Ch 10 Early Members Of The Genus Homo Flashcards
One of the earliest groups of euprimates from the early Eocene era.
One of the earliest groups of euprimates from the early Eocene era.
Adaptive Radiations
Rapid diversification of single lineages into many species which may present unique morphological features in response to different ecological settings.
Ancestral traits
Features that were inherited from a common ancestor and which remain unchanged.
Group containing monkeys and apes including humans.
Auditory bulla
The rounded bony floor of the middle ear cavity.
Cusps of molars form ridges (or lophs) separated from each other by valleys
Primates with origins in Africa and Asia- monkeys, apes, and humans
Auditory bulla 
The rounded bony floor of the middle ear cavity
Group containing all of the descendants of a single ancestor, a portion of bog, genetic tree represented as a bifurcation in a lineage of all the branches leading forward in time from that bifurcation
Convergent evolution
The independent evolution of a morphological feature in animals not closely related
Smallest clade containing a specified set of extent tax and all descendants of their last common ancestor
Diffuse co-evolution
The ecological interaction between whole groups of species with whole groups of other species
Bony ringer tube that holds the tympanic membrane
Primates, true primates, or primates of modern aspect
Group containing cattarhines, platyrrhines, and tarsiers
Modern humans and any extinct relatives more closely related to us than chimpanzees
Mandibular synthesis
Fibrocartilaginous joint between the left and right mandibular segments located in the middle of the body
Primates from the super family of Omomyoidea, one of the earliest groups of euprimates
Petrosal bone
The portion of the temporal bone that houses the inner ear apparatus
Dental condition, where at least one of the lower cheek teeth is a laterally compressed blade
Primate anthropoidea infraorder platyrrhines a group containing monkeys found in the Americas
Are cake, primates or primate like placenta mammals early Paleocene late Eocene era
Having features that are shared by different groups which arose from a common ancestor
Taxa that are basal to a given crown group but are more closely related to the Crown group, then to the closest living sister taxon of the crown group
A primate group containing lemurs lorises and Galagos it does not include tarsiers 
A dental condition found in modern strepsirrhines in which the lower incisors and canines are laterally compressed and protrude forward at a nearly horizontal inclination. The structure is used in grooming.