CH 8 Control & Command Flashcards
What is the definition of Control and its main objectives? (4)
Clue: Horiz, Sets Prior, Dir resp, Assign T
- Control operates horizontally across agencies:
- Sets priorities & objectives
- Directs response to an incident
- Assigns task to other agencies
What are the three central elements of control and command?
Clue: L, D, C
- Leadership,
- decision-making
- control
Police Control and Command System will be utilised in a variety of environments including…:(6)
Clue: BAU, RT, CI, MCI, PO, SO
- business as usual
- rising tide incidents
- critical incidents
- major critical incidents
- planned operations
- spontaneous operations
What are the six recognised levels of control and command?
Clue: P,S,N,R,L,I
- Politial -Government
- Strategic -Commissioner, Agency Chiefs, etc
- National -agency coordination centres, HQs, NCMC, etc
- Regional -Regional agency offices
- Local -execution phase at District level
- Incident -forward command, incident control
What are the principles of control and command? (5)
Clue: U, S, C, D, O
- Unity of C&C (one structure and command authority)
- Span of C&C (2 to 7 direct reports)
- Continuity and sustainability of C&C
- Delegation of C&C,
- Obligations of C&C (community safety and ensuring lawful ethical professional behaviour.)
What is the definition of Command and its main objectives? (3)
Clue: V, DO, D
- Command operates vertically within an agencies:
- describes ownership responsibility
- direction of personal and resources
(Missing words)
CIMS principles recognise that each agency needs to retain its own c_______ s_______ and w______ m______
CIMS principles recognise that each agency needs to retain its own command structure and working methods
What is the principle in regards to subject matter experts?
Involve SMEs early!
What are the five response levels of CIMS? (5)
Clue: N, R, L, I, C
- National
- Regional
- Local
- Incident
- Communtiy
What two major coordination and responses operations will the NCCC generally take resposibility for? (2)
Clue: S, O
- Significant national/international operations
- operations involving two or more Police districts
What is the role of chief of staff in a major critical incident? (3)
Clue: D2D, Staff Plan, Dev COA
- deal with day-to-day running of the op
- Staff planning process
- development of course of action
(thus freeing the Operations Contoller/Commander to deal with political and media pressures and focus on strategic resolution)
What is the New Zealand police critical incident appreciation process?
Clue: AFCO
- aim
- factors
- courses of action
- outline plan
What factors should be considered in a critical incident operation? (14)
Clue: G, TS, WE, R, L, B, M, PC, PR, L, HS, I, CIA, O
- Ground,
- time and space,
- weather and environment,
- risks,
- legislation,
- budget,
- media,
- political considerations,
- police role,
- log,
- health and safety,
- intelligence,
- community impact assessment,
- offenders.
What information should an Outline Plan for a critical incident operation cover?
Clue: SME
- Situation and background,
- Mission similar to the aim,
- Execution what’s to be done, when, how, where, who by
What are the various types of operation orders?
Clue: W, A, O, O, M
- Warning orders giving preliminary notice of ops order
- Administrative instructions -entirely Administrative
- Operation instructions -for preparing the Ops order,
- Operation orders using SMEAC,
- Movement orders when staff are moved
What is GSMEAC?
- Ground and terrain,
- Situation what is going on,
- Mission very clear and concise,
- Execution how mission achieved,
- Admin and logistics,
- Command and signals.
What are factors?
Clue: C, F, I
- Circumstances,
- facts,
- influences
(that might contribute to the conduct of the operation)
What are the principles of Operation Orders? (5)
Clue: W, C, A, C, ST
- Written and record kept
- Clear and simple
- accurate as possible
- Capable of being executed’
- sufficient time given
A ‘factor’ is the c____________, f____ or i_________ which might contribute to the c______ of the operation
Each factor should be c_________ and d________ looking at its impact on the operational plan and how it might me m________ against.
A ‘factor’ is the circumstances, facts or influences which might contribute to the conduct of the operation
Each factor should be considered and discussed looking at its impact on the operational plan and how it might me mitigated against.
What are the six stages of transfering control from comms to a field unit? (6)
Clue: determined, unit, notify, when ready:, supportive, oversight
- determined when to transfer
- what unit will be appointed
- notify unit (report when ready to assum control)
- When ready:
- formally appoint
- assign call sign
- record fact assigned
- ensure all others know
- Comms become supportive role
- Shift Commander maintains oversight
The designated incident controller should not be delegated command until they have had the opportunity to do what three things?: (3)
Clue: Est, familiar, formulate
- establish incident command point
- familiarise themelves with incident/briefing
- formulate response plan
What is the 6-step process of presenting information in a card event? (6)
Clue: TD, S, D, M, D, AI
- Time delay
- Summary
- Direction of travel
- Mode of travel
- Description offenders/vehicles
- Additional relevant info