Ch. 12 Special Cases Flashcards
Debakey Classification of Thoracic Aortic Dissections
Type 1) from asc aorta to desc aorta
Type 2) only asc aorta
Type 3) only desc aorta (after L subclavian)
Retrograde Cerebral Perfusion
flow < 500, SVC <25 mmHg
Gott Shunt
directs from around XC to lower body during TAAA
Left Heart Bypass
cannulate LA appendage, some BF directed to lower body
- heparin 100 units/kg= ACT 200
- BP 6- distal, 75% full flow
anterior spinal artery syndrome
if vessels to spine occluded for too long
Circ Arrest Drugs
-give bicarb, insulin, pentothal, florane
Cooling Temps
Mild 32-37 C
Mod 28-31
Deep 18-28
Profound <18
Circ Arrest Temps vs Time
32 C = < 10 min circ arrest 28 C = 10-15 min 18 C = 15-45 min <18 C = 45- 60 min *** rewarm with 8 C gradient
Signs for Pulmonary Embolectomy
aO2<60, systolic BP<90, urine < 20 cc/hour
Pregnancy- safest trimester?
- *2nd is safest
- fist- hypoxia, drugs
- third- labor, high uterus BF
Pregnancy Parameters: HR, CBV, CI, BP, HCT, CO
HR: 80-90 CBV: 90-100 ml/kg CI: 3-3.2 L/min/m2 BP: >65 HCT: 22-25% CO: incase 30-50% (20% to uterus)
Heparin vs Coumadin for prego
heparin is ok= does not cross placenta
coumadin is NOT ok= crosses placenta (so don’t use mechanical valve that will need coumadin)
Prego lay on left or right side?
lay on left side so not do stop vena cava drainage
Cool or Don’t cool with prego bypass?
Don’t cool, it would lower fetal HR, and rewarming causes contractions
-want fetal 60 mmHg
Which drugs to use for Hypertension and Hypotension
Treat hypotension= epinephrine (beta stimulator, no change in uterine flow)
-NOT neo/levarternol (alpha which changes uterine flow)
Treat hypertension= hydralazine (no uterine flow change)
-NOT nitroprusside (cyanide toxicity)
What CPG to use with prego
Retrograde= use root vent to remove into waste bag so the CPG does not go into circulation to hurt fetus
= low respiration, low pulse
- correct with 4 C gradient per hour** start with same temperature as patient
- heparin fully! put half in prime incase not full circulation
- hemoconcentrate cuz renal failure
- correct acidosis
- lung injury
- cannulate fem-fem
- cardioconversion if a-fib once at 32C
Jehovah’s Witness
no blood products= ultrafiltration, auto transfusion
- start with low prime volume,, coninous loop
- use hespan/dextran (no albumin) as volume expanders