Ch. 8: Facilitating Learner Development & Socialization Flashcards
Social determinants that affect learners:
-cognitive ability (intellectual/developmental disabilities)
-EAL (Eng as Additional Lang) or ESK
-diverse sexual orientation & identity
-diff learning styles
5 major components to physical readiness that affect learning
1) measure of ability
2) complexity of task
3) environmental effects
4) learner’s health status
5) gender
Emo or psychological readiness incl:
1) anxiety lvl
2) support systems
3) motivation
4) risk-taking bx
5) frame of mind
Experiential readiness
1) lvl of aspiration
2) past coping mechanisms
3) cultural background
4) locus of control
5) orientation
Knowledge readiness
1) present knowledge base
2) cognitive ability
3) learning disabilities
4) learning styles
VARK (Four most common learning styles)
Visual (spatial)
Read/write (linguistic)
Multimodal/Mixtures (M)
-Ppl who prefer to learn via 2 or more styles of learning (or using variety of methods)
-May choose single mode to suit certain occasion/situation
Global learners
-Make choices based on emotions & intuition
-focus on creativity, so… lack good sequential thinking abilities
Intuitive learners
-Like to discover possibilities in relationships
-Impatient w/ details & do NOT like repetition
Reflective learners
-Prefer to think about new material by reflecting quietly on it first
-Prefer to work alone, rather than w/ groups
Accommodative learners
-Like combo of concrete EXPs & active experimentation
-Concerned w/ abstract concepts & assimilate abstract conceptual w/ reflective observations
Divergent learners
-Broad cultural interests & like to gather info
-Like to watch instead of doing
-Tend to be strong in arts
-Often misunderstood (many tend to fail in academic settings)
Digital (online) learners
Millennial & Gen Z
Enthusiastic & collab learning
Traditionalists (1922-1945)
-Value privacy, trust, hard work
-Need details
-Uncomfortable w/ ambiguity
Baby Boomers (1945-1964)
-Value career over personal life
-Want to be challenged
-Speak clearly & directly
-Prefer F2F meetings
Gen X (1965-1979)
-Value balance b/t career & personal life; fam-focused
-Look for leader/mentor (not a boss)
-Seek rewards based on individ performance
Millennials (Gen Y) (1980-1994)
-Value personal life > career
-Highly socialized; optimistic
-Multi-task w/ ease
-See edu as means to an end
Gen Z (after 1995)
-Tend to be realistic (not idealistic)
-Private about personal life
-Particularly tech-savvy; Social media: Value virtual connectedness
-Adept multi-taskers
-Passionate about learning
Traditional learners
Fresh out of HS
Nontraditional learners
Typically older; may be working full/part-time while attending school
Bring previous life EXPs into classroom
Barriers to learning
-Lack of time, confidence, info about opportunities to learn
-Scheduling prob’s / conflicts
-Red tape
Adult learners learn best when learning is…
*R/t immediate need, prob, or deficit (relevant)
Voluntary & self-initiated
*Person-centered & prob-centered
*Self-controlled & self-directed
Role of teacher = facilitator
Info & assignments = pertinent & meaningful (not busy work)
*New material draws on past EXPs (r/t something they already know)
Learners = actively able to participate in learning process
Learners w/ previous edu (2nd-deg students)
-Have much greater need than traditional counterparts to feel self-confident & competent
-Do not attempt to “wing it” w/ this group
-Do not like passive listening & learning
Most common barriers for culturally diverse learners:
-Lack of ethnically diverse faculty
-Academic preparation
Suggestions for NEs teaching culturally diverse learners:
-Nonverbal measures of ability
-Multiple methods of testing
-Use of TOEFL test (Test of Eng as a Foreign Lang)
TOEFL test
Measures learner’s potential ability to communicate in Eng in college/university environ
NCLB (No Child Left Behind) Act
-Calls on educators to measure all learners’ performances using set of fixed indicators
-Tied federal monetary compensation to these performance outcomes
-Aimed at elementary & 2ndary edu (but have ramifications for future college learners)
American Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 & Amendment Act of 2008
Guarantees ppl who are qualified cannot be denied access based on disability alone
Socializ of learners
Group of ppl learn acceptable behaviors, values, belief systems, processes, & knowledge of pro culture (i.e. becoming acclimated to nurs profession)
Examples of formal & informal socializ of learners
Formal (lectures, assignments, clinical EXPs)
Informal (being part of a SNA)
How many % of new nurses have left their position in 1st yr
> 50%
What has helped w/ attrition rate for new nurses?
Nurse internship & residency roles
Kramer’s 4 phases of reality shock
- Honeymoon
- Shock or rejection
- Recovery
- Resolution
Socializ takes place mainly thru social interaction w/…
Ppl who are significant to a person (i.e. faculty) & valued by learner
Rude/impolite attitude or behavior
Ambiguous, low-intensity, discourteous bx; intentions to harm/violate norms of respect
Most often examples of Incivility:
-Cheating on exams/quizzes
-Using cell phones during class
-Holding distracting convos
Most effective in deterring cheating:
-Have learners place belongings in front of class
-Minimum of 2 proctors per exam (to walk up & down aisles during exam)
-Provide new exams for each test
3 major categories of Bloom’s Taxonomy
Cognitive (thinking domain)
Affective (feeling domain)
Psychomotor (doing or skills domain)
They are interdependent!
Knowledge (Cognitive Domain)
Learner can memorize or recall facts
Comprehension (Cognitive Domain)
Learner can understand what is being communicated
Application (Cognitive Domain)
Learner can use ideas & principles and apply to specific situations
Analysis (Cognitive Domain)
Learner can recognize piece of info by breaking it down into specific parts
Synthesis (Cognitive Domain)
Enables learner to put together parts into unified whole
Evaluation (Cognitive Domain)
Where learner can analyze or judge something by applying certain criteria
Methods used to enhance cognitive domain:
Group discussion
1:1 learning
Computer-assisted instruction
Affective Domain
Uses internaliz of expressing feelings, emos, beliefs, values, attitudes
Receiving (Affective Domain)
Enables learner to become aware of idea; may admit any fears
Responding (Affective Domain)
Learner to respond to EXP; can enable them to move past feelings of insecurity to confidence
Valuing (Affective Domain)
Allows learner to accept & integrate an idea
Organization (Affective Domain)
Learner can incorporate ideas by organizing, classifying, prioritizing values
Characterization (Affective Domain)
Learner can show adherence to total philosophy of concept & show commitment to it (i.e. showing good hand-washing technique to prevent spread of infx)
Psychomotor Domain
Learner uses fine & gross motor abilities
Perception (Psychomotor Domain)
Learner becomes aware of task to be performed (i.e. reading, directions, observation of process of skill to be learned)
Example of Set Level
Learner shown how to hang IV fluid bag; willing to try to accomplish that task
Set Level (Psychomotor Domain)
Where learner shows readiness to action; favorable body lang
Guided response level (Psychomotor Domain)
After or at same time instructor demonstrates skill like inserting foley on mannequin
Mechanism lvl (Psychomotor Domain)
Learner can perform steps of certain skill repeatedly w/ confidence
Complex overt response lvl (Psychomotor Domain)
Learner can automatically perform complex task w/ independ & correctly w/o hesitation
Adaptation lvl (Psychomotor Domain)
Learner can adapt or modify a learned process to fit needs of given situation; indicates mastery of process
Origination lvl (Psychomotor Domain)
Learner can create new motor acts to manipulate objects as result of completely understanding a skill
Example of Origination Lvl
After SIM EXP, learner will be able to recognize s/sx of resp distress (i.e. retractions, work of breathing)
Examples of role modeling pro develop
Discuss continuing edu for advanced degrees, belonging to pro orgs, engaging in pro conferences & activities
Learners who speak Eng as 2nd lang
At incr risk of being unsuccessful in program & on NCLEX
Main purpose of NSNA (Nat’l Student Nurses Association)
Framework: shared governance
Learners will have opportunity to discuss opinions & make decisions
Learning methods that are consistent w/ learner…
=Best way to enhance learning (makes sense!)