Ch. 12: Pursuing Systematic Self-Eval & Improvement in the Academic NE Role Flashcards
During nursing faculty shortages, what is a retention strategy?
-Mentorship can make or break person’s transition into role (crucial for new faculty success!)
3 main components for success of new faculty mentoring:
1) extensive orientation
2) mentorship
3) ongoing faculty development
Service duties:
-Participate on committee or special interest group
-Serve as chair of committee
-Participate in task force
-Volunteer to work on specific initiatives for org
-Participate in strategic work team
Self-directed learning
Integral part of continuing edu, staff development, & academic edu
Academic NE has personal & pro responsibility to:
-Seek continuing-edu activities to maintain competency
-Expand knowledge & expertise in nurs specialty
FERPA (Family Edu Rights & Privacy Act)
-“Federal law that protects privacy of students’ edu records”
-Applies to virtually every post-2ndary institution in U.S.
Under FERPA, students have right to:
-Inspect & review edu records maintained by school
-Request amendment of any edu records they believe to be inaccurate or misleading
-Consent to disclosure of personally identifiable info (PII) from edu record to 3rd parties (subject to certain exceptions)
Under FERPA, faculty:
-Has legal obligation to protect confidentiality of student edu records in their possession
-Has access to student info only for legitimate use in completion of your responsibilities
-Cannot share or “release lists/files w/ students info to any 3rd party outside college or departmental unit… w/o written consent of student”
Examples of provider-directed, provider-paced edu opportunities:
Seminars, nat’l conferences, live webcasts
Examples of provider-directed, learner-paced edu activities
Continuing-edu journal articles, online continuing-edu modules
Mentorship helps w/…
-Obtaining work-life balance
-Pro integration, improve classroom teaching, & pro org involvement
Late-career faculty member should be encouraged to…
Identify new faculty members who show potential as leaders in nurs edu
Early-career faculty need…
mentorship & guidance in navigating political & administrative environ of their new school
Mid-career faculty need…
help in developing as an academic leader
1 of the main consequences of lack of mentorship is
Decr in socializ into faculty role
Cannot force faculty to be a mentor, but should be addressed at eval time b/c…
It is an expected pro obligation
Attending departmental meetings is…
an important orientation activity for NEs (will help to socialize to faculty role)