Ch. 14: Engaging in the Scholarship of Teaching Flashcards
= those activities that systematically advance the teaching, research, & practice of nursing thru rigorous inquiry
= an inquiry process that results in innovative outcomes (i.e. sim-based edu, strategies used in developing competency…)
Scholarship is recognized by:
-Peer reviews of outcomes
-Awards for teaching excellence
-Receiving grants
-Invitations to consult or share scholarly work w/ others
Scholar’s role:
Critique evidence
Using evidence in 1’s own practice
Identify issues for research
Conduct research to strengthen teaching & learning outcomes
Join committees of pro orgs or editorial boards of journals
(Ernest) Boyer’s four types of scholarship (can be integrated)
1) Scholarship of discovery (knowing)
2) Scholarship of integration
3) Scholarship of application
4) Scholarship of teaching
1) Scholarship of discovery (knowing) (Boyer’s four types of scholarship)
Research new knowledge, systematic inquiry, validate existing knowledge
What is an example of 1) Scholarship of discovery?
NE is using podcasting as teaching-learning strategy w/ senior students; then conducts study to determine whether podcasting is appropriate for students w/ specific types of learning styles
2) Scholarship of integration (Boyer’s four types of scholarship)
Interpretation & synthesis of knowledge; may cross boundaries to allow for new connections (allows for diff perspectives)
What is an example of 2) Scholarship of integration?
-NE develops multidisciplinary sim-based edu (SBE) for students in nursing, pharmacy, & allied health sciences
-Involves other disciplines
3) Scholarship of application (Boyer’s four types of scholarship)
Engagement in service-related activities resulting in tangible outcomes; connects theory & practice
What is an example of 3) Scholarship of application?
NE who is an expert on team-based learning presents outcomes of work at nat’l mtg; then consults w/ schools to help them integrate method into their own academic programs & classrooms
4) Scholarship of teaching (Boyer’s four types of scholarship)
Develop products (sims, books, games, podcasts)
Use EBTPs (evidence-based teaching practices) & conducting research about teaching & learning
(Teaching that extends beyond classroom)
Boyer’s model used as a framework for:
-Performance eval
-Merit for awards & pay incr
Good teaching
Student satisfaction & pos student ratings of teaching
Scholarly teaching
-Reflect on 1’s own approach, use evidence to guide teaching practice
-Disseminate presentations & publications
Scholarship of teaching
-Teaching that extends beyond classroom
-May incl development of products (sims, books, games, podcasts), that can be used by learners & others
-Use EBTPs (evidence-based teaching practices) & conducting research about teaching & learning
What is an example of Scholarship of teaching?
-Disseminate (Publish work in peer-reviewed journals) and presenting innovative teaching technique
Builds on Boyer’s model to enhance value of teaching
Being a scholar
Develop habits of inquiry & intellectual persistence
Funding for nurs edu research:
Sigma Theta Tau
Funding for projects & research that involve edu reform:
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Macy Foundation
HRSA (Health Resources & Service Administration) (federal source)
Dept of Edu
What are more examples of Scholarship of application?
-CEUs, present findings
-Student evals
-Receiving award
-Assists end user outside of teaching…
Who can conduct research?
All nurses can as long as they understand IRB process & where to find resources if needed
What kind of grant is appropriate for a pilot study that is confined to 1 classroom?
Small internal grant (i.e. university’s research fund)
What kind of grant is appropriate for larger projects?
Larger foundational & fed grants
When is IRB approval needed?
For all student data (students should know & consent to data being collected)