Ch. 8 - Interviewing Flashcards
The Employment Interview
- easy to search for positions that meet your desire, needs, and future plans BUT the position you are seeking it filled with stuff competition and employers can afford to be choosy
- no simple formulas or magi acts or short cuts to locate and land one of your dream jobs, just a lot of hard work.
- must approach the job search systematically and analytically
Analyze Yourself
- you can determine which career, position and org is the best fit for you only if you know yourself.
- recruiters ask q’s do discover who you are, what you have done and what you can do, how well you fit into a specific position, and with a specific plan and culture.
- you can answer q’s insightfully and persuasively only if you know who you are.
- you are literally selling you in every employment interview, and if you don’t know you - the product you are selling - you won’t sell yourself to the recruiter. it’s that simple.
Q’s To Guide Self-Analysis
- self-analysis is painful bc few ppl want to probe deeply and honestly into their strengths, weaknesses, success and failures. no one needs to see it but you, so be painfully honest with yourself. your future depends on it.
- what are my personality traits?
- how trustworthy am I?
- what are my intellectual strengths and weaknesses?
what are my communicative strengths and weaknesses? - what are my accomplishments and failures?
- what are my professional strengths and weaknesses?
- what do I want in a position?
- what are my most valued needs?
- what are my professional interests?
- do I have a mature and realistic perception of my field?
- once you’ve answered these thoroughly and honestly, you should know who you are, what you are qualified to do, what you would like to do, and what you want in life.
above all you will have identified what sets you apart from other candidates so you can present your uniqueness through your resume and cover letters and interviews.
Do Your Homework:
Research Your Field
- researching our field, the positions you may apply for, the org you may contact, current events and employment interviewing process is stage two in the research process.
- no such thing as too much preparation
- thoroughly preparing for an interview makes a huge difference in how well you do
- research your field: discover all that you can about your field from its past to its future and all in between.
- develop a mature, realistic perception of the field and what ppl do during typical work days
- don’t want to discover that you hate the field on the first day of the job.
- internships, cooperative arrangements, part-time jobs, observational visits, shadowing and volunteering can help you analyze what the field is about
- internet sources can help too
-, campus explorer, AOL jobs,, etc
- recruiters expect ppl to know why they chose a particular field, to know why they want a career in this field and to be aware of the opportunities and limitations of the career field. they also want applicants to be acquainted with organizational life.
- research allows you to answer and ask questions effectively
Do Your Homework:
Research Position:
- once you locate a potential position, learn everything you can about that position
- check job description word for word to se how well you match or fit the requirements specified
- don’t need to be a perfect fit, but need to be close enough for recruiter to seriously consider your application
- if the description describes 3-5 yrs of experience but you have only 1 year of outstanding experience, still give it a go
- but if it requires a specific degree and experience and you have neither - don’t try to waste their time.
- once you have studied the position thoroughly, picture yourself doing the job.
Do Your Homework:
Research Organization
- learn everything you can about the org you applied to work for
- internet makes this easy
- only thorough and careful research can answer effectively “what do you know about us?” “why do you want to work for us?”
- other sources may give info not on their website such as downsizing plans, potential mergers, financial status, reputation, recent setbacks and corporate culture
- talk with former employees, clients, professors friends and relative
- check out articles, trade journals, local campus library, etc.
- can’t overestimate how important it is to learn everything you can about the org ahead of time. a poor answer to an early q such as “tell me what you know about us” can destroy an interview
- knowing too little about a position and organization can turn off the interviewer/recruiter
- lack of awareness about a company and position is one of the top ways to slip up during an interview
Do Your Homework:
Research Recruiter
- if you are able to identify the recruiter ahead of time, talk to friends, professors, websites, social networks, former employees, etc.
- try to discover interviewer’s position, professional background, interviewing characteristics, organizations they belong to, etc.
- may have a dry sense of humor, come from a different culture, or have similarities to you
- if the person is all business you may want to avoid small talk, long answers, or attempts at humor
Do Your Homework:
Research Current Events
- keep up to date with what’s going on in the world
- employers expect mature applicants to know what’s going on around them - nationally, locally, internationally, etc
- be informed about current trends, changes, development, research and mergers potentially affecting the org to which you are applying for, your field and your career path
Do Your Homework:
Research Interview Process
- discover all that you can about what takes place during the employment interview process
- goal is to avoid/minimize mistakes and surprises
- talk to employers, professors who are in your field and use the internet
- understand that there is no typical or standard way to conduct interviews.
- a consistent concern of recruiters is to determine the honesty of applicants
- a highly skilled/educated applicant is nothing without honesty, morals and sincerity that could be detrimental to the org.
- recruiter may conduct an integrity interview or incorporate q’s into an interview to assess honesty
- research revealed that most interviewers have no training in interviewing
Conducting the Search:
- now that you have analyzed yourself and completed your research, it’s time to begin the process of looking for specific positions with specific orgs
- don’t overlook sources that will enable you to locate openings that appear to match your qualifications
- since sources claim that majority of jobs are never advertised for but are filled by word-of-mouth, networking appears to be the best means of locating a position
- 41-81% of applicants said they got their jobs from networking
- begin by starting a network tree of primary contacts, ppl you know personally. relatives, friends, colleagues, neighbors, coworkers, former employers, teachers, professors, ppl you know from college, high school, church, etc.
- start the branches of your network tree by identifying those you don’t know personally,
- as you get involved in your job search, expand your network tree and prune those who have provided no contacts
- when you have the tree reasonably developed, reestablish your relationship with each. contact each directly and don’t rush into asking for help.
- make sure your request for help is as specific as possible
- make sure to maintain your network
- keep in touch with contacts
- leave no potential source off of your network tree
- keep your network complete and up-to-date
Conducting the Search:
Social Media
- social media expand your network
- widespread use of social media is blurring the line between traditional and online networking
- you may contact a person online and then talk to the friend in person about your job search
- you can jump start your search by reaching out to people on your printed network tree and those in your electronic network to let them know that you are looking for a job and the type of job you want
- potential employers will increasingly access your social media use and accounts
- what you casually post one night may last a digital eternity
- employers are worried about how you will fit into their culture, perform your job maturely, and present a positive image of the org within the community
- employers routinely run applicants names thru search engines to see whats “out there”
- can employ college students and interns to search sites their peers use most often
- ask yourself if you’d be willing to share you social media sites and blogs with your grandparents
Conducting the Search:
Websites, Classified Ads, Newsletters
- overlook no source
- look at org websites for positions
- look at ads in local newspapers, regional and national
- these ads attract candidates and satisfy the EE)C test of making openings known to all who may be interested and qualified
- newsletters orgs send out can help, join their professional organization
Conducting the Search:
Career Centers/Employment Agencies
- centers can help you determine what career field is best for you and which suit your interests, education and experiences
- counselors can help you create resumes cover letters, etc
- most importantly, centers can provide contacts for interviews in a variety of fields
- placement agencies or head hunters can help you locate jobs and arrange interviews
- some specialize in career fields
- the agencies become your advocates and represent you- a relationship that starts whenever you apply for a job through it and by listing and submitting your resume
- percentage agencies will help you for a fee, often a part of your first years salary, payable upon assuming the position they helped you obtain
- most agencies have fee-paid positions which means than an org has retained them on a fee basis to locate quality applicants; you pay nothing
- if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is
Conducting the Search:
Career/Job Fair
- know how to make the most of job fairs
- campus, local mall, around the country are good ways for meeting several employers at one location, at one time, finding out what jobs are available, networking, on the spot and face to face interviews
- some fairs are designed for specific fields while others may be broad.
- large corporations or gov. agencies may have their own job fairs
- some fairs are limited to specific groups of ppl such as military veterans or those recently displaced when a company closes a large facility
- make sure you’re prepared. know career goals, who you wanna talk to, who you’re looking for, what you’re looking for in a career, recruiters expect you to have a clear career focus or objective
- some ppl recommend that you prepare a “one minute” commercial that stresses your strong points, goals and where you would like to go within a company
- be nicely dresses and have copies of resumes with you. scout the terrain by nothing who is there, where they are in a crowded maze of tables and banners, and whether they are conducting interviews or merely handing out info
- know that when you approach a recruiter, the person is sizing you up quickly by noting your communication, appearance, and professionalism.
- be assertive, enthusiastic, calm.
- worst question you can ask is “what are you offering/hiring for?”
- consider virtual job fairs.
Conducting the Search:
Knocking on Doors
- old fashioned way of looking for jobs
- identify type of position you are seeking, what you have to offer, what makes you unique
- may not be able to offer you a job now but it might later on
- may be able to identify other openings in your field
- this person can become part of your network
Presenting Yourself to the Employer
- up to this point, you have studied yourself, your field, your organization, recruiters, and where the jobs are.
- in essence, you have been of stage.
- now its time to present yourself to potential employers, not yet F2F but through a branding process in the social media, resumes, portfolios and cover letters
- Branding: carefully crafted image you present to potential employers through the social media.
- goal is to differentiate yourself from others who are graduating with similar majors and professional experiences and interests.
- you must demonstrate and not just tell why you are of value
- your brand emphasizes your talents, strengths, and expertise-what sets you apart from others-that are carefully aligned with the employers needs.
- personal branding is the process by which you uncover what makes you special and desirable in the marketplaces, and then communicate your value to the right audience. your brand is a distillation of who you genuinely are, and how you must appear to your current and potential employers
- express passion for career, emphasize your strengths, identify short and long term goals
- target your online presence toward the jobs you’re really passionate about
- emphasize the positive impact of your use of social media
- over 90% of recruiters perform internet searches on candidates before making a hiring decision and over half of employers solidify their decision to hire based on a strong online presence.
- sources on branding encourage applicants to expand and enhance their online visibility by creating their own website, having a blog, using video promotion, posting social media updates and taking part in online convos pertinent to their fields.
Presenting Yourself to the Employer
- the resume’s only purpose is to obtain and interview that may lead to more interviews and eventually to a position in your field.
- the perfect resume is singular and you are much less likely to land a job if you produce only one version of your resume.
- must customize resume to meet the specific words of the job announcement and the needs of the employer
- it’s your silent sales representative and is often first change for employer has to see you
- most will spend only seconds canning your resume so it must gain positive attention quickly and motivate ppl to read further
- try to think like the boss if you want the job. would you hire you?
Segments of Resume:
- there is some considerable disagreement about what exactly a resume should include, exclude and look like. there’s no shortage on the internet that can help you
- each position requires you to customize some of your resume
- contact information: place your full name at the top center of the page in larger font than the remainder of the resume and in bold-don’t use nicknames. one or two mailing addresses with zip codes and email address. landline phone and cell phone with area codes. make it easy for recruiter to reach you. don’t have silly or immature answering machines. place a date when a number will not be operable if you provide campus phone. list business number only if it’s ok for prospective employees to use.
- career focus: unique branding continues beyond Internet and the statement of your career focus is an ideal place to us branding to catch employer’s attention. design a headline or focus that show you are what the employer is looking for and motivates them to rad further. some sources recommend that you NOT include the traditional “objective” bc it focuses on what you want, not what the employer wants. make it employer-directed rather than self-directed. be brief, include key words used in ad for position, don’t include “puffery” words that sound impressive but mean nothing. avoid cliches “i am a team player, problem solver, highly motivated” remember that the remainder of your resume must live up to your claims and branding in your career focus.
- Education/Training: a lot prefer education to be listed first before work experiences. educational record is most important for first position. tell how education and training fits the position. list your degrees and training in reverse chronological order so the employer can quickly detect what you are doing now or recently complete.
- Job Related Experiences: experiences relevant to position. very important or above average in importance. all orgs are seeking leaders and doers so make these stand out.
- Activities: activities and organizational memberships. college, professional, community, activities and groups. be selective and update regularly
- high school activities are excluded for college graduates and college orgs and activities are excluded once you have an established record in your career.
- interested in doers rather joiners so a long list of orgs minus leadership roles gives a negative impression
- include honorary orgs professional and preprofessional orgs. provide brief description of orgs that may not be familiar to employer
- volunteer experiences: list volunteer experiences as segment in your resume if you have significant volunteer experience that may not be directly related to a position, but reveals important info about you. if these are few in number or significance, list them in your activities section
Items Excluded From Resume:
- don’t list references, employees assume you will provide references if they want them.
- no personal information like ethnicity, age, marital status, parental status, health or disabilities, height and weight, a photo, political, religious and ethnic memberships and activities that may pose EEOC problems for employers if they maintain or act on it.
- you don’t break laws if you do so, but you are providing info that generally is not a bonafide occupational question
Types of Resumes:
- chronological and functional
- chronological format: most common resume, list your experiences (including internships, co-op arrangements, assistantships, unpaid positions, organizational activities) in REVERSE chronological order so the employer can see quickly what you have been up to most recently.
- list organizations, title of your position or positions, dates and what you did in each position.
- emphasize the skills and experiences most relevant for the position. the primary concern of recruiters is applicant achievement and accomplishment.
- chronological essay is easy to write and organize, emphasize relevant experiences and skills, and is preferred by employers bc they can scan it quickly.
- easy to write and organize, easy to emphasize experiences, most common and easy for employer to scan for relevant experiences.
- easier to read and review.
- functional format: most appropriate for creative positions and those in which writing is important, place your experiences under headings that highlight your qualifications for the position.
- typical headings are management, sales, advertising, counseling, team building, organizational development, recruiting, financing, teaching, administrations, supervision, project manager and marketing.
- you can include a variety of positions, internships, organizations under each heading, an advantage when you have had few paying positions or directly related to opening
- you may list orgs or include them within various major heading under experience, or blend them within your skills and experiences .
- your outside activities may include your ability to work with people, work ethic, motivation and com. skills, ability to lead, and indicate that you are not a narrow specialist
- focuses attention on relevant experiences to match ideal applicant profile and seemingly unrelated positions and education are not highlighted.
- does not repeat the same skills and experiences under different positions so it can be tighter and shorter
- many don’t like functional resumes bc they typically don’t identify dates for education and training and work experiences.
- employers can’t detect gaps in employment to ask for explanations.
- some resumes blend both formats.
Guidelines for Resume:
- honesty is best policy
- choose words carefully
- proofread and then proofread some more
- take mechanics seriously
- honesty is the best policy: dishonesty is a candidate killer. survey said one in six college students lie on resumes. claim false experiences, courses, graduation indexes, degrees, etc. the higher the person goes in an org the more likely they are to lie about employment gaps, job titles, job responsibilities, claiming sole responsibility for team efforts, and making up fake employers. lies are like potato chips, you can’t tell just one. many see puffery a euphemism for lying, as something that will get them a position or advancement. employers see that as a bad idea with potentially bad results when fitted onto resumes, falsehoods can sit undetected indefinitely. or they detonate at any moment proving fatal to careers and credibility
- choose words carefully: many words are immediate turnoff for employers. such as: proven track record, responsible for, hard-working, goal-oriented, well-organized, and ambitious. they prefer action verbs such as the following that show you are a doer: administered, advised, arbitrated, coached, consulted, evaluated, facilitated, modified, generated, founded, organized, recommended, persuaded, trained, updated, wrote, oversaw, recommended, etc.
- proofread: every word and phrase for grammar, smelling, comma splices, check all punctuation. employers will toss immediately if they see these mistakes. typos are job breakers. don’t rely on spell check
- take mechanics seriously: pay attention to appearance and layouts. print on white, off-white, light gray, light beige bond paper. employers like white space of resumes, so indent carefully, double space parts and leave at least one inch margins all around. make sure you pay attention to how resume is blocked so it looks neat, attractive, organized, carefully planned and uncrowded. center your name at the top in bold letters so it stands out. use different printer fonts so headings guide the reader through important info about you. use bullets that separate and call attention to important info bc this helps them scan more efficiently. most prefer a single paged resume. two page or long is acceptable if necessary to provide valuable info. don’t try to say too much or say too little. don’t use too small of find to try and fit everything on one page. if you have a two page resume, print it front to back on one sheet of paper bc the second page may get misplaced or ripped off when your resume is moved around. signal with a page number or notations that there is a back page. repeat name on top at the left and page numbers on right. be professional in all that you say, don’t try to be cute or creative.
Electronically Scanned Resume
- orgs are increasingly using resume scanning software to save time and money. if you know that an org will receive tons of applications for a position, assume that the employer will scan your resume electronically.
Mechanics: scanner must be able to read resume. black ink only side side of 8 1/2 inch white paper, don’t staple, margins should be 1.6 inches and characters should be 75 or fewer per line. don’t use boxes or columns. size 11 to 14 fonts bc the scanner might not read smaller print. use virtually no punctuation bc it may confuse scanner but you may use bold face or all caps letters. don’t employ sold bullets, italics, underlying, graphics or spaces between letters of your name. - key words: they will determine if an employer and are critical. they will determine if an employer will set up an interview or throw away resume. include words pertinent to job posting so the scanner is able to locate what the employer programmed it to look for. replace action words with nouns that are easier to scan
- orgs may reject candidates with less than 50% of required skills.
Online Resumes:
- online sites for posting resumes and seeking jobs
- it’s easy and you have the potential of reaching a wide variety of potential employers worldwide.
- easy to fall into the trap of fake employers to take your money and your identity though.
- computer program called “Identity angel” that searches online job boards for what she calls the “holy trinity” of information thieves love to attain: name, address, and social security number. if it locates information, it sends a warning to the potential target of online thieves and frauds.
- read privacy polity carefully to determine how long your resume will be active and how you can delete it. if there’s no privacy policy, forget it.
- be aware of fake recruiters, particularly if they ask for driver’s license or other personal info under the pretense that they need it for background checks.
- ask recruiters for references to see if they are legit
- set up alternative email address use a cell phone and provide a p.o box address for job hunting.
- if you wanna see if your personal info is online, type your name and last four digits of social security number.
The Portfolio
- your portfolio shows you in action
- essential in fields such as photography, teaching, art and design, architect, professional writing, journalism, etc.
- small yet varied collection of your best work. organize your portfolio thematically; make it visually creative;
- have excellent copies of your work -not faded, soiled, marked up, graded or wrinkled samples.
- want to see how well you write, design, photograph, edit, create and then well-designed presented portfolio is the best way of doing this
- for broadcasting, must contain an audio or video recording of selections that illustrate your best oral and video work. quality, not quantity sells
- electronic portfolios can include a wide variety of materials in an attractive, compact, and high usable package. can demonstrated knowledge of an ability to apply new technologies.
The Cover Letter
- all-purpose form letter is rarely taken seriously
- design and target letters to specific positions and orgs
- often first contact you have with an employer, so be positive and the to the point.
- fundamental purposes is to gain this employer’s attention and to entice the employer to read resume
- make good impression by revealing a positive attitude and pleasant personality.
- appear motivated and enthusiastic
- include highlights of education, training and experiences that show you are interested in a qualified for position open. never send a resume without attaching a cover letter.
- mechanics: should be brief, three-four paragraphs in length and never more than one page. margins of 1.5 inches left and right. adjust the margins to keep letter to one page if needed. use simple to read font 10-12 points. ask another person to read it to make sure format is okay. should be neatly printed on white bond paper, no typos or errors
- content: tailor each one to the position and org. form letters aren’t impressive. address to specific person invovled in hiring process if you can.
- 1st paragraph: tell the employer why you are writing, what position you are interested in and why this position appeals to you. tell how you discovered opening and what you know about this organization. show you’ve done your research.
- 2nd paragraph: explain briefly how education, training and experiences, your qualifications, make you a good fit for position. be persuasive you may refer to resume but don’t merely repeat it.
- 3rd paragraph: restate enthusiasm for position and ask for an interview chance to talk about it and the org. indicate when and where you will be available for an interview. mention enclosures and offer to send additional info if needed. be sure to express appreciate for employers consideration
Creating a Favorable Impression
- realize that attitudes are a critical ingredient in your success or failure. anxiety can be heightened when you feel that you don’t know enough about an org and are unprepared for interview. if you feel that you won’t do well, you won’t
- approach employment interview as a sales process, and you are the product. if you can’t sell you to you, how can you sell it to a recruiter? be positive about yourself, current and past employers, associates, professors and clients.
- be professional and ethical.
- never badmouth others or reveal confidences.
- one study revealed that good first impressions lead interviewers to show positive regard towards applicants, give important job information, sell the organization to them, and spend less time gathering information.
- if it’s on the phone, avoid common interruptions and find a quiet place to do the interview so you can give full attention.
- avoid cellphone when possible.
- avoid self-fulfilling prophecies
Creating Favorable Impressions:
Relationship of Interview Parties
- assess the relationship likely to exist btwn interviewer and interviewee. (you and the interviewer)
- how will control be shared?
- know when and how to share control of the interview.
- successful applicants dominate interviews but also know when to let the interview control the convo.
- unsuccessful applicants are submissive or try to dominate when the employer clearly wants to.
- you may find it hard to get fired up in an interview if you have been turned down a number of times during previous months or are not really interested in the position or org.
- what is the degree of mutual trust, respect, friendship, overall affection between you and the interviewer as revealed in previous encounters, telephone contacts and letters? how similar are you to the interviewer based on age race ethnicity background education etc.
- research showed that candidates racially similar to interviewers (black and white) receive higher interview ratings.
- understand and adapt to relationship with interviewer
Creating Favorable Impressions:
Dress and Appearance
- critical elements for first impressions.
- profession image is extremely important.
- they see clothes and accessories as making a strong visual statement that suggests confidence and gives the interviewee a competitive edge.
- appearance shows interest in job and org, respect for interviewer, attentiveness to details and knowledge of what’s appropriate dress and appearance for formal business setting.
- formal attire is preferred for interviews, even if companies are going more business casual - so they can see how applicants will present themselves in a business meeting or presentation.
- no one can fault you for being too formal in an interview. but being sloppy or too casual will kill your prospects.
- when you look good, you feel good and when you feel good you are more likely to articulate intelligent an well thought out answers to questions
- neatness costs nothing and pays dividends
Advice for all applicants:
- conservative, professional, solid color suite
- think competence, appropriateness, communication, respect rather than fashion
- better to be overdressed than underdressed
- dress one or two levels higher than the job that you’re going for
- tragic mistake is to dress too casually because our society has been remarkably casual.
- must know industry guidelines if dress requirements are different
- each org. has its own unique culture and environment.
- if you have q’s about formality of interview dress, ask professor, members of associations and ppl employed in industry.
- can contact org and ask discretely how one should dress
- dress up unless told otherwise.
- gov, HR, finances, banking, sales, hospitality-formal
- advertising, technology, graphic design, PR-may be a little less formal but still not casual
- want dress and appearance to play supporting role
but you don’t want to be remembered by how you look, but by your presentation skills, interpersonal com. answers to q’s, and qualifications
Advice for Men
- standard is two-piece dark suit -gray, blue or black with white or pastel solid shirt and contrasting but not wild tie.
- conservative but professional - wear long sleeved even during summer. don’t wear a turtleneck. leather laced business shoes with leather soles not chunky looking and belt should match shoes
- try sit down test for too tight fit
- dark socks that compliment outfit
- sport coat or blazer is nearly always too casual except for informal gathers or dinner gatherings associated with selection process.
- play it safe and seek every advantage
Advice for Women
- makeup hairstyle and clothing are personal decisions that reveal a great deal about your personality. who you are, your self concept, and what you think of others.
- no makeup is probably too little but don’t use too much (if it calls attention to itself)
- small, not dangling earrings with one per ear, one ring per hand, no bracelets.
- tailor two piece suit with skirt or slacks in navy black dark gray or brown. skirt length should be to the bottom of knees when standing and cover your thighs when seated.
- if you have to tug at skirt when sitting down it is too short
- avoid long slits
- conservative blouse no plunging neck lines.
- clear or plain stockings and low, closed toed and comfortable pumps are more appropriate than high heals
NV Communication
- can look strong on paper but offer a dead fish handshake, slouched figure in chair, failed to make eye contact, and mumble responses that ruin everything
- impression is based on 55% body language and only 7% spoken words and 38% tone and voice
- rate you higher if you smile, have facial expressions, maintain eye contact, clear and forceful voices, etc.
- energy is com. by the way you walk, stand, sit, gesture and move your body. avoid nervous gestures and fidgets, playing with pens and random objects.
- speak in normal convo tone with vocal variety that shows confidence and verbal skills
- prefer standard accents. work on accents so they can understand your english well.
- it’s okay to pause before hard q’s but a lot of pauses make you appear unprepared or slow
- one second or less pauses show ambition, self confidence organization and intelligence.
Interview Etiquette:
- arrive few minutes ahead of time
- don’t arrive too early
- great pleasantly and dynamically
- don’t use first name unless invited to do so
- use a firm but not crushing handshake
- sit when asked to and never sit down before interviewer does
- be an active p during opening. you will be relaxed once you get into the flow of interview
- respond to opening ice breaker q’s as you would in a normal convo
- how you handle yourself during the first few mins with a stranger tells the interviewer a great deal about your interpersonal and people skills
- place items on floor, not desk like briefcase or other belongings
- don’t play with or move items on desk
- don’t touch phone/turn off
- don’t tell jokes, cuss and use slang
- don’t eat until others are served
Answering Q’s
- preparing to respond: be ready and eager. nervousness will decrease when you concentrate on answering confidently. tell me about yourself, why do you want to work for us, what are you strengths, weaknesses, etc.
- these traditional q’s play a big role in selection interviews especially during opening minutes
- nature of questioning in employment has changed. they are more likely to ask behavioral q’s, challenging qs about experience in specific situations and placing applicants in joblike situations to see how they might fit in and function as employees
- placing you in different positions during an interview
- task oriented q’s assess thinking and communication abilities and reveal how well you can operated in stressful and surprising situations
Responding to Unlawful Q’s
- first, review EEO laws so you know what is considered unlawful
- second, be aware of tricks recruiters use to get unlawful info without appearing to ask for it.
- third, determine how important the position is for you.
- fourth, use a direct brief answer hoping interviewer will move on
- pose a tactful inquiry, try to neutralize their obvious concern, try to take advantage of the q to support you, etc.
Guidelines for Asking Q’s
- major mistake is not having any or too few questions to ask
- can convince or destroy you
- don’t ask a q merely to ask one bc they answered all of yours in the interview, it will probably be poor
- successful ppl ask more q’s than unsuccessful ones
- avoid the “me” syndrome where all qs inquire as to what you will get, how much and when. makes you seem self-centered
- avoid qs about salary, promotion vacation retirement and never pose as first qs
- don’t ask q’s readily available on website or library
Question Pitfalls
- the have to question may sound like you will be unhappy or uncooperative employee: would I have to travel much?
- the typology q focuses on type rather than explanation desired: what type of training program do you have?
- the pleading q (often series of them) seems to beg for answers: could you please tell me about your expansion plans?
- the little bitty question may show lack of interest in detailed info perhaps asking a q merely to ask a q: tell me a little bit about your facility in Atlanta
- the uninformed q may show lack of maturity or background study prior to interview: tell me about benefits and stuff like that
- prepare a moderate schedule or carefully phrases questions. order them according to importance bc you may not get the chance to ask all of them.
- also recruiter will assume you will ask most important ones first
Sample Applicant Questions: good q’s for you to ask that aren’t self-centered and meet guidelines
- describe your ideal employee for me.
- tell me about the culture of your org
- how does your org encourage employees to come up with new ideas?
- how much choice would i have in selecting geographical location?
- what is a typical workday like for this position?
- what is the possibility of flexible work hours?
- how does your org evaluate employees?
- what do you like most about working for this org?
- tell me about the people I would be working with
- tell me about your training program
- what, in your opinion is the most unique characteristic about this organization?
- how might this org support me if I wanted to pursue my MBA?
- Tell me about your merger with ____
- what explains the 4% stock increase in the past month?
- what characteristics are you looking for in applicants for this position?
- usually brief
- play an active role in closing
- express interest in position and org
- discover what will happen next, when and whom you should contact and how if you need to get in touch about position
- ask for the position tactfully
- is not over til its over. not over until interviewer is out of sight and hearing range
- the interview is more art than science
- debrief yourself after interview
- make list of pros and cons
- jot down your answers to hard q’s info recruiter gave and recruiters answers to qs
- quality applicants write thank you notes
- brief professional letter thanking interviewer for time and opportunity
- don’t be a victim when rejected
- technology has allowed us to communicate instantly and to send and check info immediately. the scanning of resumes and the use of the internet as sources for positions and resume storage are changing the face of searching for positions
- personality, integrity, and drug tests are adding new dimensions to the process
- we have become part of a global economy and are undergoing a second industrial revolution moving from manufacturing to a service and informational oriented society
- you need to know yourself, the position, and the org to persuade an employer to select you out of hundreds of applicants. job search must be extensive and rely more on networking and hard work than merely appearing at your collect center for an interview.
- your resumes and cover letters must be profession attracted and adapt to specific positions with specific orgs. and persuasive
- interviewing skills are increasingly important bc employers are looking for com, interpersonal and ppl skills
- take an active part in the opening, answer qs well and to the point, ask carefully phrased q’s about the job and organization
- follow up carefully and craft a thank you letter that expresses your interest in job and org
- do an insightful post interview evaluation that addresses strengths, weaknesses, and the future interviews in mind.
The workplace is changing. Lancaster and Stillman describe four basic belief systems that are thriving in the workplace:
- Traditionalists: Employees living out a work ethic shaped during the Great Depression
- Baby Boomers: Eighty million plus workers vacillating between the need to succeed and enjoy life.
- Generation Xers: Trying to prove themselves constantly yet dislike the image of being overly ambitious
- Millenials: New to the workforce and promise to change the business landscape.