Ch 6: Circuits Flashcards
Ch 4 Rev: Max AoB for climbing turn… (Pg 67)
Ch 4 Rev: Procedure for levelling off from a climb… (Pg 67)
A - Anticiapte
A - Attitude
S - Speed
P - Power
T - Trim
Rev: It is imperative the ___ is w/in the white arc before ____ (Pg 67)
Airspeed, extending flaps
Take-Off Safety Speed (VToss): (Pg 67)
Min speed to which as AC must be accelerated to achieve TODR, = Stall speed (Vs) x safety factor of 20%
Landing Reference Speed (VREF): (Pg 67)
Airspeed the aeroplane will cross the threshold at = published in POH, = stall speed (Vs) in landing config x 1.3 (30%)
Maximum Take-Off Weight (MTOW): (Pg 67)
Max weight at which AC can take-off at, specified in POH
Take-off Runway Available (TORA): (Pg 67)
Declared surface available for AC to take-off on
Take-off Distance Available (TODA): (Pg 67)
Distance available for take-off from beginning of runway to 50ft AGL, inc runway, stop-way and clearway
Take-Off Distance Required (TODR): (Pg 67)
Distance aeroplane will require to accelerate from a standing start and reach 50ft AGL whilst achieving VTOSS (take-off safety speed)
Determined by Performance charts x safety factor of 15%
Landing Distance Available (LDA): (Pg 67)
Length of runway available and suitable for ground run
Landing Distance Required (LDR): (Pg 67)
Distance required for an AC to come from height of 50ft AGL to a complete stop x factor of 15%
Static RPM: (Pg 67)
Acceptable range of engine RPM with aeroplane at beginning of take-off roll, indicating sufficient power production by the engine
Circuit legs: (Pg 68)
1 Upwind, 2 Crosswind, 3 Downwind, 4 Base, 5 Final
Upwind = (Pg 68)
Initial Leg after TO, consists of climb to at least 500ft AGL, whilst tracking along extened centreline of RW
Crosswind = (Pg 68)
Carrying out 15° AoB climbing turn through 90°heading change to track perpendicular to RW, climb continued to 1000ft AGL
Downwind = (Pg 68)
Initiated when upwind threshold of RW = 45° to aeroplane’s position, downwind = reciprocal of RW
Base = (Pg 68)
Consists of descending turn through 90° heading change, should begin when aeroplane’s position = 45° to RW landing threshold, should descend to 500ft AGL
Final = (Pg 68)
Descent from 500ft AGL along extended centreline of RW
Factors affecting performance: (Pg 68)
Wind, Weight, Slope, Surface, Air Density, Flaps
Wind affects TODR + LDR: (Pg 68)
Headwind TODR = Reduced, LDR = Reduced
Tailwind TODR = Increased, LDR = Increased
Weight affects TODR + LDR: (Pg 69)
TODR = Increase, LDR = Increase
Slope affects TODR + LDR: (Pg 69)
Downslope TODR = Reduced, LDR = Increase
Upslope TODR = Increase, LDR = Reduced
Surface affects TODR + LDR: (Pg 69)
Grass surface TODR = Increase, LDR = Reduced
Air Density affects TODR + LDR: (Pg 69)
Increased AD TODR = Increase, LDR = Increase
Flaps affect TODR + LDR: (Pg 69)
Flaps extended TODR = Increase, LDR = Reduce
Touchdown Options: (Pg 70)
Full stop, Touch + Go, Stop + Go
Full stop = (Pg 70)
Touching down on RW to complete stop, or slow enough to taxi off RW
Touch + Go = (Pg 70)
Normal landing followed by immediate TO w/out stopping or braking, allows for smoother swifter circuit training
Stop + Go = (Pg 70)
AC brought to complete stop, allowing pilot to conduct all checks from static start to complete stop again
Go-Arounds = (Pg 70)
Aborting approach to land or from landing phase and conducting climb back to circuit height and set up for another attempt
Should be conducted whenever any doubt
Factors used to determine Go-Around: (Pg 70)
- Greater than 40° AoB required on BASE/FINAL
- Large ‘S’ Turns to regain centreline
- Not lined up by 400ft AGL on FINAL
- No clearance to touch-down by 200ft AGL
- Too close to preceding AC in BASE/FINAL
- RW not clear
- Wind-shear beyond ability of pilot encountered
- Not touched down by 1/3 length of RW
- High and/or dangerous bounce encountered during landing
- Unsatisfied w/ approach
Go-Around technique: (Pg 71)
- Apply FULL power
- Balance w/ rudder, adopt climb attitude ~Vy
- After +ve RoC, retract flaps 1 stg at time
- Position aeroplane to side of RW, over TW ‘Bravo’
- After TO checks once at safe altitude
- If able, notify ATC of go-around
Start-Up + Ground Ops: (Pg 71)
- Copy ATIS details on freq 120.9
- Bankstown Grd 119.9 req start up for circuits
- Start up procedure
- Taxi to manoeuvring area req taxi clearance for circuits
- Clearance initially for run-up bays, further clearance given out once ready
- Bankstown circuit freq = Bankstown tower 123.6, contacted at holding point
Line-Up procedure: (Pg 73)
- Lights = as req
- Transpoder ALT mode
- Pitot Heat = as req
- Windsock checked
- DI/Compass = Aligned and checked
Rolling checks: (Pg 73)
- Static RPM = achieved
- Ts + Ps = Green
- Airspeed alive + increasing
At ___ carry out ____ checks (Pg 73)
300ft, after Take-Off
After TO checks: (Pg 73)
- Flaps = retracted
- Power = check
- Engine instruments = green
- Lights as req in circuit
- Ref point = selected
At 400ft conduct ____: (Pg 73)
Effective lookout in direction of upcoming crosswind, once behind the wing can conduct downwind turn
Crosswind Work Cycle: (Pg 74)
A - maintain Vy
L - Scan for preceeding AC and spacing
A - “”
P - (1) IAS = Vy (2) Alt = anticipate target height (3) DI = RW heading +/- 90°
Downwind initiated when RW threshold is ___: (Pg 74)
Downwind Work Cycle: (Pg 74)
H - Height = 1000ft AGL
H - Heading = Maintain downwind track
S - Speed = Maintain NC
S - Spacing = RW centreline should cut through wing ~1/3 from wingtip at wings level
Pre-landing procedure = (Pg 75)
B - Brakes = Check brake pressure/park brake off
U - Undercarriage = Fixed
M - Mixture = Full RICH
F - Fuel = Fullest tank
I - Instruments = Green
S - Switches = Lights, batt, alt EFP ON, mags BOTH
H - Hatches/Harnesses = Fastened and adjusted
Approach config: (Pg 75)
P - 1700RPM
A - Initially maintain 1/3 grnd, reduce IAS + adjust for 1/2 grnd
S - Verbalise white arc, set 2 stages flaps (VREF = 75kts)
T - Use liberally
Base work cycle: (Pg 76)
A - Attitude = Set + Maintain 1/2 grnd
A - Airspeed = Trimmed for 75kts
A - Aspect = Judge is too high/low/near/far
Base leg = (Pg 76)
500ft AGL on extended centreline of RW
Final Approach = (Pg 76)
Aim point = ‘numbers’ in normal approach, should remain constant 1/3 in windscreen
Final Approach Work Cycle: (Pg 76)
A - Aim point = RW numbers 1/3 windscreen
A - Airspeed = 75kts reducing towards VREF by 300ft AGL
A - Aspect = Judgement of centreline
When passes 300ft on final…. (Pg 76)
- Flaps = as req
- Carby heat = Full OFF
- Clearance = Obtained and RW clear
- Windsock = Speed and direction confirmed
Round-Out, Hold-Off + Touchdown: (Pg 77)
- Progressively reducing rate of descent to zero, ~ 1 foot of grnd
- As Aimpoint moves under nose, smoothrly reduce power to idle, look far end of RW
- Use rudder to keep nose straight, and aileron to maintain centreline
- Apply back-pressure to remain S + L
Hold-Off: (Pg 77)
- Gradually increasing back-pressure to combar rate of sink, and prevent from touching down
- Smoothly relax back-pressure and allow nose-wheel to touchdown on centreline
Touch + Go: (Pg 77)
- Carry out landing as above, once safely on grnd and under control, reclaim centreline w/ rudder
- Retract flaps and apply full power and check RPM
- Check engine instruments = green, IAS increasing towards VR
After Landing checks: (Pg 78)
F - Flaps retracted
F - Fuel Pump OFF
E - Engage = Obtain taxi clearance from ATC (119.9)
L - Lights = Landing and Strobe OFF
L - Lean mixture for taxi
T - Trim = neutral
T - Transponder = SBY/GND