CH 1 Strategic Awareness Flashcards
What are the NZ Police’s three goals?
- Prevent crime and victimisation
- Target & catch offenders
- Deliver a more responsive & community focused police service
What is Wellness & Safety Strategy?
- Looking after our people
What are our four main strategies?
Strategies (4)
Targets (4)
- Prevention First Model
- Turning of the tide
- Safer Journeys
- Wellness and safety
- 10000 fewer serious crime victimisations by 2021
- 25% reduction of reoffending by Maori by 2025
- 90% trust and Confidence/Citisen satisfaction by 2021
- 500 Million cash and asset restraints from gangs and criminals
What is our mission?
- Be the safest country
What are the Strategic imperatives of the New Zealand Police?
Strategic imperatives: Reduce, Build, Transform (3)
Strategic imperatives
- Reduce Crime, Victimisation, social harm.
- Build Trust & Confidence, capability of our people, culture of high performance & safety
- Transform our service delivery and impact - our performance and effectiveness - the way we collaborate with our stake holders and communities
What is the ‘Vision’ of the NZ Police
- Trust & Confidence of all
What are the four areas of ‘Our Model’?
- Prevention
- Response
- Investigation
- Resolution
(all through a mind-set of Prevention First)
What is Our Motto
- “Safer Communities Together”
What are the strategic outcomes wanted by 2025
What do we want to reduce? (2)
what do we want to build? (1)
what do we want to increase? (1)
- Crime and Victimisation by 10000
- 25% reduction in re offending by Maori
- Trust and Confidence in NZ police (90%)
- Citizen satisfaction
What is Police’s purpose statement?
- Be safe
- Feel safe
Police need to respond to some significant external challenges and opportunites over the next 4 year.
What are they? (4)
- population growth
- demographic changes
- Increased national security demands
- shifting nature of crime
What three things is Prevention First based on?
- Act urgently against piority & prolific offenders
- Use Community services/networks (vulnerable/repeat)
- Innovative/sustainable/practical solutions (hotspots)
What has the service delivery model been called and communicated as?
The ‘Know Your Business’ model
What result areas of the BPS plan are NZ Police the key agency for (1) and also play a significant role? (3)
- Result Area 7: reducing crime, violent crime, youth crime
significant role with
- Result Area 4: reduce assaults on children
- Result Area 8: reduce reoffending
- Result Area 10: digital transactions between NZer’s & Govt
What are the two ways the Gang Intelligence centre is being used
- disrupt and dismantle illegal gang activity
- support gang members/associates wanting to get out (incl children)
Turning of the Tide
In this joint strategy between Police and Iwi/Maori what the specific areas targeted? (4)
(Clue: F, R, R, F)
- First-time offenders
- Repeat Offenders
- Repeat victims
- Fatal crashes serious crashes
What is the vision of the Safer Journeys strategy?
Clue: “a safe road system…”
“a safe road system increasingly free of death or serious injury.”
What are the four key princples that underline Safer Journeys?
- people make mistakes
- people are vulnerable
- share responsibility
- strengthen the system
What are the six road policing activity areas aligned to safer journeys?
- Speed
- Distractions/Restraints
- Impaired Drivers
- Vulnerable road users
- High Risk Behaviours
- Network Maintanence/efficiency
What are the four specific outcome headings set out in the Safer Journys Action Plan?
- Safe Speeds
- Safe Vehicles
- Safe Road Use
- Safe Roads and Roadsides
How much is the social cost of gangs ono sociaty and what percentage of total prison population is gang affiliated?
$714 million
30 percent
What are thesixkey objectives with regards to:
‘Our People’
(Clue: Our Business poster)
Our people are:
- Valued
- Victim focused
- Visible
- equiped and enabled
- safe and feel safe
- high performing
The High Performance Framework provides five overarching viewpoint of five different components.
What are they?
(Clue: S,C,L,C,PM)
- Strategy
- culture
- leadership
- capability
- performance management
What are the programmes of the ‘Our Transformation Programme?’
- Building the frontlime
- Safer Whanau
- Iwi and Community partnerships
- Modernising Service Delivery Model
- Evidence Based Policing
- Police High Performance Framework
What 3 interrelated objectives underpin our service delivery strategy
- Anywhere, anytime
- Fast and consistent
- Smart and safe
What are the benefits of the ‘Safer Whanau’ programme?
(Clue: IR, P, C, R, C, E)
- Improve initial response/better intelligence
- Reduce paperwork to free up time
- Stregthen commitment to Maori & Treaty
- Reduce offending & victimisation
- Consistent service to victims
- more effective/targeted service for whanau, etc
What are the three benefits of the ‘Evidence Based Policing’ programme?
(Clue: C,P, FA)
- Evidence Based Policing Centres
- Evidence Partnership Channel
- Focused approach on how we use/apply evidence in every day polcing
(Fill the blanks)
Underpinning prevention is the fundermental principle that avoiding v__________ in the first place is always better than d__________ even the most effective P______ r________.
- victimisation
- delivering
- Police response
Turning the Tide
What is the vision of Turning the Tide?
“All Maori will live full and prosperous lives, free from crime and road trauma.”
- What is the the current percentage of male maori that are apprehended by Police?
- What is the age group most likely aprehended by Police?
- 80%
- 14 to 23 years of age
What are Values of Turning the Tide?
Clue: Aroha, Whakarira, Maanakitanga
- We all make mistakes: support those that take responsibility for actions, but dont make excuses
- Each generation strives to better themselves: for self and sake of children
- We are hospitiable, fair and respectful: to self and others
Turning the Tide
What days and times are Maori most likely to be arrested?
Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays
From 3pm to midnight
(“same time as we do most of our drinking”)
Turning the Tide
In applying crime and crash prevention techniques, opportunistic offending and crashes will be prevented by making them…? (5)
Clue: MD, MR, LR, LT, LE
- More difficult
- More risky
- Less Rewarding
- Less tempting
- Less excusable
Turning the Tide Operating Model
How will crime and crash prevention objectives be delivered? (3)
Clue: Everyone, F, T
- Everyone working together
- Families preventing c&c amoung themselves
- Talking c&c in homes/schools/marae
Turning the Tide
What are four specific social problems ToTT is attemping to address?
Clue: Reducing MA, Improving CS, Keeping KS, Boosting PS
- Reducing male absenteeism
- Improving child supervision
- Keeping kids in school
- Boosting Parenting skills
What are the 6 values of the NZP?
- Professionalism -look the part, be the part
- Respect -treat others as they would want to be treated
- Integrity -Actions say it all
- Commitment to Maori (Treaty) -Stand together
- Empathy -Walk in their shoes
- Diversity (valuing) Many views, one purpose
- What is the definition of police value: Professionalism?
- Clue: “We take pride in representing…”*
- What is the definition of the police value: Respect?
- Clue: “Treat everyone with…”*
- We take pride in representing Police, making a difference in communities we serve.
- Treat everyone with dignity, uphold their individual rights and honour their freedoms.
- What is the definition of the police value: Integrity?
- Clue: “We are honest and….”*
- Definition of police value: Commitment to Maori?
Clue: “We act in Good…-PPP”
- We are honest and uphold excellent ethical standards
- We act in good faith of and respect the principles of the treaty -partnership, protection, participation.
- What is the definition of the police value: Empathy?
- Clue: “We seek understanding and consider…”*
- What is the definition of the police value: Diversity?
- Clue: “We recognise the value different…”*
- We seek understanding and consider the experiences and perspectives of those we serve
- We recognise the value different perspectives and experiences bring to making us better at what we do.
The Policing Act 2008 is based on what 6 principles under s.8
(Clue: C, PS, F, HR, II, REI)
- Policing services are cornerstone of free democratic society
- Police rely on public support and confidence
- National framework - Local community focus
- Respects human rights
- Independant and imparticial
- To act professionally, ethically, with integrity.
What are the eight fuctions of police according to s.9 Police Act 2008?
- keeping the peace
- maintaining Public Safety
- law enforcement
- crime prevention
- community support and reassurance
- national security
- policing activities outside NZ
- emergency management
S.16 PA2008: What six things is the Commissionof of Police responsibile for?
Clue: FD, GC, M, TA, GE
- functions and duties
- general conduct
- effective, efficient & economical management
- tendering advice to ministers
- giving effect to lawful ministerial directions
S.16 PA2008: What four things is the Commission of Police not responsible for and must remain independant of any Crown Minister?
Clue: MO, EL, IP, IE,
- maintenance of order (individuals/groups)
- enforcement of the law (individuals/groups)
- investigations and prosecutions
- decisions about individual Police employees
What three things must every Police employee obey and be guided by?
(Clue: G, C, L)
- Gerneral Instructions
- Commissioners Circulars
- Applicable Local Orders
No police employee may, when excercising a power, function or duty, act under the direction, command or control of- who?(2) & (2)
- a Minister of the Crown
- a person not authroised under the Act
outside NZ
- part of operation (s.86)
- employee within meaning of s.91
What are the two main parts to s.63 of the Policing Act 2008? (appointment of higher duties)
- appoint employee to fill a higher level
- authorise employee to exercise powers and duties of any level higher
Name the four elements of the road policing action plan that contribute to the strategic imperatives (shown in the why we are here section)?
- Increasing efficiency/effectiveness (right activity at right times)
- Lifting productivity (automating/technology) to free up staff
- Continiously improving - understanding the road policing environment (To enhance effectiveness & accounability)
- Consolidating work to support safe system approach (including general health and wellness)
What are the four Turning of the Tide objectives?
- Prevention - Ruduce number of maori entering system
- Reduce re offending - Few as possible come back into the system
- Change behaviour - police resolution process
- Reduce road risk - Identify risks and mitigate them