Ch 6: Values, Ethics, & Advocacy Flashcards
protection and support of another’s rights
self-determination; being independent and self-governing
principle of doing good
ethics that encompass all those perspectives that seek to understand human nature and behavior, the domain of social science, and the natural world
Care-Based Approach
approach to bioethics that directs attention to the specific situations of individual patients viewed within the context of their life narrative
Code of Ethics
principles that reflect the primary goals, values, and obligations of the profession
Conscientious Objection
refusal to participate in certain types of treatment and care based on the fact that these activities violate the nurse’s personal and professional ethical beliefs and standards
ethical system in which actions are right or wrong independent of the consequences they produce
Moral Agency
ability to behave in an ethical way; to do the ethically right thing because it is the right thing to do
Ethical Dilemma
situation that arises when attempted adherence to basic ethical principles results in two conflicting courses of action
system dealing w/ standards of character and behavior related to what is right and wrong
Feminist Ethics
type of ethical approach that aims to critique existing patterns of oppression and domination in society; especially as these affect women and poor
keeping promises and commitments made to others
process that distributes benefits, risks, and costs fairly
Moral Resilience
developed capacity to respond well to morally distressing experiences and to emerge strong
like ethics, concerned w/ what constitutes the right action; more informal and personal than ethics
principle of avoiding evil
Nursing Ethics
subset of bioethics; formal study of ethical issues that arise in the practice of nursing and of the analysis used by nurses to make ethical judgments
Principle-Based Approach
approach to bioethics that offers specific action guides
action-guiding theory of ethics that states that the rightness or wrongness of an action depends on the consequences of the action
set of beliefs that are meaningful in life and that influence relationships with others
Value System
organization of values ranked along a continuum of importance
Values Clarification
process by which people come to understand their own values and value system
human excellences; cultivated dispositions of character and conduct that motivate and enable us to be good human beings
5 Professional Values
- Altruism
- Autonomy
- Human Dignity
- Integrity
- Social Justice
concern for the welfare and well-being of others
Human Dignity
respect for the inherent worth and uniqueness of individuals and populations
acting in accordance with an appropriate code of ethics and accepted standards of practice
Social Justice
upholding moral, legal, and humanistic principles
obligation to tell the truth
Modeling (value transmission)
children learn what is of high or low value by observing parents, peers, and significant others
Laissez-Faire (value transmission)
leave children to explore values on their own (no single set of values is presented as best for all) and to develop a personal value system
little to no guidance
Rewards and Punishments (value transmission)
children are rewarded for demonstrating values held by parents and punished for demonstrating unacceptable values
Responsible Choice (value transmission)
encourage children to explore competing values and to weigh their consequences