Ch 7-Other AUs Flashcards
What is a Minor Parent?
A minor parent is a pregnant or parenting minor under the age of 18 who has NEVER been married and lives with aSenior Parent (SP) or legal guardian, a blood relative who is 18 years or older OR in a state licensed group or maternity home,that is adult supervised.
What are Minor Parent Family Maintenance Services?
Minor parent Family Maintenance services are provided by CWS for all minor parents and their children (except emancipated minors) who are living unsupervised and still eligible for CALWORKS after applying MP rules.
What is a Minor Parent Risk Assessment?
It is where the child service (CS) social worker will complete a risk assessment within 20 days.
What about immediate risk assessments for minor parents?
Immediate need risk assessments for minor parents will be completed in 15 days. The CS Social Worker will complete the CWS portion of the CW25 form and return to HSS.
What is the CW25 form?
Form filled out by minor parent
What are EXEMPTIONS for Minor Parents?
They might be exempt if not living with senior parent/guardian.
When senior parent will not allow minor parent to live with them.
When Social WOrker deems unsafe to and at risk for abuse and/or neglect from senior parent /guardian.
When minor parent is legally emancipated.
When Minor parent claims a exemption what must HSS do?
HSS worker must verify exemption.
Grant CALWORKS if all other eligibility conditions are met.
Forward the CW25 to CS for Minor parent Services, unless the minor is emancipated.
What determination requirements are needed?
All minor parents are required to complete the Supplemental Statement of Facts-Minor Parent form CW 25 at application, annual renewal and when minor has been living in a supervised setting and there is a change of address and/or living arrangement.
What form is needed to be filled out if minor parent lives at home?
CW25A -it is the PAYEE agreement for Minor Parent. It is a required condition for eligibility.
If the adult in home refuses to the the PAYEE (responsible for the EBT card for the minor parent) what happens?
The minor parent may then be the payee.
What is form CW 23?
It is the Senior Parent Statement of Facts. It is used as a mandatory supplement form to the SAWS 2 to evaluate Senior Parent’s income/property. Form MUST be completed if the senior parent is in the home.
What is the minor parent responsible for?
Complying with all reporting requirements.
Cooperating with child support collection efforts for their children if applicable and themselves if they are living separate from their parents.
All overpayments in the case.
What is an unrelated adult?
An unrelated adult is a person over the age of 18 and not related by blood or marriage to any member of the CALWORKS family or the the unaided unborn of a woman living in the home.
What does it matter regarding the unrelated adult?
Unrelated person MUST be financially contributing to the household. If not must be referred to BPAI
What form is a minor parent required to complete?
A minor parent is required to complete the supplemental statement of fax form CW 25