CH 5 Road Policing Flashcards
What is the vision of Safer Journeys?
Clue: “A safe roading…”
“A safe roading system increasingly free of death and serious injury.”
The ‘Safe System’ approach has three main objectives. What are they? (3)
Clue: accomodating, manage, minimise
- road transport system more accommodating of human error
- manage forces that injure people (level body can tolerate)
- minimise unsafe road user behaviour
What are the four specific goals of ‘The Safe System?’
Clue: Similar to Safer Journey’s goals
- Safe Roads and Roadsides
- Safe speeds
- Safe Vehicles
- Safe road Use
What are the seven road policing focus areas NZP are funded for by the NZTA?
- Speed
- Distractions
- Restraints
- Impaired Drivers
- Vulnerable road users
- High Risk Behaviours
- Network Maintanence/efficiency
What is the ‘Repeat Registration’ report?
Highlights high-risk driver for each district. Updated monthly
What is the ‘District Road Risk Profile’ report? (DRRP)
Based on 5 years of data, profiles highlight key area of risk for each district to deploy to. (soon to be real-time)
What is the purpose of the Fleeing Driver Policy (2)
- safety is prioritied
- possible risk is minimised
What is the overarching principle in regards to fleeing drivers?
-Public and police safety
takes precedence over
-the immediate apprehension of offender.
What are the key points to managing a pursuit? (5)
Clue: D, S, R, I, AS
- Decision to commence/continue/abandon continually assessed (TENR)
- safety takes precedence over apprehension
- Resolve quickly & safely, least force as possible
- Inquiry phase preferred
- Abandon decision will be supported
What are the responsibilities of the Lead vehicle Driver? (7)
- continually assess (TENR)
- light & siren activated
- direct officer to undertake comms (where 2 up)
- Advise Comms: location, direction, description, reason
- acknowledge pursuit warning from comms
- regular comms
- comply with Pursuit Controller
What are the responsibilities of the Police passenge? (3)
Clue: RC, AD, DA
- Undertake radio comms
- advise driver of possible risks/considerations
- may direct to abandon
What are the responsibilities of the Secondary vehicle? (3)
Clue: F, C, AP
- follow lead vehicle (safe distance, support, Tac options)
- Takeover comms if lead single crewed
- May direct abandon pursuit
What is the abandonment procedure for the pursuiing patrol? (6)
- Acknowledge direction to abandon or advise PC that pursuit is being abandoned.
- Reduce speed, increase distance
- Deactivate warning lights
- stop when safe
- Confirm with PC you are stationary
- inquiry phase or tactical option
What tactical options are available during a vehicle pursuit and who and initiate them? (7)
- Abandonment, (lead, secondary, passengers, PC, FS)
- Aerial surveillance (pursuit controller)
- Dog unit (pursuit contorller/dog unit)
- Inquiry phase (lead, secondary, passengers, PC, FS)
- Moving Block (AOS/STG commander)
- Tyre deflation devices (PC, trained staff, SC for HV)
- Temporary Road closure (PC-Pursuit controller)
What powers exist to stop a vehicle and assit police with UOF and exceeding speed limits? (3)
- s.114 LTA1998: for traftic enforcement purposes
- s.9 SSA2012: persons at large/imprisonable offence
- s.121SSa2012:
- without warrant with grounds to search
- with warrant and it is in force
- s.39CA1961: protection from criminal responsibility for UOF
- R5.1 LTR2004 defence for exceeding speed limits for urgent duty by constable in emergency vehicle red beacon or siren
Safer Journerys areas of concern and the safe system. What are the areas of high concern?
- Reducing alcohol/drug impaired driving
- Increase the safety of young drivers
- Safe roads and roadsides
- Safe speeds
- Increasing safety of motorcycling
Safer journeys areas of concern. What are the areas of medium concern?
- Improving the safety of light vehicle fleet
- Safe walking and cycling
- Improving the safety of heavy vehicles
- Reducing the impact of fatigue
- Addressing distraction
- Reducing the impact of high risk drivers
Safer Journeys areas of concern. What are the areas of continued and emerging focus?
- Increasing level of restraints
- Increasing the saefty of older NZers