Ch 9 Early Hominins Flashcards
Becoming increasingly arid or dry as related to the climate of the environment
Aridity hypothesis
The hypothesis that long-term aridification and expansion of Savannah biomes were drivers in diversification in early hominid evolution
A collection demonstrating a pattern often pertaining to a site or region
The locomotor ability to walk on two legs
Hard calcerous, sedimentary rock
Species that are said to evolve into another species in a linear fashion overtime
A group of species or taxa with shared common ancestors
The field of grouping organisms into those was shared ancestry
As pertaining to Paleo anthropology this term or first the place were an artifact or fossil is found
The Remains of a rock that has been flaked or knapped
Derived traits
Newly of all traits that differ from those scene in the ancestor
Early Stone Age
The earliest described archaeological. In which we start seeing stone tool technology.
East African rift system
This term is often used to refer to a rift valley, expanding from Malawi to Ethiopia. This active geological structure is responsible for much of the visibility of the Paleo anthropological record in east Africa.
Expansion of the brain
Currently living not extinct
Fallback foods
Foods that may not be preferred by an animal, but that are essential for survival and times of stress or scarcity
The animals of a particular region habitat or geological period
Faunal assemblages
Collections of fossils of the animals found at a site
Faunal turnover
The rate at which species go extinct for our replaced with new species
The piece knocked off a stone core during the manufacturer of a tool, which may be used as a stone tool
Foliage eating
Forenum Magnum
The large hole at the base of the cranium through which the spinal cord enters the school
Forenum Magnum
The large hole at the base of the cranium through which the spinal cord enters the skull
The remains for impression of an organism from the past
Fruit eating
A species that can thrive in a wide variety of habitats and can have a veried diet
Colder dryer. During an Ice Age when there is more ice, trapped at the polls.
Slender, less rugged or pronounced features
The big toe
A single specimen from which species or taxon is described or named
L a private category that includes humans and our fossils relatives since our divergence from extant great apes
Honing P3
Sam and Deb Euler pre-molar alongside the canine which is angled to give space for and sharpen the upper canines
Even more of us than considered normal in the parenthropous gene
A sample from which researchers extrapolate features of a population
Period of milder climate in between two glacial periods
Two or more forms of the same element that contain equal numbers of protons but different numbers of neutrons, giving them the same chemical properties, but different atomic masses
Last common ancestor LCA
The hypothetical final ancestor or ancestral population of two or more tax before their divergence
Relating to stone
Lumbar lordosis
The N-word, curving of the lower lumbar parts of the spine, the lower curve in the human S-shaped spine
Researchers who preferred to lump variable specimens into a single species or taxon, and feel high levels of variation is biologically real
An organism with extremely large dentition compared with body size
The long bones of the hand that connect to the phalanges
Attacks on a group of tax descended from a common ancestor that is not shared with another tax on or group
The study of the size or form and shape of things in this case skeletal parts
Mosaic evolution
The concept of evolutionary changes do not occur, homogenously throughout the body and organisms
Obligate bipedalism
Where the primary form of locomotion for an organism is bipedal
Lower Paleolithic, the earliest stone to culture
The face below the eyes is relatively flat and does not jut out anteriorly
Paleo anthropologist
Researchers that study human evolution
Paleo environment
And Environment from a period and earths geological past
 the study of evolutionary relationships between groups of organisms
 the study of evolutionary relationships between groups of organisms
A geological epoch between the Miocene and pleistocene
In reference to taxonomy having two or more group variance capable of interacting and breeding biologically, but having morphological population differences
 refers to the incisor, tilting forward
Quaternary Ice Age
Most recent geological time period which includes the place dosing and Holocene epochs, and which is defined by the cycle of increasing and decreasing ice sheets at the poles.
Relative dating
Dating techniques that referred to a temporal sequence and do not estimate actual or absolute dates
Specialist species can thrive only in a narrow range of environmental conditions or has a limited diet
Researchers who prefer to split a highly variable tax on into multiple groups of species
Plural of tax on a taxonomic group such a species, genius or family
The science of grouping and classifying organisms
Techno complex
A term encompassing multiple assemblages that share similar traits in terms of artifact production and morphology
Maintaining body temperature through physiologically cooling or warming the body
Hoof, mammals, cows, and Koodo
Volcanic tufts
Rock made from ash from volcanic eruptions in the past
Volcanic tufts
Rock made from ash from volcanic eruptions in the past
Valgus knee
The angle of the knee between the femur and tibia which allows for weight distribution to be angled closer to the point above the center of gravity in bipeds