theory (SCCT)
theory that proposes career choice is a result of the application of Bandura’s social cognitive theory, esp. the concept of self-efficacy
reality shock
a situation that what you learn in the classroom does not always transfer directly into the “real world” and does not represent all you need to know
(developmental coach)
part teacher, sponsor, model y counselor who facilitates on-the-job learning to help the new hire do the work required in his or her present role y to prepare for future roles
job satisfaction
the positive feeling that results from an appraisal of one’s work
when workers feel what they are doing is meaningless y their efforts are devalued, or when they do not see the connection btwn what they do y the final product
a depletion of a person’s energy y motivation, the loss of occupational idealism y the feeling that one is being exploited
a strong inclination toward an activity individuals like/love, they value y where they invest time and energy
gender discrimination
denying a job to someone solely on the basis of whether the person is a man or a woman
glass ceiling
the level women may rise w/in an organization but beyond which they may not go
glass cliff
a situation in which a woman’s leadership position in an organization is precarious/uncertain
age discrimination
a structural barrier to occupational development that involves denying a job or promotion to someone solely on the basis of age
career plateauing
a lack of challenge in one’s job or promotional opportunity in the organization or when a person decides not to seek advancement
backup care
emergency care for dependent children or adults so the employee does not need to lose a day of work
work-family conflict
the feeling of being pulled in multiple directions by incompatible demands from one’s job y one’s family
discretionary activity that includes simple relaxation, activities for enjoyment y creative pursuits