Ch. 13: Functioning as a Change Agent & Leader Flashcards
Democratic (leadership style)
Decisions made w/ input from each team member
Autocratic (leadership style)
AKA Authoritarian
Leader makes decisions w/o input from team members or w/o any consideration of the impact on the team
Laissez-Faire (leadership style)
Leader gives up decision-making authority to the team
Strategic (leadership style)
Leader = able to communicate vision for org that motivates/persuades others to share & work towards that vision
Transformational (leadership style)
-Leader is empathetic & creates environ that is intellectually stimulating, inspiring, & challenging to support subordinates’ development & maximize performance outcomes
-Develops a common vision, take risks, share power
Transactional (leadership style)
-Communicates effectively, esp in clarifying instructions
-Will also establish contractual reward or punishment system for performance outcomes
-Uses a patriarchal award & punishment system that is dehumanizing
Affiliative (leadership style)
Already has staff who is highly motivated, so objective is to create friendly workplace & minimize conflict or friction
Coach-style (leadership style)
-Interested in pro development of his/her subordinates & strives to establish team-spirit atmosphere in work setting
-Focuses on identifying & developing indiv strengths of each team member
Servant (leadership style)
Characterized by concern for others w/in org/community w/ focus on others’ needs & interests
Bureaucratic (leadership style)
Makes decisions that “fit” w/ company policy or is congruent w/ established practices
What is an important skill of effective leader?
To be flexible & attuned to the need to adjust 1’s approach (i.e. depending on context of situation…)
3 theoretical perspectives that explain how person can become leader:
- Trait theory
- Great Events Theory
- Transformational Leadership
- Trait theory (theoretical perspective)
“natural born”; have natural leadership traits
- Great Events Theory (theoretical perspective)
Ordinary person responds to crisis/disaster & emerges as leader
- Transformational Leadership (theoretical perspective)
-Person chooses to become leader by seeking opportunities to develop leadership skills
-Create intellectually stimulating environ’s to support development & maximize performance outcomes
Evaluation can be conceptualized into 3 dimensions:
Donabedian’s model
1) Structure
2) Processes
3) Outcomes
-Look at “how things are done” vs the outcome
-Measure work quantity or quality
-Indicators: organizational features (equipment age or type)
-Participant traits (degree attained, licensing, etc.)
5 dimensions of ideal change leaders:
1) Strategic/technical competence
2) Execution competence
3) Social competence
4) Character
5) Resilience
Org’s climate & culture have significant impact on…
Creativity & innovation shown w/in it
Ppl’s perceptions of organizational interactions & characteristics
Normative expectations for desirable behavior (which to a large extent, determines how ppl act w/in that org)
Ways/interventions that can leverage being able to “manage” organizational culture
-Recruitment, selection, replacement (who you choose to hire can strengthen existing cultures or support culture shift)
-Socialization (later development & training; can improve interpersonal communication/teamwork)
-Performance management/reward systems (to encourage desired behaviors)
-Leadership & modeling (from leaders)
Sources of infl that NE can utilize to infl change
-Linking to mission & values
-Harnessing peer pressure
-Aligning rewards & assuring accountability
-Overinvesting in skill building
-Creating social support
-Changing the environ
Sustained change requires transformation on 3 lvls:
Org/larger system
Lewin’s model of change (rational & goal/plan-oriented)
-3-step change theory
-Unfreeze, change, refreeze
-Sees change as dynamic balance of forces working in opposite directions (opposing forces)
Lippitt’s Phases of Change Theory
-Focuses on “change agent” (rather than change itself)
-Includes 7 steps (p. 380)
-Discusses specific stages
Havelock’s 6 Phases of Change
-Focuses on creating process for “change agents to organize their work & implement innovation”
-Change moves thru 6 distinct steps (p. 380)
Prochaska & DiClemente’s Change Theory
-Considers change from perspective that person moves thru these stages of change:
-1) precontemplation
-2) contemplation
-3) preparation
-4) action
-5) maintenance
-These stages are cyclical (not linear); takes relapses & failures into account
-Discusses innovation
Social Cognitive Theory (aka Social Learning Theory)
-Self-efficacy = most important trait & must be present for successful change
-Proposes that behavioral change = affected by environmental influences & personal factors
-Takes into account ext & int environ conditions
-Discusses influences of change
Theory of Reasoned Action
-Person’s actions = determined by his/her intention to perform that action
-Intention is determined by 2 major factors:
What are the 2 major factors that determine intention in Theory of Reasoned Action?
1) person’s attitude toward behavior/change (i.e. beliefs about outcomes of behavior & value of these outcomes)
2) infl of person’s social environ or subjective norms (i.e. beliefs about what other ppl think person should do & motivation to comply w/ opinions of others)
Theory of Planned Behavior
-Expands upon Theory of Reasoned Action
-Incl concept of individual’s perceived control over opportunities, resources, skills needed to perform behavior or change
-Perception of control (=critical facet of behavior change processes)
-Self-efficacy = important trait and must be present for successful change
= systematic theory
-Links beliefs to bx
Diffusion of Innovation Theory
-Gives insight into process which new ideas are disseminated & integrated
-Can be both spontaneous & planned
Main elements in diffusion:
- An innovation
- That is communicated thru certain channels
- Over time
- Among members of a social system
5 steps in process of innovation diffusion:
- Knowledge (decision-making group is introduced to innovation & starts to understand it)
- Persuasion
- Decision (decision will be to adopt or reject the innovation)
- Implementation (reinvention or alterations may occur)
- Confirmation
The rate of change correlates to the following:
- Perceptions of the innovation/change
- Traits of the ppl who either adopt the innovation or do not
Changes spread faster when have these 5 perceived attributes:
- benefit
- compatibility
- simplicity
- trialability (can “test the waters”)
- observability
Rogers’s diffusion of innovation theory incl 5 lvls of adoption
- Innovators
- Early adopters
- Early majority
- Late majority
- Laggards
Davis’s Technology Acceptance Model
-Provides mechanism to view how ext factors infl intention to use technology
Fig. 13.2 (p. 384)
Chaos theory of change
One small change can affect, over time, many larger changes in a system (b/c they are sensitive or dependent on initial condition)
Complexity theory
-Org structure must be viewed as a whole that is composed of multiple systems
-Changes have causes & effects that can always be predetermined
Strategies for leading change incl:
- Dx change risk & org capacity
- Strategize & make a case for change
- Implement & sustain change
- Reinforce change by creating chance-centric learning org
ANA believes advocacy
= pillar of nursing
Davis’s technology acceptance model incl:
-Ext factors
-Ease of use
-Perceived usefulness
Leader who uses coaching style
Focuses on building team where each employee has expertise/skillset in something different
What is the Goal of leaders who use Coaching Style?
Goal: to create strong teams that can communicate well & embrace each other’s unique skillsets in order to get work done
Linking to mission & values
= significant source of infl (priority source of motivational infl)
Lippitt’s Phases of Change Theory