Ch. 6 Becoming a Parent Flashcards
Galinsky’s Stages of Development for Parents
- The image- Making Stage
- The Nurturing Stage
- The Authority Stage
- The interpretive
- The interdependent stages
- The departure Stage
Galinsky: 1. The image- Making Stage
- Planning for a child/pregnancy
- Consider what it means to be a parent and plan for changes to accommodate a child
Galinsky: 2. The- Nurturing Stage
- Infancy
- Develop an attachment relationship with child and adapt to the new baby
Galinsky: 3. The Authority Stage
- Toddler and preschool
- Parents create rules and figure out how to effectively guide their children’s behavior
Galinsky: 4. The interpretive
- Middle Childhood
- Parents help their children interpret their experiences with the social world beyond the family
Galinsky: 5. The interdependent stages
- Adolescence
- Parents renegotiate their relationship with their adolescent children to allow for shared power in decision-making
Galinsky: 6. The departure Stage
- Early Adulthood
- Parents evaluate their successes and failures as parents
Parenting Trajectories
- Establish
- Mediate
- Modify
Parenting Trajectories: Establish
- Determine environments
- Gaps between belief and practice
Parenting Trajectories: Mediate
- Pre-arming
- Concurrent
- Debriefing
Parenting Trajectories: Modify
- Acceleration
- Deceleration
Deciding to have a child
Fundamental lifestyle changes associated with childbirth
Advantages for having a Child
- Allows for a full family life, important for a good marriage
- Offers a sense of personal accomplishment
- Adds excitement to life, joy of children
- Provides a source of love and affection, someone to care for me when old
- Promotes sense of immortality
- Other: Gives spiritual fulfillment, establishes oneself as a mature person, spousal/partner wishes, pressure from family, and fulfills sexual love
Disadvantages for having a Child
- Results in a drastic change in
lifestyle - Creates many time-consuming responsibilities
- increases expenses
- Introduces difficulties regarding the mother’s employment
- Contributes to overpopulation
- Other: Creates worry and tension, makes for too much disorder, and introduces negative effects on one’s health and stamina
Fertility over the years…
fertility has been going down over the years (1960-2018)
Heritability coefficient
- 1.0 = all variance due to genetics
- 0 = no variance due to genetics (All enviormental)
Interfering with the neural crest of the developmental process
Examples of Teratogens
○ Alcohol
○ Agrochemicals
○ Infections agents
○ Recreational drugs
○ Retinoids
○ Antihypertensive drugs
○ Psychiatric medication
○ Gestational diabetes
○ Nutrients
○ Level of stress
○ Access to prenatal care
Thalidomide (1950’s)
- A morning sickness drug (Prescribed to moms)
- Causing birth defects
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
- When exposed to alcohol the fetus experiences physical and cognitive effects
- Example: Memory loss, Hyper activity, Learning difficulties, Small head, Wideset eyes
3 parts of an embryo
- Ectoderm
- Mesoderm
- Endoderm
- Nervous System
- Skin
○ Muscle
○ Skeleton
○ Kidneys
○ Reproductive system
○ Endocrine glands
○ Lungs
○ Digestive tract
○ Liver
- 11% of women and 9.4% of men experience infertility
Infertility Treatments: Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)
- Intrauterine insemination
- In vitro fertilization (IVF)
- Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer (GIFT)
Genetic Defects
3% of births born with a birth defect
Most Common Genetic Defects
○ Heart defects (1 in 100 to 200)
○ Orofacial clefts (1 in 700 to 1,000)
○ Down syndrome (1 in 800)
○ Neural tube defect (1 in 1,000)
○ Autism spectrum disorders (3.4 to 6.7 in 1,000)
Chromosomal Genetic Defects
- Klinefelter Syndrome (XYX)
- Turner’s Syndrome (XO)
- Cri-Du-Chat syndrome or Cat Cry syndrome
the picture of all 23 chromosomes
More Genetic Defects
- Dominant inheritance
○ Achondroplasia (dwarfism) - Recessive Inheritance
○ Tay-Sachs disease
○ Phenylketonuria (PKU) - X-linked Inheritance
○ Hemophilia - Multifactorial Inheritance
○ Neural tube defects
Many defects can be identified in utero with…
○ Amniocentesis
○ Chorionic villi sampling (MORE ACCURATE SOONER but not neurological effects)
○ Ultrasound
Miscarriage occurs when pregnancy ends before 20 weeks
- As many as ½ of all pregnancies end this way
Ectopic Pregnancy
○ When fertilized egg implants outside the uterus
○ 2% of pregnancies
○ Must be removed surgically
- After 40 weeks of pregnancy, labor begins
○ Frequent and regular contractions
○ Lasts 12 to 14 hours for first baby
Stages of Childbirth (vaginal)
○ Stage 1: dilation of cervix (labor)
○ Stage 2: pushing & delivery
○ Stage 3: expulsion of placenta
Childbirth Methods
- Bradley (husband-coached)
- Lamaze
- Use of pain medication
○ analgesics
○ anesthesia
Vaginal delivery: Advantages
- Releases hormones that promote healthy lung function
- Physically compress the baby, thereby removing fluid from lungs
- Prepares mother’s body for breastfeeding
- Reduces risks to mother and infant introduced by C-sections (accidental cutting, infection, surgical complications
The Preterm Baby
- 1 in 10 premature
- Average = 7.3 pounds and 20 inches long
Two types of Preterm infants
○ Premature
○ Low birth weight
born prior to 37 weeks of gestation
Low birth weight
weighs less than 5.5 pounds
Transition to Parenthood
- Newborns require constant care
- Decline in marital satisfaction is common
-the extent to which parents work together in their roles as parent
- Providing support
- Resolving childrearing disagreement
- Dividing duties
- Managing interaction patterns
Postpartum depression
- Depression occurs in 12-40% of new mothers
- Lasts more than 2 weeks and characterized by various symptoms typical in depression
Men with postpartum…
Men follow a very similar patter to women in postpartum depression (women still have higher scores
Role Sharing and Working Parents
- Time Spent by Mothers and Fathers in Infant Care Activities
- Note: The numbers indicate the minutes per day spent on each activity.
Postpartum Psychosis
- Delusions, hallucinations, thoughts of harming body
- Postpartum psychosis is much rarer but more dangerous for the health of the baby
- Support groups and antidepressants can be helpful