Ch. 8 Part 2 Flashcards
Increasing behavior by presenting a positive stimulus
Positive reinforcement
Increasing a behavior by taking away an aversive stimulus
Negative reinforcement
One that satisfies a biological need
Primary reinforcers
One that has been paired with a primary reinforcer and has acquired value and reinforcement
Conditioned (secondary) reinforcers
Adding something aversive that decreases the likelihood the behavior will be repeated
Positive punishment
Withdraw a desirable stimulus to decrease the likelihood the behavior will be repeated
Negative punishment
Every time the desired behavior occurs it is reinforced. Behavior is learned quickly, but it extinguished quickly
Continuous reinforcement
Reinforcement occurs intermittently- learning takes longer, but results are more persistent and stable
Partial (intermittent) reinforcement
Specific number of correct responses is required before reinforcement occurs
Variable: predictable Ratio: events
Fixed-ratio schedule
Reinforcement occurs after an unpredictable amount of time elapses
Variable: unpredictable Ratio: event
Variable ratio schedules
Reinforcement occurs only after a specific amount of time has elapsed
Fixed: predictable Interval: time
Fixed interval schedules
Reinforcement occurs after an unpredictable amount of time elapses
Variable: unpredictable Interval: time
Variable interval schedules
An event that decreases the behavior that it follows
Learning that occurs but is not apparent until there is an incentive to demonstrate it
Latent learning
A mental representation of the layout of ones environment
Cognitive Map