Ch 8 Quiz Questions Flashcards
is any change in the normal makeup of a gene.
A malignant tumour of the skin that arises from pigmented cells, most commonly a mole is called
When metastasis occurs, which of the following occurs
break away and
can pass through the lining of lymph
or blood vessels to invade nearby tis-
recruit normal cells - modify them - and use them travel to different parts of the body and prepare other sites to receive travelling cancer cells.
travelling and seeding process is called metastasizing
the spreading of cancer cells
from one part of the body to another,
primary tumour
the cancer’s
original location
and the new
tumours are called secondary tumours,
At stage __________, a cancer has spread through the blood or lymphatic system to a distant site in the body.
Stage 1
Cancer Stages
Tumour is typically small and has not grown outside the organ it started in.
Stage 2 & 3
Cancer Stages
Tumour is larger or has grown outside the organ it started into nearby tissue.
Stage 4
Cancer Stages
The cancer has spread through the blood or lymphatic system to a distant site in the body (metastatic spread).
Stage 0
Cancer Stages
A precancerous change (called carcinoma in situ)
Early detection of prostate cancer can be done using the __________ test.
prostate specific antigen (PSA) blood test
In their undamaged form, many oncogenes play a role in controlling or restricting cell growth; these are called __________.
Tumour suppressor genes
Men whose mothers took __________ during pregnancy have an increased risk of undescended testicles and other genital anomalies.
DES (diethylstilbestrol
a synthetic form of estrogen)
Normal cells mutating two cancer cells are called
may play a role in controlling or restricting cell growth