Ch 2: Straight and Level Flashcards
Ch 1 Rev: RAF acts …… to aeroplane’s flight path (Pg 9)
Parallel and opposite
Ch 1 Rev: Curvature of aerofoil is called … (Pg 9)
Ch 1 Rev: Difference between Chord line and RAF is… (Pg 9)
Angle of Attack (AoA)
Ch 1 Rev: Centre of Gravity is point at which … acts through (Pg 9)
Chord Line (Pg 21)
Direct line from leading edge to trailing edge of wing
Mean Camber (Pg 21)
Line running from leading to trailing edge equally between upper and lower surfaces
Centre of Pressure (CoP)
Point where lift is considered to act through
Aeroplane is straight and level when… (Pg 21)
Maintains constant heading (direction), Constant Altitude, at Constant Airspeed whilst in balance
/ State of Equilibrium
4 Forces acting in aeroplane in flight… (Pg 21)
Lift, Weight, Thrust, Drag
Lift… (Pg 21)
Acting through Centre of Pressure (CoP) perpendicular to RAF
Weight… (Pg 21)
Acts through Centre of Gravity (CoG) towards centre of Earth
Thrust… (Pg 21)
Acts parallel to engine crankshaft, counteracts drag
Drag… (Pg 21)
Acts opposite to direction of motion
Lift balances… (Pg 21)
Thrust balances… (Pg 21)
Couples of opposing forces are… (Pg 21)
Pair of parallel opposing forces that do not act through the same point, –> causing tendency to rotate
Thrust/Drag couple causes… (Pg 21)
Nose-up tendency
Lift/Weight couple causes… (Pg 21)
Nose-down tendency
Bernoulli’s Principle (Pg 22)
Airflow below has reduced velocity = increased static pressure, airflow above has increased velocity = decreased static pressure
Engineer’s Lift form. (Pg 23)
Mathematical eqn for how lift is achieved
Lift = (CL)(1/2)(P)(V∧2)(S) (Pg 23)
CL = Coefficient of Lift, made of Camber and AoA
P = Greek letter for Air Density
V = Velocity/True Airspeed (TAS)
S = SA of wing
Pilot’s Lift form. (Pg 23)
2 options for altering lift; AoA and (Indicated Airspeed) IAS
Lift = AoA ∝ IAS (Pg 23)
Relationship is inversely proportional
Weight: CoG is… (Pg 23)
Point at which all weight of aeroplane is concentrated
Lift = Weight in… (Pg 23)
Stabilised Level flight
Thrust must be greater than … to continue accelerating (Pg 24)
In balanced, level flight at constant airspeed, …. must be equal (Pg 24)
Thrust and Drag
Total drag is made of… (Pg 24)
Induced Drag, Parasite Drag
Induced drag: (Pg 24)
Result of production of lift, prominent at low airspeeds
Parasite drag: (Pg 24)
Caused by moving solid object through fluid medium
Parasite drag = further broken into… (Pg 24)
Form Drag, Skin Friction Drag, Interference Drag
Form drag… (Pg 24)
Caused by air having to move out of way as aeroplane moves forward
Skin Friction drag is… (Pg 24)
Caused by air sticking to surface of aeroplane as it moves,
Rough surfaces cause boundary layer to thicken and stops air from flowing smoothly (reduced laminar flow)
Define Laminar Flow (Pg 24)
Movement of particles in smooth path
Interference drag is… (Pg 24)
When 2 moving airflows meet from different directions or at an angle.
Power is… (Pg 25)
Rate of doing work, the product of force applied and the resultant velocity
Work done is … (Pg 25)
Work is done by applying force over a distance
Forces to use for power are… (Pg 25)
Thrust and Drag
Thrust to power… (Pg 25)
Power available or ability to do work
Drag to power… (Pg 25)
Power required or work to be done
Power available eqn… (Pg 25)
Power Available = Thrust x TAS (True Aispeed)
Power required eqn… (Pg 25)
Power Required = Drag x TAS (True Airspeed)
Static Stability is… (Pg 25)
Describes aeroplane’s tendency to return to its original condition
Dynamic Stability is… (Pg 25)
Concerned with motion of aeroplane after the disturbing force has been removed, and its ability to dampen out any oscillations over time
Lateral Stability is… (Pg 26)
Displayed along the longitudinal axis, wings tend to return to wings-level attitude after being displaced
Longitudinal Stability is… (Pg 26)
Displayed along the Lateral axis …….
Directional Stability is… (Pg 26)
Displayed along Normal axis, when yaws will act to restore aeroplane to original flight path & realign with RAF
To achieve Straight and Level flight use… (Pg 27)
Power + Attitude = Performance
PA28-161 Warrior; PAST NORMAL cruise (Pg 27):
P - 2400-2450RPM, A - 1/3 Ground, S - 105Kts, Trim and Balance
PA28-161 Warrior; PAST FAST cruise (Pg 27):
P - 2500RPM, A - Slightly lower than NC, S - 110Kts, Trim and Balance, All power below 2000RPM = Carby Heat FULL ON
PA28-161 Warrior; PAST SLOW cruise (Pg 27):
P - 1900RPM, A - Nose on horizon, S - 75Kts, Trim and Balance, All power below 2000RPM = Carby Heat FULL ON
PA28-161 Warrior; PAST SAFE Slow cruise (Pg 27):
P - 2100RPM, A - 1/3 Ground, S - 70Kts (+ 2 stages flaps), Trim and Balance, All power below 2000RPM = Carby Heat FULL ON
PA28-161 Warrior; PAST FAST cruise (Pg 27):
P - 2500RPM, A - Slightly lower than NC, S - 110Kts, Trim and Balance, All power below 2000RPM = Carby Heat FULL ON
PA28-181 Archer; PAST NORMAL cruise (Pg 27):
P - 2350-2400RPM, A - 1/3 Ground, S - 110Kts, Trim and Balance, All power below 2000RPM = Carby Heat FULL ON AS REQUIRED
PA28-181 Archer; PAST FAST cruise (Pg 27):
P - 2500RPM, A - Slightly lower the NC, S - 115Kts, Trim and Balance, All power below 2000RPM = Carby Heat FULL ON AS REQUIRED
PA28-181 Archer; PAST SLOW cruise (Pg 27):
P - 1900RPM, A - Nose on Horizon, S - 80Kts, Trim and Balance, All power below 2000RPM = Carby Heat FULL ON AS REQUIRED
PA28-181 Archer; PAST SAFE Slow cruise (Pg 27):
P - 2100RPM, A - 1/3 Ground, S - 75Kts (+ 2 stages flaps), Trim and Balance, All power below 2000RPM = Carby Heat FULL ON AS REQUIRED
Entry use… (Pg 27)
PAST procedure
Work cycle use… (Pg 28)
ALAP Cycle, Attitude-Lookout-Attitude-Performance
Correction Cycle use… (Pg 28)
CCHAT Cycle, Change-Check-Hold-Adjust-Trim
Transition/Exit use… (Pg 29)
PAST Procedure