Ch 8 Interpersonal Violence Flashcards
List 4 types of interpersonal violence
- intimate partner violence
- sexual assault
- child maltreatment
- elder abuse
What are the 3 types of intimate partner violence?
- Intimate partner terrorism (coercion by one partner, most severe health consequence, men)
- Resistant violence (from victim)
- Situational couple violence (argument escalates to aggression, gender symmetric)
Sexual assault is defined as sexual activity in absence of _____________
voluntary agreement
includes when
- consent not given
- person is not capable of consent
- person initially consented and then withdrew consent
What is a key risk factor for IPV (affects type and severity)?
Men: more likely by strangers in public/social venue
Women: more likely by partner in homes, also greater risk of sexual violence, death
What are 4 types of child abuse?
- Physical
- Sexual
- Neglect
- Emotional
What is the legal age of consent for sexual activity in Canada?
Children under the age of ____ cannot legally give consent to sexual activity that exploits them
eg prostitution, porn
Risk factors for elder abuse
- gender (women>men)
- economic dependence
- disabilities
- dependence on others
- isolation
What are the 2 most common categories of child maltreatment?
- exposure to IPV
- neglect
Less common:
physical abuse >emotional abuse >sexual abuse
Name 3 categories of health consequences of intimate partner violence
- Direct physical injury
- Chronic illnesses (think chronic pain, headaches, GI/GU)
- Mental health (depression, anxiety, PTSD, substance)
WHO LIVES (acronym for WHO assessment of intimate partner violence)
Listen (red flags: chronic pain, substance use, MH)
Inquire (broad questions)
Validate (most important response)
Enhance safety (danger assessment, safety plan)
Support (referral with consent)