Ch 6- Identity and Personality Flashcards
What is a self schema
“a self-given label that carries with it a set of qualities”
“Social scientists define identity as”
“the individual components of our self-concept related to the groups to which we belong. ”
“describes a person’s appraisal of him- or herself on scales of masculinity and femininity”
Gender identity
“Androgyny is defined as”
“the state of being simultaneously very masculine and very feminine”
“while those who achieve low scores on both scales are referred to as undifferentiated.”
“refers to one’s ethnic group, in which members typically share a common ancestry, cultural heritage, and language.”
Ethnic Identity
“While ethnicity is largely an identity into which we are born, ______ is based on political borders.”
“It is believed that our identities are organized according to a __________ , such that we let the situation dictate which identity holds the most importance for us at any given moment.”
hierarchy of salience
“Salience is determined by a number of factors, including the amount of work we have invested into the identity, the rewards and gratification associated with the identity, and the amount of self-esteem we have associated with the identity.”
“Self-discrepancy theory maintains that each of us has three selves. What are they
“Our self-concept makes up our actual self, the way we see ourselves as we currently are. Our ideal self is the person we would like to be, and our ought self is our representation of the way others think we should be. ”
“Generally, the closer these three selves are to one another, the higher our self-esteem or self-worth will be.”
“While self-esteem is the measure of how we feel about ourselves, _______ is our belief in our ability to succeed.”
______ refers to the way we characterize the influences in our lives. ”
“Locus of control
“People with an internal locus of control view themselves of controlling their own fate, whereas those with an external locus of control feel that the events in their lives are caused by luck or outside influences. ”
“Freud made the assertion that far from lying dormant until puberty, the libido (sex drive) is present at
“In freud theory, in response to the anxiety caused by fixation, the child forms a personality pattern based on that particular stage, which persists into adulthood as a functional mental disorder known as a
“An orally fixated adult would likely exhibit
excessive dependency.”
“Fixation during the anal stage would lead to either
excessive orderliness (anal-retentive) or sloppiness in the adult.”
“To successfully resolve the Oedipus conflict, he deals with his guilty feelings by
identifying with his father, establishing his sexual identity, and internalizing moral values. Also, the child to a large extent de-eroticizes, or sublimates his libidinal energy.”
“Once the libido is sublimated, the child has entered the stage called latency, which lasts until puberty is reached.
“For Freud, the final stage is the _____ ______, beginning in puberty and lasting through adulthood.
Genital Stage
According to Freud, if prior development has proceeded correctly, the person should enter into healthy heterosexual relationships at this point. However, if sexual traumas of childhood have not been resolved, such behaviors as homosexuality, asexuality, or fetishism may result.”
“According to Erikson, it is possible to fail at resolving the conflict central to any given stage of development, but this does not mean that
that mastery of each stage is required to move on to the next.”
“The first such conflict is that of trust vs. mistrust (0 to 1 year). What happens if resolved or unresolved?
“ If resolved successfully, the child will come to trust his environment as well as himself. If mistrust wins out, the child will often be suspicious of the world, possibly throughout his life.”
“The second conflict is autonomy vs. shame and doubt (1 to 3 years). What happens if resolved or unresolved?
“The favorable outcome here is feeling able to exert control over the world and to exercise choice as well as self-restraint.
The unfavorable outcome is a sense of doubt and a persistent external locus of control.”
“The next conflict confronted is initiative vs. guilt (3 to 6 years).
What happens if resolved or unresolved?
Favorable outcomes include a sense of purpose, the ability to initiate activities, and the ability to enjoy accomplishment.
If guilt wins out, the child will be so overcome by the fear of punishment that the child may either unduly restrict himself, or may overcompensate by showing off.”
“If the conflict of industry vs. inferiority (6 to 12 years) is resolved favorably what happens, if unfavorably?
the child will feel competent, be able to exercise his or her abilities and intelligence in the world, and be able to affect the world in the way that the child desires.
Unfavorable resolution results in a sense of inadequacy, a sense of inability to act in a competent manner, and low self-esteem.”
“During adolescence (12 to 20 years), the conflict of identity vs. role confusion emerges. This stage encompasses what Erikson termed physiological revolution.
What is the favorable and unfavorable outcome?
“The favorable outcome is fidelity, the ability to see oneself as a unique and integrated person with sustained loyalties.
Unfavorable outcomes are confusion about one’s identity and an amorphous personality that shifts from day to day.”
“The main crisis of young adulthood (20 to 40 years) is intimacy vs. isolation. Favorable and unfavorable outcomes are
“Favorable outcomes are love, the ability to have intimate relationships with others, and the ability to commit oneself to another person and to one’s own goals.
If this crisis is not favorably resolved, there will be an avoidance of commitment, alienation, and distancing of oneself from others and one’s ideals. Isolated individuals are either withdrawn or capable of only superficial relationships with others.”
“The conflict of middle age (40 to 65 years) is generativity vs. stagnation. Favorable and Unfavorable outcomes?
“The successful resolution of this conflict results in an individual capable of being a productive, caring, and contributing member of society.
If this crisis is not overcome, one acquires a sense of stagnation and may become self-indulgent, bored, and self-centered with little care for others.”
“Finally, old age (above 65 years) brings about the crisis of integrity vs. despair. What are the favorable and unfavorable outcomes?
“If favorably resolved, we will see wisdom, which Erikson defined as detached concern with life itself, with assurance in the meaning of life, dignity, and an acceptance of the fact that one’s life has been worthwhile, along with a readiness to face death.
If not resolved favorably, there will be feelings of bitterness about one’s life, a feeling that life has been worthless, and at the same time, fear over one’s own impending death.”
What are the 3 main stages of Kohlbergs stages
Pre conventional, conventional, post conventional
1: Obedience
2: Self-interest
3: Conformity
4: Law and order
5: Social contract
6: Universal human ethics
Stage 1 of Kohlbergs stages is what
“Stage one (obedience) is concerned with avoiding punishment (If I steal the drug, I’ll go to jail)”
Stage 2 of Kohlbergs stages is what
“stage two (self-interest) is about gaining rewards (I need to save my wife because I want to spend more of my life with her). Stage two is often called the instrumental relativist stage because it is based on the concepts of reciprocity and sharing: I’ll scratch your back, you scratch mine.
Stage 3 of Kohlbergs stages is what
“Stage three (conformity) places emphasis on the “good boy, nice girl” orientation in which a person seeks the approval of others (I should not steal the drug because stealing is wrong).
“The second phase is the conventional morality, which begins to develop in early adolescence when individuals begin to see themselves in terms of their relationships to others. This phase is based on understanding and accepting social rules.”
Stage 4 of Kohlbergs stages is what
“Stage four (law and order) maintains the social order in the “highest regard (If everyone stole things they couldn’t afford, people who produce those items would not be able to continue their business).”
Stage 5 of Kohlbergs stages is what
“ Stage five (social contract) views moral rules as conventions that are designed to ensure the greater good, with reasoning focused on individual rights (Everyone has a right to live; businesses have a right to profit from their products).”
Stage 6 of Kohlbergs stages is what
“Finally, stage six (universal human ethics) reasons that decisions should be made in consideration of abstract principles (It is wrong for one person to hold another’s life for ransom).”
“Conventional morality corresponds to normal adult moral reasoning. Preconventional is therefore expected in ____, and postconventional is expected in ______
children; a smaller subset of adults with more advanced moral reasoning skills than the average population.
“Vygotsky is known for his concept of
the zone of proximal development, referring to those skills and abilities that have not yet fully developed but are in the process of development.
Gaining these skills successfully requires the help of a more knowledgeable other, typically an adult. For example, a child may struggle to ride a bicycle on her own, but with the help and guidance of a parent she may be successful. Vygotsky would say that this skill is currently within the child’s zone of proximal development.”
What is the theory of mind?
“The ability to sense how another’s mind works—for example, understanding how a friend is interpreting a story while you tell it”
What is a reference group?
“the group to which we compare ourselves. Two individuals with the same qualities might see themselves differently depending on how those qualities compare to their reference group.”
“Personality, while similar, describes
the set of thoughts, feelings, traits and behaviors which are characteristic of an individual across time and different locations.”
“In a way, identity describes who we are, while personality describes how we act and react to the world around us.”
“We can categorize theories of personality into four areas:
psychoanalytic (psychodynamic), humanistic (phenomenological), type and trait, and behaviorist. ”
“The primary process is
the id’s response to frustration: obtain satisfaction now, not later.”
“Mental imagery, such as daydreaming or fantasy, that fulfills this need for satisfaction is termed wish fulfillment.”
“Mental imagery, such as daydreaming or fantasy, that fulfills this need for satisfaction is termed
wish fulfillment.”
“The ego operates according to the ____ ____, taking into account objective reality as it guides or inhibits the activity of the id and the id’s pleasure principle. ”
Reality Principle
“an innate psychological representation of a biological need”
“Instincts are the propelling aspects of Freud’s dynamic theory of personality, and fall into two types: life and death instincts. Life instincts, referred to as Eros, promote an individual’s quest for survival through thirst, hunger, and sexual need. Death instincts, referred to as Thanatos, represent an unconscious wish for death and destruction. Thanatos was proposed by Freud as a response to his observations of victims of trauma reenacting or focusing on their traumatic experiences.”
What is Eros and Thanatos?
“Instincts are the propelling aspects of Freud’s dynamic theory of personality, and fall into two types: life and death instincts. Life instincts, referred to as Eros, promote an individual’s quest for survival through thirst, hunger, and sexual need. Death instincts, referred to as Thanatos, represent an unconscious wish for death and destruction. Thanatos was proposed by Freud as a response to his observations of victims of trauma reenacting or focusing on their traumatic experiences.”
What are the 2 common characteristics of defense mechanisms?
“first, they deny, falsify, or distort reality; second, they operate unconsciously.”
What is the difference between repression and suppression?
“While repression is unconscious forgetting (such as that which may occur after traumatic events), suppression is a conscious form of forgetting: I’m not going to think about that right now”
“Thematic Apperception Test consists of
a series of pictures that are presented to the client, who is asked to make up a story about each one. The story, presumably, will elucidate the client’s own unconscious thoughts and feelings.
“ Carl Jung preferred to think of libido as psychic energy in general, not just psychic energy rooted in sexuality. Jung identified the ego as the conscious mind, and he divided the unconscious into two parts:
“the personal unconscious, similar to Freud’s notion of the unconscious, and the collective unconscious. The collective unconscious is a powerful system that is shared among all humans and considered to be a residue of the experiences of our early ancestors. ”
“The collective unconsious building blocks are images of common experiences, such as having a mother and a father. These images invariably have an emotional element, and are referred to as ______ in Jung’s theory.”
“The _______ is likened to a mask that we wear in public, and is the part of our personality that we present to the world.”
According to Carl Jung’s theory, the anima is ______ while the animus is _______
the suppressed female quality in males that explains emotional behavior (described by Jung as a man’s inner woman);
the analogous male quality of females that explains power-seeking behavior (a woman’s inner man).”
Define these important jungian archetypes. Persona, Anima, Animus. Shadow
persona—the aspect of our personality we present to the world
Anima—a “man’s inner woman”
Animus—a “woman’s inner man”
Shadow—unpleasant and socially reprehensible thoughts, feelings, and actions in our consciousness”
“The self, to Jung, was
the point of intersection between the collective unconscious, the personal unconscious, and the conscious mind.”
“The self strives for unity. Jung symbolized the self as a mandala (Sanskrit: “circle”)”
What are the 3 Jung dichotomies of personality?
- Extraversion (E, orientation toward the external world) vs. introversion (I, orientation toward the inner, personal world)
- Sensing (S, obtaining objective information about the world) vs. intuiting (N, working with information abstractly)
- Thinking (T, using logic and reason) vs. feeling (F, using a value system or personal beliefs)”
“Jung’s 3 dichotomies laid the groundwork for creation of the _________, a classic personality test.”
Myers–Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI)
______ was the originator of the concept of the inferiority complex: an individual’s sense of incompleteness, imperfection, and inferiority both physically and socially.
“. According to Adler, striving for superiority drives the personality. This striving enhances the personality when it is oriented toward benefiting society, but yields disorder when it is selfish.
“The notions of the creative self and style of life were also important to Adler’s theory. What are they?
.The creative self is the force by which each individual shapes his uniqueness and establishes his personality.
Style of life represents the manifestation of the creative self and describes a person’s unique way of achieving superiority. The family environment is crucial in molding the person’s style of life.”
“Another important concept in Adler’s theory of personality is fictional finalism.”
“Another important concept in Adler’s theory of personality is fictional finalism. What is it?
“This is the notion that an individual is motivated more by his expectations of the future than by past experiences. According to Adler, human goals are based on the subjective or fictional estimate of life’s values rather than objective data from the past. Fictional finalism can often be summed up by the phrase Life would be perfect if only…
“Notice the difference between Freud, Jung, and Adler. (Psychoanalytical theorists). Whereas Freud’s major assumption is that behavior is motivated by inborn instincts and Jung’s principal axiom is that a person’s conduct is governed by inborn archetypes, Adler assumes that people are primarily motivated by
striving for superiority.”
“Karen Horney, another dissenting student of Freud’s, likewise argued that personality is a result of, ”
interpersonal relationships
disagreed with many of Freud’s assumptions about women such as the concept of penis envy.
“postulated that individuals with neurotic personalities are governed by one of ten neurotic needs. ”
“Inadequate parenting can cause vulnerability and helplessness, which Horney termed _____, while neglect and rejection cause anger known as ______
basic anxiety; basic hostility.”
“Inadequate parenting can cause vulnerability and helplessness, which Horney termed basic anxiety, while neglect and rejection cause anger known as basic hostility.”
“focus on the value of individuals and take a more person-centered approach, describing those ways in which healthy people strive toward self-realization. ”
humanistic or phenomenological theorists
“Humanism is often associated with Gestalt therapy, in which practitioners tend to take a holistic view of the self, seeing each individual as a complete person rather than reducing him to individual behaviors or drives.”
What are the characteristics of someone who is self-actualized?
“a nonhostile sense of humor, originality, creativity, spontaneity, and a need for some privacy.”
“self-actualized people are more likely than people who are not self-actualized to have what he called peak experiences: profound and deeply moving experiences in a person’s life which have important and lasting effects on the individual.”
“is most known for his psychotherapy technique known as client-centered, person-centered, or nondirective therapy.
Carl Rogers
“Rogers believed that people have the freedom to control their own behavior, and are neither slaves to the unconscious (as the psychoanalysts would suggest), nor subjects of faulty learning (as the behaviorists would say). Rather than providing solutions or diagnoses, the person-centered therapist helps the client reflect on problems, make choices, generate solutions, take positive action, and determine his own destiny. ”
“Rogers also pioneered the concept of unconditional positive regard, which is
“a therapeutic technique by which the therapist accepts the client completely and expresses empathy in order to promote a positive therapeutic environment.”
“The type and trait theorists were also borne out of dissatisfaction with psychoanalysis. Type theorists _______, while trait theorists
attempt to create a taxonomy of personality types;
prefer to describe individual personality as the sum of a person’s characteristic behaviors.
“The ancient Greeks, for example, devised personality types based on humors or bodily fluids, an imbalance of which could lead to various personality disorders”
“ One well-known type theory divides personalities into Types A and B. Whats the difference
“Type A personalities are characterized by behavior that tends to be competitive and compulsive, while someone described as Type B is generally laid-back and relaxed. Not surprisingly, people with Type A personalities are more prone to heart disease than those with Type B personalities, although there is not much evidence to suggest that people with Type A personalities have a higher mortality rate.”
“The Myers–Briggs Type Inventory, described earlier, also stands as a well-known example of a
type theory.”
“In the early 20th century, William Sheldon proposed personality types based on body type called
“Sheldon presumed that all short, stocky people were jolly, all tall people were high-strung and aloof, and people in between were strong and well-adjusted.”
theorists instead use clusters of behaviors to describe individuals. ”
“The Eysencks described three traits in the PEN model.
- Psychoticism is a measure of nonconformity or social deviance. 2.Extraversion is a measure of tolerance for social interaction and stimulation.
- Finally, neuroticism is a measure of emotional arousal in stressful situations. ”
now there are 5
The Big Five Traits of Personality: OCEAN
Openness Conscientiousness Extraversion Agreeableness Neuroticism”
“More recently, the PEN theory has been expanded to what is known as the Big Five which, as the name would suggest, uses dimensions of five traits:
“The Big Five Traits of Personality: OCEAN
Openness Conscientiousness Extraversion Agreeableness Neuroticism”
“Gordon Allport, primarily a trait theorist, listed three basic types of traits or dispositions:
cardinal, central, and secondary. ”
“Cardinal traits are
traits around which a person organizes her life.
For instance, Mother Teresa’s cardinal trait may be self-sacrifice. While not everyone develops a cardinal trait, everyone does have central and secondary traits.”
“Central traits represent
major characteristics of the personality that are easy to infer, such as honesty or charisma”
“Secondary traits are other personal characteristics that are more limited in occurrence: aspects of one’s personality that only appear in close groups or specific social situations.”
“Secondary traits are
other personal characteristics that are more limited in occurrence: aspects of one’s personality that only appear in close groups or specific social situations.”
“A major part of Allport’s theory is the concept of functional autonomy, in whichlan. “Kaplan MCAT Behavioral Sciences Review: Created for MCAT 2015 (Kaplan Test Prep).” iBooks.
a behavior continues despite satisfaction of the drive that originally created the behavior.
A hunter, for example, may have originally hunted to obtain food to eat. However, the hunter may continue even after there is enough food simply for the enjoyment of the hunt: that which began as a means to obtain a goal became the goal itself.”
“David McClelland identified a personality trait that is referred to as the need for achievement (N-Ach). People who are rated high in N-Ach tend to be
concerned with achievement and have pride in their accomplishments”
“These individuals avoid high risks (to avoid failing) and low risks (because easy tasks will not generate a sense of achievement)
“Additionally, they set realistic goals, and stop striving toward a goal if success is unlikely.”
“The behaviorist perspective, championed by B.F. Skinner, is based heavily on the concepts of
operant conditioning”
“Skinner reasoned that personality is simply a reflection of behaviors that have been reinforced over time. ”
“Skinner reasoned that personality is simply
Excerpt From: Kaplan. “Kaplan MCAT Behavioral Sciences Review: Created for MCAT 2015 (Kaplan Test Prep).” iBooks.
a reflection of behaviors that have been reinforced over time. ”
“Therapy, then, should focus on learning skills and changing behaviors through operant conditioning techniques.
“Token economies, for example, are often used in inpatient therapeutic settings: positive behavior is rewarded with tokens that can be exchanged for privileges, treats, or other reinforcers.”
The ________ takes behaviorism one step further, focusing not just on how our environment influences our behavior, but also on how we interact with that environment.”
social cognitive perspective
“ Albert Bandura’s concept of reciprocal determinism is a central idea to this perspective.”
“Reciprocal determinism refers to the idea that our thoughts, feelings “behaviors, and environment all interact with each other to determine our actions in a given situation.”
“Reciprocal determinism refers to the idea that
our thoughts, feelings “behaviors, and environment all interact with each other to determine our actions in a given situation.”
“For a social cognitive theorist, the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior in similar situations.”
“the biological perspective, which holds that personality can be explained as
a result of genetic expression in the brain.
“The biological and trait perspectives are closely linked, as biological theorists maintain that many traits can be shown to result from genes or differences in brain anatomy.”
“is the sum of the ways in which we describe ourselves: in the present, who we used to be, and who we might be in the future.”
_____ describes our evaluation of ourselves. Generally, the closer our actual self is to our ideal self (who we want to be) and our ought self (who others want us to be), the higher our self-esteem will be.”
Self Esteem
____ _____is the degree to which we see ourselves as being capable at a given skill or in a given situation. When placed in a consistently hopeless scenario, self-efficacy can be diminished to the point where learned helplessness results.”
“is a self-evaluation that refers to the way we characterize the influences in our lives. People with an internal locus of control see their successes and failures as a result of their own characteristics and actions, while those with an external locus of control perceive outside factors as having more of an influence in their lives.”
Locus of Control
“Freud’s psychosexual stages of personality development are based on the tensions caused by the _______. Failure at any given stage leads to _______ that causes personality disorders.”
Libido; Fixation
“Freud’s phases (oral, anal, phallic [Oedipal], latent, and genital) are based on the erogenous zones that are the focus of each phase of development.”
“Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development stem from conflicts that occur throughout life. What are they
“ (trust vs. mistrust, autonomy vs. shame and doubt, initiative vs. guilt, industry vs. inferiority, identity vs. role confusion, intimacy vs. isolation, generativity vs. stagnation, integrity vs. despair). ”
“Vygotsky described development of language, culture, and skills. He proposed the idea of the _______, which describes those skills that a child has not yet mastered and require a more knowledgeable other to accomplish.”
zone of proximal development
“Our self-concept depends in part on our_______, or the group to which we compare ourselves.
reference group
Two individuals with the same qualities might see themselves differently depending on how those qualities compare to their reference group.”
“The ______ perspective views personality as resulting from unconscious urges and desires.”
“The ego makes use of _____ ______ to reduce stress caused by the urges of the id and the superego.”
Defense Mechanisms
“Jung assumed a _____ ______ that links all humans together. He viewed the personality as being influenced by archetypes”
Collective unconscious
“Other psychoanalysts such as Adler and Horney have distanced themselves from Freud’s theories, claiming that the unconscious is motivated by ______ rather than sexual urges.”
_____ theories of personality include the ancient Greek notion of humors, Sheldon’s somatotypes, division into Types A and B, and the Myers–Briggs Type Inventory.”
“Allport identified three basic types of traits: cardinal, central, and secondary. Describe
“Cardinal traits are the traits around which a person organizes his or her life; not everyone develops a cardinal trait. Central traits represent major characteristics of the personality and secondary traits are more personal characteristics and are limited in occurrence.”
“McClelland identified the personality trait of
the need for achievement (N-Ach).”
“The social cognitive perspective holds that individuals interact with their environment in a cycle called _____ ______. People mold their environments according to their personalities, and those environments in turn shape our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.”
reciprocal determinism
“The behaviorist perspective, based on the concept of ______ _____holds that personality can be described as the behaviors one has learned from prior rewards and punishments.
operant conditioning,
_____ theorists claim that behavior can be explained as a result of genetic expression.”