Ch 5: Stalling Flashcards
Ch 4 Rev: In Engineer’s Lift Form., coefficient of Lift (CL) is made up of …… and …… (Pg 53)
Camber, AoA
Ch 4 Rev: Procedure or entering a turn is….. (Pg 53)
Bank, Balance, Back-pressure
Ch 4 Rev: A climbing turn is limited to … AoB (Pg 53)
Ch 4 Rev: Load Factor is ratio of ____ to ____ of an aeroplane (Pg 53)
Lift, Weight
Stall: (Pg 53)
When the Critical AoA (16°) is exceeded, lift produced is insufficient to support Weight or Load Factor
Spin: (Pg 53)
A condition of staled flight, aeroplane will be yawing, pitching and rolling simultaneously
Incipient Spin: (Pg 53)
The transition phase from a stall to a developed spin
Critical Angle: (Pg 53)
AoA where coefficient of lift (CL) is at a maximum (16°)
Boundary Layer: (Pg 53)
Thin layer of air next to aerofoil, only few mm, where relative velocity of air changes from 0 (due to skin friction) up to aeroplane’s forward speed
Laminar Flow: (Pg 53)
Streamlined, non-turbulent air/airflow that is layered
Laminar boundary offers greatest lift and least drag
Transition Point: (Pg 53)
Where boundary layer changes from being laminar to turbulent flow, but still attached to aerofoil surface
Separation Point: (Pg 53)
Point where boundary layer (already transitioned from laminar to turbulent flow at T.P), separates from surface of aerofoil causing turbulent wake
Wing is stalled when… (Pg 54)
Smooth airflow over wing uncontrollably separates from surface and becomes turbulent = decreasing lift force
Stall occurs when… (Pg 54)
AoA exceeds Stalling/Critical angle of 16°
Once stalled… (Pg 54)
Wing still produces some lift, but not enough to balance weight = will lose height
T/F — Stall can only occur at any speed, attitude or altitude (Pg 54)
F - Can only stall once exceeded Critical Angle (16°)
Aeroplane may enter into an incipient spin/fully developed spin when/if… (Pg 54)
One wing stalls before other, or if flight controls are mishandled at point of stall
T/F — Cause of stall will always be exceeding Critial AoA
Stalling speed is clean configuration indicated on ASI by… (Pg 55)
Lower end of Green Arc
Stall speed (Vs) = … (Pg 55)
Minimum level flight airspeed
Symptoms/Indications of impending stall: (Pg 55)
- High nose attitude
- Low/decreasing airspeed
- Sloppy/ineffective controls
- Stall warning
- Decreasing airframe noise
Symptoms/Indications of encountered stall: (Pg 55)
- Buffeting
- Nose pitch down
- Possible wing drop
- Height loss
- Increasing buffeting if not recovered/not initiated
Factors affecting stall speed (Vs): (Pg 55)
Weight, Load Factor, CoG Position, Power, Flaps, Environment (wind, turbulence, icing), wing damage)
Weight affects stall speed: (Pg 55)
When heavier, aeroplane requires greater IAS to generate more lift to maintain flight.
lighter aeroplane can be flown at lower airspeeds compared to heavier aeroplanes
Vs increases as weight increases
Load Factor affects stall speed: (Pg 56)
Increase in LF has same effect as increase in weight – necessary lift required also increases
eg 60° turn = 2g, –> aircraft must produce twice as much lift to weight to maintain level flight
== Vs will increase
L.F in turn affects stall speed: (Pg 56)
Given airspeed will decrease in a turn, Vs will increase
CoG position affects stall speed: (Pg 56)
As CoG moves backward, less downforce = required = similar effect on stall speed as reduction in weight, Vs decreases
Power affects stall speed: (Pg 56)
Increase in power = increase in thrust = increase in lift, and allow stall speed to decrease at critical angle
Flaps affect stall speed: (Pg 56)
Flaps increase camber of wing which increases CL and lifting ability of the wing, ==> so wing can support same weight load at lower airspeeds
Vs will decrease
Environment; Wind affects stall speed: (Pg 56)
Heavy gusts can momentarily change AoA and possibly cause to exceed 16°
Environment; Turbulence affects stall speed: (Pg 56)
Can cause momentary changes to AoA, could mask symptoms of impending stall or cause pilot to think they are stalling earlier than they are
Environment; Icing affects stall speed: (Pg 56)
Will increase weight of aeroplane, change shape of wing of aerofoil and inturupt laminar flow over wing = reduction in lifting ability of the wing and increase Vs
Wing Damage affects stall speed: (Pg 56)
Damage will alter aerodynamic shape of aerofoil, reducing ability to generate lift and interrupt laminar airflow, = lesslift available for same weight = Vs will increase
Incipient spin occurs when… (Pg 57)
Wings exceed critical AoA and stall with sideslip/yaw acting on aeroplane at or beyond stall
Is beginning of full developed spin
Pre-Manoeuvre Checks… (Pg 58)
H - Height (enough to recover by 3000ft AGL)
A - Airframe (Flaps, landing gear as desired, brakes off and trimmed)
S - Security (all loose articles secure/fastened)
E - Engine (fuel selector on fullest, electric fuel pump ON, Ts and Ps GREEN, Mixture full RICH, carby ON as req)
L - Location (clear of controlled AS, towns other AC)
L - Lookout (360° clearing turn to check around and below)
Intermediate Checks… (Pg 58)
H - Height (“”)
E - Engine (Ts and Ps green, carby ON as req, mixture full RICH, EFP ON)
L - Location (Clear of populated areas, terrain, clouds other traffic)
L - Lookout (90° clearing turn to check for traffic)
Post Loss of Control Procedure… (Pg 59)
S - Situation (confirm target altitude is regained)
A - Airframe (desired config is set, scan for damage)
F - Fuel (confirm correct fuel tank)
E - Engine (Confirm carby heat off as req, ts and ps)
Types of stalls: (Pg 59)
Basic; Clean, Approach stalls
Advanced; Climbing turning stalls, Full power stalls
Power-off Stall entry: (Pg 59)
- Smoothly close throttle
- Ailerons neutral, ball centred
- As IAS decreases, gently apply backpressure to raise nose and maintain altitude
- Once experiencing indications of stall recover
Power-on Stall entry: (Pg 59)
- Smoothly close throttle
- Ailerons neutral, ball centred
- As IAS decreases, gently apply backpressure to maintain altitude
- Once experiencing indications of stall, FULL power
Clean stalls: (Pg 60)
Conducted with flaps + LG retracted
Clean stalls; Power on recovery: (Pg 60)
- Ensure yoke is neutral, relax backpressure to 1/2 grnd
- As nose descends past horizon; Carby heat off, FULL power, keep balanced with rudder
- Once wings un-stalled; level wings w/ aileron, raise nose to Vy, level off once target altitude regained
Clean stalls; Power off recovery: (Pg 60)
- Ensure yoke is neutral, relax backpressure to 1/3 grnd
- Use rudder in opp. direction to balance and prevent wing drop
- Once wings un-stalled; trim for best glide config set target descent altitude
Approach Stalls: (Pg 60)
Simulate coming to land. After completion of HASELL/HELL checks set up into Basic Stall entry procedure
Approach stall Power-on recovery: (Pg 60)
- Ensure yoke is neutral, relax backpressure to 1/2 grnd
- As nose descends past horizon; carby OFF, apply FULL power, balance with rudder
- Once wings un-stalled; level wings with aileron, raise nose to Vy, after achieving ~ 60kts and +ve Vy retract flaps, level off once target altitude regained
Climbing Turning Stalls: (Pg 61)
Will be conducted during advanced stalling lesson. After HASELL/HELL checks, should be config-ed for Best Angle of Climb (BAoC), when stabalised conduct Power-OFF Stall entry
Climbing Turning Power-on stall recovery: (Pg 61)
- Ensure yoke is neutral, relax backpressure 10 1/3 grnd
- As nose passes horizon; apply FULL power, balance with rudder
- Once wings un-stalled; level w/ aileron, raise nose to Vy, level off when target altitude regained
Full power stalls: (Pg 61)
Will be conducted in Advanced stalling lesson, taught to emphasise effects of applying full power into a stall and highlight delay to indications of stall
Full power stalls; Powered recovery… (Pg 61)
- Ensure yoke is neutral, relax backpressure to 1/2 grnd
- Once wings un-stalled; level with aileron, smoothly raise nose to Vy, POWER STILL FULL, level once target altitude regained
Spin recovery: (Pg 62)
- Reduce power to idle
- Ensure yoke is neutral, apply opposite rudder
- Relax backpressure, lower nose to 1/2 grnd, forward pressure if req
- When rotation stops, release rudder, keep ball centred
- Once wings un-stalled; level with aileron, Carby OFF, apply FULL power, raise nose to Vy, level off once target altitude regained