Ch 8 Test: Respondent Conditioning Flashcards
In behavior modification, operant conditioning involves the manipulation of ____________ and respondent conditioning involves the manipulation of ____________.
antecedent stimuli
Responses that are elicited by antecedent stimuli without any conditioning or learning taking place are referred to as ____________ responses.
Which of the following is NOT an example of an unconditioned response?
a) an eye blink in response to a puff of air in the eye
b) pupil constriction due to bright light in the eye
c) salivation in response to food in the mouth
d) salivation in response to the sound of a dinner bell
Which of the following is NOT an example of a conditioned response?
a) a positive emotional response when a man smells his girlfriend’s perfume
b) startle response in response to the sight of a gun
c) fear response (autonomic arousal) when walking down a dark street
d) startle response in response to loud noise
Stimulation that is painful to the body is as example of a(n) ____________ stimulus.
If a neutral stimulus comes to elicit a response similar to the unconditioned response as a result of being paired with an unconditioned stimulus, ____________ conditioning has occurred.
Another name for respondent conditioning is
classical conditioning
A response elicited by the conditioned stimulus is referred to as a(n) ____________ response.
A previously neutral stimulus that is able to elicit a response similar to the unconditioned response as a result of being paired with an unconditioned stimulus is called a ____________ stimulus.
When a neutral stimulus is paired with a CS, the neutral stimulus will become a CS and elicit a CR. This process is called.
higher-order conditioning
The behavior that is elicited by the presence of an unconditioned or conditioned stimulus is referred to as __________ behavior.
What will happen if the CS is presented many times in the absence of the US?
the CS will no longer elicit the CR
In behavior modification, who was the first person to demonstrate the process of respondent conditioning?
Which of the possible temporal relationships between the neutral stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus is least likely to be effective?
backward conditioning
Which type of conditioning is it if the unconditioned stimulus is presented before the neutral stimulus ends?
In which temporal relationship between the unconditioned stimulus and the neutral stimulus is the unconditioned stimulus presented after the neutral stimulus ends?
trace conditioning
When the neutral stimulus and unconditioned stimulus are presented at the same time it is called ____________ conditioning.
If the unconditioned stimulus is presented before the neutral stimulus it is referred to as ____________ conditioning.
Which type(s) of respondent conditioning is(are) generally most effective?
a) trace
b) delay
c) simultaneous
d) A and B
When a neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus due to pairing with an already established conditioned stimulus, it is called ____________ conditioning.
Which of the following is an example of a conditioned emotional response?
a) fear
b) anger
c) happiness
d) all of these
As a result of being paired with a loud noise, a flashing light has come to elicit a startle reflex. When the flashing light is repeatedly presented without the loud noise, the startle reflex eventually stops occurring. This process in which a conditioned stimulus is no longer able to elicit a conditioned response is referred to as:
respondent extinction
Following extinction, a conditioned stimulus is presented and the conditioned response occurs. This process is referred to as:
spontaneous recovery
Which of the following can develop through the process of respondent conditioning?
a) generalization
b) discrimination
c) A and B
d) none of these
Which of the following factors does NOT influence the strength of respondent conditioning?
a) temporal relationship between the NS and US
b) contingency between the NS and US
c) number of pairings of the NS and US
d) formal relationship between the NS and US
The ____________ pairing of the conditioned stimulus and unconditioned stimulus has the single strongest effect on respondent conditioning.
Spontaneous recovery occurs when
a CS elicits a CR in the future after respondent extinction had taken place
In order for respondent conditioning to be most effective, the neutral stimulus should occur ____________ the unconditioned stimulus occurs.
In ____________ conditioning, a response is elicited by an antecedent stimulus, and conditioning involves the pairing of two stimuli.
In ____________ conditioning a response is emitted, and conditioning involves a contingency between the response and the consequence.
An unconditioned stimulus elicits a(n)
UR; unconditioned response
Respondent conditioning occurs when a(n) _____ is paired with a(n) _____.
neutral stimulus; US, unconditioned stimulus
As a result respondent conditioning, the _____ becomes a conditioned stimulus and elicits a(n) _____.
neutral stimulus; CR, conditioned response
When a neutral stimulus (NS) is paired with an already established CS and the NS becomes a CS, this is called
higher-order conditioning
When Pavlov presented the sound of the metronome repeatedly without putting the meat powder in the dog’s mouth, the dog quit salivating to the metronome. What is this process?
respondent extinction
After respondent extinction occurred in which the dog no longer salivated to the sound of the metronome, later Pavlov presented the metronome and the dog began to salivate (to a lesser extent). This is called
spontaneous recovery
For respondent conditioning to be most effective, the US should _____________ (precede / follow) the CS.
Respondent conditioning is not likely to occur when the CS ______________ (precedes / follows) the US.
_______________ is an example of a conditioned emotional response.
Fear; Anger; Happiness; Love
T / F
Unconditioned responses have survival value for the individual
T / F
Ideally, the US should occur immediately before the onset of the CS.
T / F Backward conditioning is most likely to result in respondent conditioning.
T / F During spontaneous recovery, the magnitude of the CR is usually smaller than the magnitude of the CR that occurred prior to extinction.
T / F
Respondent and operant behaviors cannot occur together in the same situation.
T / F
One pairing between a neutral stimulus and a US is often sufficient to establish the neutral stimulus as a CS.
T / F
CERs are always negative.
T / F
A neutral stimulus becomes a CS by being paired with a US.
T / F
In respondent extinction, the target behavior is no longer reinforced.
T / F
In respondent extinction, the CS occurs without the US and eventually the CS no longer elicits a CR.
T / F
A less intense stimulus will be a more effective US.
The CS precedes the US and the presentation of the US does not overlap with the presentation of the CS.
A. delay conditioning
B. trace conditioning
C. simultaneous conditioning
D. backward conditioning
The US is presented prior to the CS.
A. delay conditioning
B. trace conditioning
C. simultaneous conditioning
D. backward conditioning
The CS is presented and the US is then presented before the termination of the CS.
A. delay conditioning
B. trace conditioning
C. simultaneous conditioning
D. backward conditioning
The CS and the US are presented at the same time.
A. delay conditioning
B. trace conditioning
C. simultaneous conditioning
D. backward conditioning
Define respondent extinction
Respondent extinction involves the repeated presentation of the CS without the presentation of the US.
In respondent conditioning, how is discrimination developed? How is generalization developed?
Discrimination develops in respondent condition in the following manner: When a particular stimulus (S1) is paired with the US, but similar stimuli (S2, S3, S4, etc.) are presented without the US, only S1 will elicit a CR.
Generalization develops in respondent conditioning in the following manner: If S1 is paired with the US but similar stimuli (S2, S3, S4, etc.) are never presented in the absence of the US, the CR is more likely to generalize to these other stimuli.
List 5 factors that influence respondent conditioning.
- the nature of the US and CS intensity
- contingency between the CS and the US
- previous exposure to the CS
- temporal relationship between the CS and US
- number of pairings.
If Pavlov occasionally (1 out of 10 times) gave the dogs the meat powder following the sound of the metronome, the dogs would be moreor lesslikely to salivate to the metronome.
John is playing in the front yard when a big dog starts running and barking towards him. The dog attack makes John’s heart beat faster and John runs into the house to get away from the dog. Identify both the respondent and operant behaviors that occurred.
The respondent behavior is the autonomic arousal (heart beating faster). The operant behavior is running into the house.
Provide 3 examples of unconditioned responses (identify the US and UR in each example.
- eye blink (UR) in response to a bright light (US)
- rapid withdrawal (UR) from a painful stimulus (US)
- startle reflex (UR) to a loud noise (US).