Ch 5: Toddlerhood (Ages 1-3) Flashcards
T/F: temper tantrums are often caused by frustration over trying to communicate with others
a pattern of behavior that impairs a child’s emotional development or sense of self-worth.
emotional abuse/psychological abuse
T/F: children who are abused can suffer a multitude of behavioral and emotional struggles
define parallel play
in the presence of, rather than in interaction with
Developing self-concept feelings of ____ for good behavior and ____or____ for bad behavior
pride; embarrassment or distress
The process of teaching children the values and typical behaviors of society
4 parts to physical development
sensory and perceptual development
gross motor development
fine motor development
language development
Failure of a parent, guardian, or other caregiver to provide for a child’s basic needs: physical, medical, educational and emotional
this type of abuse usually appears with other types of abuse and is the hardest to prove
emotional abuse/psychological abuse
What are signs of atypical stranger anxiety?
Typical/Atypical: stranger anxiety
T/F: 74% of infants and toddlers have watched TV
Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA)
Any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker that results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation; or an act or failure to act that presents an imminent risk of serious harm
___ year-olds are so active they need close supervision to prevent accidents
2-3 year olds
T/F: Play is critical to the healthy development of a child
Fine motor development at age 1-1.5
pick up small objects, stack blocks
Social learning theory in regards to gender identity in children
gender identity is influenced by parents
T/F: during cognitive development toddlers become aware of cause and effect
T/F: Separation anxiety (to a certain degree) is typical until ages 3 or 4
Child maltreatment often begins during ___ as they begin to assert independence
Features of separation anxiety
severe destress, worry, fear leading to impairment of functioning, frequently with somatic symptoms
Risks to healthy toddler development
child maltreatment developmental delays learning disabilities
T/F: Personality begins to show during toddlerhood
Language development at age 1-1.5
understands words, expressive language lags, leads to frustration, caregiver patience a must
Cognitive development at age 2
children become aware of themselves as individuals (offer choices rather then saying no can minimize tantrums)
Four types of child maltreatment
Physical abuse
Sexual abuse
Emotional abuse/psychological abuse
Gender identity typically develops between ___and___ months of age
18 and 30 months
Language development at age 3
50-250 word vocab; “why”, “me do it”, continued patience
Social and emotional development at age 3
begin to development friendships with other children, engage in parallel play with other children
T/F: parents need to talk openly and calmly about body parts, basic bodily functions, and allowing toddlers to explore their bodies
cross-sex typed gender schema theory
individuals may integrate information that is aligned with the opposite gender
failure to provide necessary medical or mental health treatment
Medical neglect
Fine motor development at age 3
right/left preference, large-piece puzzles, big blocks, musical toys, sand boxes with scoops, cups, trucks
non accidental physical injury inflicted by a parent, caregiver, or other person who is responsible for the child; minor bruises to severe fractures to death as a result of punch, beating, kicking, ect.
Physical abuse
Language development at age 2
50 word vocab; 1-3 word sentences
Examples of sensory and perceptual development
-roll rather than walk down a step embankment -walk slowly with open cup of water
The best prevention of child abuse is
failure to provide necessary food or shelter, or appropriate supervision
Physical neglect
Gross motor development at age 1-1.5
strength, balance, and coordination to walk
T/F: counselors are not legally mandated to report any reasonable suspicion of child abuse
Cognitive development at age 18 months
children respond to directions, begin to use objects as tools, and can solve simple problems
Fine motor development at age 2
mold play-dough, pegs into holes, turn rotating handles
At around ___ months of age, children begin to use their sense to change the way they interact with the environment.
18 months
T/F: many states recognize abandonment and parental substance abuse as forms of neglect
Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA)
federal law requiring services for children with disabilities
T/F: During toddlerhood physical development tends to slow
Activities such as fondling a child’s genitals, penetration, incest, rape, sodomy, indecent exposure, and exploitation through prostitution or the production of pornographic materials by a parent or caregiver
sexual abuse
4 types of neglect
physical medical educational emotional
difference between positive discipline and negative discipline/punishment?
+ educate, no judgement - telling no, not educating, shaming, physical or emotional punishment
Gender schema theory
individuals are gendered by society and sex-linked characteristics are maintained by culture
Cognitive development at age 3
children begin to develop memories
AAP– no TV before age __
_____ is the most common mental health issue for toddlers
undifferentiated gender schema theory
individuals do not show processing of any sex type
Social development problems can be caused by
autism, speech problems, temperament, non-supportive caregiver
Gross motor development at age 3
running, jumping, climbing age-appropriate playground equipment
Gender identity
a personal sense of an individuals own gender
An internal conflict where the individual desires to be the opposite sex. the cross-gender identification is powerful and persistent
Gender identity disorder/gender dysphoria
4 types of gender schema theory
sex-typed cross-sex typed androgynous undifferentiated
Toddlers need ___ hours of sleep a day
Gross motor development at age 2
able to climb well, walk up and down stairs with support, kick a ball, run short distances
androgynous gender schema theory
individuals integrate information from both genders
T/F: children who’s parents have panic disorders are at high risk to develop separation anxiety
T/F: physical development slow, language development flourishes
failure to educate a child or attend to special educational needs
educational neglect
T/F: educational media before age 2 has some benefit
sex-typed gender schema theory
individuals integrate information in accordance with their own gender
Social and emotional development at age 1
imitative play, most often imitating the caregiver
__% of childhood is spent sleeping
Absence of attention to a child’s emotional needs, failure to provide psychological care, or permitting the child to use alcohol or other drugs
emotional neglect