Ch. 9 Effects of CPB Flashcards
- most common serious injury on CPB
- prone to injury from blood inflammatory responses to contact activation (C3a, C5a)= activate WBC
Pump Lung
congested lungs with intra alveolar edema, interstitial edema, atelectasis= acute respiratory failure
collapse lung
-left lung is more prone- harder to drain
found in retroperitoneal
-filters blood
glomerular filtration rate= rate of passage of water, electrolytes, small mo
=35 ml/min/m2
Indicator for renal function
creatinine= normal 1 mg/100 ml
Complement System
- proteins bind to antibodies against infections/foreign
=Circuit activates C3a, C5a= neutrophil migrations
=Circuit activates arachidonic acid= increase vascular permeability
-anaphylatoxins= increase vascular perm, edema, smooth muscle
-chemotatic factors= WBC migration, inflammation, ROS
Endocrine System
duckless glands that secrete hormones into blood
-adrenal, thyroid, parathyroid, pituitary, pancreas, gonads, pineal, thymus
Adrenal gland
medulla= epi/norepi= increae BP with vasoconstricion
T3/T4= increase contractility, CO, HR, regulate beta, temp, metabolic
- stimulated by thyroid hormone
T3 reduced on CPB= given if can’t wean
T3= half life 2 days
T4= half life 7 days
Pituitary and hypothalamus
vasopressin (ADH)= antiduretic - increase BP
-decrease with decrease temp= increase glucose in blood
largest organ- 27% of CO
- normal if 2.2 index
- jaundice if liver injury= high bilirubin