Ch. 6 Flashcards
Classical conditioning
helps explain involuntary behavior and it is in control of a response (fear)
Classical conditioning (CS) weakened by presenting the classical conditioning (CS) without the unconditioned classical conditioning (UCS)
Spontaneous recovery
CR (conditioned response) recurs after a time delay without any more learning
CR’s (conditioned response) may also appear after various NS (neutral stimulus) that are similar to the CS (Classical conditioning)
-Ex. a dog reacting to any doorbell even if it is not from its house it still reacts)
CRs (conditioned response) appear after the CS (classical conditioning) but not after other, similar stimuli
Ex. a child who is scared by a man with a beard may fail to discriminate between bearded men and generalize that all men with beards are to be feared.
Operant conditioning
the consequences of a behavior change the probability of that behavior happening again
Thorndike’s law of effect
consequences strengthen or weaken an S-R (stimulus response) connection
a form of behavior modification based with operant conditioning
reinforcement increases behavior
Positive reinforcement
behavior followed by rewarding consequence, rewarding stimulus is added
Learned helplessness
an organism has no control over negative outcome
all kinds of attempts -> nothing works
Primary reinforces
Innately satisfying (ice cream)
Secondary reinforces
becomes satisfying through experience (money)
punishment decreases behavior
Positive punishment
behavior is followed by aversive (unpleasant) consequence is added
Ex. Getting a ticket
Negative punishment
behavior followed by unpleasant consequence and the rewarding stimulus is taken away
Ex. time out, taken phone away, etc.
Neutral stimulus
a stimulus that at first elicits no response.
ex. sound of bell
Unconditioned stimulus
a stimulus that leads to an automatic response
Ex. In Pavlov’s experiment, the food was the unconditioned stimulus.
Innate S-R (stimulus response) association
formed by the repeated co-occurrence of stimuli and actions
Unconditioned response
an automatic response to a stimulus
Ex. The smell of a favorite food, which immediately makes you feel hungry
Conditioned response
Ex. drooling when the dog heard the bell because it knows its getting food
A systematic, relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs through experience
Basic functions of the neurotransmitters
carry chemical signals (“messages”) from one neuron (nerve cell) to the next target cell.