Ch 1- Biology & Behavior Flashcards
“had one of the earliest theories that behavior, intellect, and even personality might be linked to brain anatomy. He developed the doctrine of phrenology. The basic idea was that if a particular trait was well-developed, then the part of the brain responsible for that trait would expand.”
Franz Gall
“ was the first person to study the functions of the major sections of the brain. He did this by extirpation on rabbits and pigeons, also known as ablation. In extirpation, various parts of the brain are surgically removed and the behavioral consequences are observed.”
“Pierre Flourens
Flourens’s work led to his assertion that the brain had specific parts for specific functions, and that the removal of one part weakens the whole brain.
“known as the father of American psychology, believed that it was important to study how the mind functioned in adapting to the environment. His view was among the first theories that formed functionalism, a system of thought in psychology that studied how mental processes help individuals adapt to their environments.”
William James
What is functionalism?
A system of thought in psychology that studied how mental processes help individuals adapt to their environments
“ is another important name in functionalism because his 1896 article is seen as its inception. This article criticized the concept of the reflex arc, which breaks the process of reacting to a stimulus into discrete parts. Dewey believed that psychology should focus on the study of the organism as a whole as it functioned to adapt to the environment.”
John Dewey
“(1824–1880) added to the knowledge of physiology by examining the behavioral deficits of people with brain damage. He was the first person to demonstrate that specific functional impairments could be linked with specific brain lesions.
Paul Broca
Broca found that a man who’d been unable to talk was unable to do so because of a lesion in a specific area on the left side of the brain. This area of the brain is now referred to as Broca’s area.”
“was the first to measure the speed of a nerve impulse. By actually measuring the speed of nerve impulses in terms of reaction time, Helmholtz is often credited with the transition of psychology into a field of the natural sciences.”
Hermann von Helmholtz
“Around the turn of the century, Sir Charles Sherrington (1857–1952) first inferred the existence of synapses. Many of his conclusions have held over time—except for one. He thought that synaptic transmission was an electrical process, but we now know that it is primarily a chemical process.”
Sir Charles Sherrington
“There are three kinds of nerve cells in the nervous system:
sensory neurons, motor neurons, and interneurons.”
“Sensory neurons (also known as afferent neurons) transmit sensory information from receptors to the_____
Motor neurons (also known as efferent neurons) transmit motor information from the brain and spinal cord to ______
spinal cord and brain; muscles and glands”
“Interneurons are found between other neurons and are the most numerous of the three types of neurons. ”
is made up of nerve tissue and fibers outside the brain and spinal cord, such as the 12 pairs of cranial and 31 pairs of spinal nerves”
“The main role of the parasympathetic nervous system is to
conserve energy.”
is the neurotransmitter responsible for parasympathetic responses in the body.”
What are the 3 meninges
“the dura mater, the arachnoid mater, and the pia mate”
“In evolutionary terms, the hindbrain and midbrain were brain structures that developed earlier. Together they form the
“sometimes referred to as the most primitive region of the brain”
“ a group of neural structures primarily associated with emotion and memory”
Limbic System
Developed later in evolutionary terms
“Aggression, fear, pleasure, and pain are all related to the limbic system. ”
“The most recent evolutionary development of the human brain is the ____ _____, which is the outer covering of the cerebral hemispheres.”
Cerebral Cortex
“At first, the tube is composed of three swellings, which correspond to the hindbrain, midbrain, and forebrain. Both the _____ and ____ later divide into two swellings, creating five total swellings in the mature neural tube.”
hindbrain and forebrain
2 parts of the forebrain?
2 Parts of the hindbrain?
Telencephalon (cerebral cortex, basal ganglia, and limbic system)
Diencephalon (“thalamus, hypothalamus, posterior pituitary gland, and pineal gland)
Myelencephalon (medulla)
Mesencephalon (pons/cerebellum)
“During embryonic development, the rhombencephalon divides to form the myelencephalon (which becomes the ______) and the metencephalon (which becomes the _______). ”
medulla oblongata; pons and cerebellum
“Rods and cones connect with ______, which highlight gradients between adjacent rods or cones.
bipolar cells
“is a lower brain structure that is responsible for regulating vital functions such as breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure. ”
“receives sensory and motor information from the rest of the body. The midbrain is associated with involuntary reflex responses triggered by visual or auditory stimuli”
Midbrain (mesencephalon)
“There are several prominent nuclei in the midbrain, two of which are collectively called colliculi. The superior colliculus receives visual sensory input, and the inferior colliculus receives sensory information from the auditory system. The inferior colliculus has a role in reflexive reactions to sudden loud noises.”
“There are several prominent nuclei in the midbrain, two of which are collectively called _______.
In the midbrain, The _______receives visual sensory input, and the _______ receives sensory information from the auditory system. The inferior colliculus has a role in reflexive reactions to sudden loud noises.”
superior colliculus; inferior colliculus
“During prenatal development, the prosencephalon (forebrain) divides to form the _____ (which forms the cerebral cortex, basal ganglia, and limbic system) and the ______ (which forms the thalamus, hypothalamus, posterior pituitary gland, and pineal gland).”
telencephalon; diencephalon
What is neuropsychology
“ refers to the study of functions and behaviors associated with specific regions of the brain.”
“It is most often applied in research settings, where researchers attempt to associate very specific areas in the brain to behavior, and in clinical settings when patients are treated for brain lesions. Neuropsychology has its own experimental methodology and technology.”
“By using electrical stimulation, neurosurgeons can thus create ____ ____. This method relies on the assistance of the patient, who is awake and alert. Because there are no pain receptors in the brain, only local anesthesia is required”
Cortical Maps
“Electrical activity generated by larger groups of neurons can be studied using an ________, which involves placing several electrodes on the scalp. Broad patterns of electrical activity can thus be detected and recorded.”
electroencephalogram (EEG)
What is regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF)
a noninvasive mapping procedure which detects broad patterns of neural activity based on increased blood flow to different parts of the brain. rCBF relies on the assumption that when a specific cognitive function activates certain regions of the brain, the blood flow to those regions increases.
“is a structure within the forebrain that serves as an important relay station for incoming sensory information, including all senses except for smell”
Part of the diancephalon
The hypothalamus is subdivided into what 3 parts?
“lateral hypothalamus, ventromedial hypothalamus, and anterior hypothalamus,”
“serves homeostatic functions, and is a key player in emotional experiences during high arousal states, aggressive behavior, and sexual behavior”
“ is also the primary regulator of the autonomic nervous system and is important in drive behaviors: hunger, thirst, and sexual behavior.”
Part of the hypothalamus referred to as the hunger center because it has special receptors thought to detect when the body needs more food or fluids”
Lateral Hypothalamus
“ In other words, the LH triggers eating and drinking. When this part of the hypothalamus is destroyed in lab rats, they refuse to eat and drink and would starve to death if not force-fed through tubes.”
“When the Lateral Hypothalamus (LH) is destroyed, one Lacks Hunger.” (LH)
Region of the hypothalamus identified as the “satiety center,” and provides signals to stop eating”
Brain lesions here lead to obesity`
“The ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH)
“When the VentroMedial Hypothalamus (VMH) is destroyed, one is Very Much Hungry.” (VMH)
Part of the hypothalamus that controls sexual behavior. When the anterior hypothalamus is stimulated, lab animals will mount just about anything (including inanimate objects). In many species, damage here also leads to permanent inhibition of sexual activity. also regulates sleep and body temperature.”
Anterior Hypothalamus
“When the AAAAAnterior hypothalamus is destroyed, one is AAAAAsexual.”
“comprised of axonal projections from the hypothalamus and is the site of release for the hypothalamic hormones”
Posterior Pituitary
“the key player in several biological rhythms. Most notably, it secretes a hormone called melatonin, which regulates circadian rhythms. Receives direct signals from the retina for coordination with sunlight.”
Pineal Gland
“coordinate muscle movement as they receive information from the cortex and relay this information (via the extrapyramidal motor system) to the brain and the spinal cord”
Basal Ganglia
“The extrapyramidal motor system gathers information about body position and carries this information to the central nervous system.”
Comprises a group of interconnected structures looping around the central portion of the brain and is primarily associated with emotion and memory. ”
Limbic System
What are the components of the limbic system?
“Its primary components include the septal nuclei, amygdala, and hippocampus.”
What is the septal nuclei?
Part of the limbic system. It contains one of the primary pleasure centers in the brain. Mild stimulation of the septal nuclei is reported to be intensely pleasurable; there is an association between these nuclei and addictive behavior.”
Part of the limbic system and is a structure that plays an important role in defensive and aggressive behaviors, including fear and rage.
“When the amygdala is damaged, aggression and fear reactions are markedly reduced. Lesions to the amygdala result in docility and hypersexual states.”
What happens when there are lesions to the amygdala?
“When the amygdala is damaged, aggression and fear reactions are markedly reduced. Lesions to the amygdala result in docility and hypersexual states.”
What is the hippocampus
Part of the limbic system. “plays a vital role in learning and memory processes; specifically, the hippocampus helps consolidate information to form long-term memories, and can redistribute remote memories to the cerebral cortex.”
“The hippocampus communicates with other portions of the limbic system through a long projection called
the fornix. ”
What is anterograde Amnesia?
irreversible loss of memory for any new information.
This kind of memory loss is called anterograde amnesia and is characterized by not being able to establish new long-term memories, whereas memory for events that occurred before brain injury is usually intact. ”
“The opposite kind of memory loss, retrograde amnesia, refers to memory loss of events that transpired before brain injury.”
“The outer surface of the brain is called the
cerebral cortex.
The cortex is sometimes called the neocortex, a reminder that the cortex is the most recent brain region to evolve.”
“ Rather than having a smooth surface, the cortex has numerous bumps and folds called gyri and sulci, respectively. The convoluted structure of the brain provides increased surface area. The cerebrum is divided into two halves, called cerebral hemispheres. ”
“ Rather than having a smooth surface, the cerebral cortex has numerous bumps and folds called ______, respectively. The convoluted structure of the brain provides increased surface area.
gyri and sulk
The cerebrum is divided into two halves, called cerebral hemispheres. ”