ch 7 Flashcards
dominant cerebral hemisphere
the greater capacity of one side of the brain, i.e. handedness
structure that aids in balance and control of body movement
reticular formation
structure in base of brain stem that maintains consciousness and alertness
corpus callosum
large bundle of fibers connecting the two hemispheres
pituitary gland
located at base of brain playing critical role by releasing two growth stimulating hormones , GH and TSH
growth hormone
necessary for development of all body tissues except the central nervous system and genitals, from pituitary gland
thyroid stimulating hormone
prompts the thyroid clans in the neck to release thyroxine - necessary for brain development and works with GH to have its full impact on body size
preoperational stage
spans the years 2-7, the most obvious cane is an extraordinary increase in representational or symbolic activity
sociodramatic dramatic play
the make believe with others that is under way by the end of the second year and increases rapidly in complexity during early childhood
dual representation
viewing a symbolic object as both an object in its own right and a symbol
failure to distinguish others symbolic viewpoints from one’s own
refers to the idea that certain physical characteristics of objects remain the same, eve when their outward appearance changes
they focus on one aspect of a situation, neglecting the other important features
an inability to mentally go through a series of steps in a problem and then reverse direction, returning to the starting point
hierarchical classification
the organization of objects into classes and subclasses on the basis of similarities and differences