Ch 5: Developmental Assessments Flashcards
Assessment of Premature Infants Behavior (APIB)

Population: Preterm and full term infants
Asesses:infants pattern of developing behavioral organization in response to increasing sensory and environmental stimuli; eye movements and asymmetry of performance are measured;
Method: Completed using a behavior checklist and scale
Neurological Assessment of Pre-Term and Full-Term New-born Infant (NAPFI)
Premature and full-term newborn infants -A rating scale consisting of a brief neurological examination incorporated into routine assessment. -movement and tone, reflexes, irritability, consolability, and cry are SOME of the items assessed. -items are administered in a quiet or sleep state, then some it doesn’t matter what state they are in and then finally some are administered in an aroused state.
Denver Developmental Screening Test II
-1 month to 6 years -Standardized task performance and observation screening tool for early identification of children at risk for developmental delays in the areas of personal-social, fine motor-adaptive, language, and gross motor skills. -125 test items, administer in sequential order until fails 3 times - performance compared to determine if delayed (chronological age listed for each item)
Bayley Scales of Infant Development - 3rd ed (BSID-III)
1 - 42 months (3.5 years) -Standardized rating scales that assess multiple areas of development to attain a baseline for intervention and to monitor progress. Evaluates 5 domains: cognitive, language, motor (performance based for these 3), and social-emotional and adaptive behavior skills. -Performance part and 2 parent questionnaires
First STEP: Screening Test for Evaluating Preschoolers
-2 yr, 9 mo through 6 yr, 2 mo -Checklist and rating scale which identifies preschool students at risk and in need of a more comprehensive evaluation; 5 domains: cognition, communication, physical, social and emotional, and adaptive functioning.uses Tabletop, rating scales and checklists. Total domain scores analyzed to see if at appropriate level or at risk - determines areas needing improvement.
Hawaii Early Learning Profile - HELP
-Birth- 3 with developmental delays or at risk (also available for preschoolers 3-6 yrs with or without delays) -Non-standardized scale of developmental levels. Educational curriculum referenced test that assesses cognitive, language, gross motor, fine motor, social-emotional, and self-help -Need to be done in natural environment and during typical routines
Miller Assessment for Preschoolers (MAP)
-2 yr, 9 mo to 5 yr, 8 mo -Standardized task performance screening tool that assesses sensory and motor abilities, consisting of foundation and coordination indexes, cognitive abilities (verbal and non-verbal), and combined abilities -Age related items are administered to pt; Performance is compared to norm
Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory PEDI
-6 mo to 7 years -Standardized behaviors checklist and rating scale that assesses capabilities and detects functional deficits, to determine developmental level, monitor progress, and complete a program evaluation. -Observation, interview and scoring of 3 domains: self-care, mobility, and social skills and their functional sub-units
Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency BOT-2
-4 to 21 years -Standardized test that provides an assessment of overall gross and fine motor proficiency; fine and gross motor composites, including consideration of speed, duration, and accuracy of performance and hand and/or foot preference.-indicates motor strengths and weaknesses
Erhardt Developmental Prehension Assessment (EDPA)
-Children of all ages with neurodevelopental disorders -Observation checklist based on performance which assesses three clustered areas: involuntary arm-hand patterns, voluntary movements of approach, pre-writing skills - BASICALLY looking at pre-writing skills/hand skills. -Help determine gaps in hand skills and developmental levels
Peabody Motor Scales PDMS-2
-Birth to 6 years with motor, speech and/or hearing disorders -Standardized rating scales of gross and fine motor development; gross and fine motor subtests measure reflexes, sustained control, locomotion, object manipulation, grasping, and visual motor integration -Standard scores provided; strengths and weakness identified after percentile ranks grafted
Toddler and Infant Motor Evaluation (TIME)
-Birth to 3 years, 6 months -Assesses the quality of movement; 5 primary subtests: mobility, stability, motor organization, social/emotional abilities, and functional performance. -Cutoff scores indicative of moderate or significant motor delays
Beery visual motor integration-VMI
2-18 years for full form, 2 - 7 for short form -Standardized, Assesses visual motor integration - copies 24 geometric shapes in order of difficulty, after 3 fails test DC’ed.
Developmental Test of Visual Perception (DTVP)
4-10 years (11-74 for Adolescent and Adult version) -Assesses visual perceptual skills and visual motor integration for levels of performance and for designing interventions and monitoring progress. -Similar to MVPT - book and picking correct answer
Erhardt Developmental Vision Assessment (EDVA) and short screening form
-birth to 6 months - short form can be used for older kids-A behavior rating scale to determine visuomotor development that assesses involuntary visual patterns including EYELID REFLEXES, PUPILLARY REACTIONS, DOLL’S EYE RESPONSES AND VOLUNTARY PATTERNS including fixation, localization, ocular pursuit, and gaze shift. -Responses are scored as normal, well-integrated, emerging or not present-Results determine indications for ophthalmic evaluation
Preschool Visual Motor Integration Assessment (PVMIA)
-Preschoolers aged 3.5-5.5 yrs -Standardized norm referenced assessment which evaluates visual motor integration and visual perceptual skills of preschoolers, including perception in space, awareness of spatial relations, color and space discrimination, matching two attributes simultaneously and the ability to reproduce what is seen and interpreted.-Drawing subtest (recognize and reproduce lines and shapes) and Block subtest (color, shape, and reproducing block patterns)
Motor-free visual perception Test (MVPT)
-ages 4 to 95 -Standardized, quick evaluation to assess visual perception (excludes motor components) in 5 areas: spatial relations, visual discrimination, figure-ground, visual closure, and visual memory.
-children and adults with visual field cuts or without visual impairments (brain injury appropriate) -Evaluation of individuals with spatial deficits, due to hemi-field visual neglect or abnormal visual saccades; assesses spatial relations, visual discrimination, figure-ground, visual closure, and visual memory -Items presented vertically due to visual impairments
Test of Visual-MOTOR skills (TVMS) and an upper level version
-Original 2 -13 yrs; Upper Level version 12-40 years -Assesses eye-hand coordination skills for copying geometric designs; standardized -scored for possible errors in motor accuracy, control, coordination, and pyschomotor speed
Test of visual-PERCEPTUAL skills (TVPS 3)
4-19 years -Assess visual-perceptual skills - separates from motor as motor is not involved (similar to MVPT however 7 areas compared to MVPT’s 5)
Sensory Profile (SP) and Infant/Toddler SP
SP: 3-10; Infant/Toddler: birth to 36 months (3years) -Measures reactions to daily sensory experiences; Caregiver judgement and observation via caregiver questionnaire
Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile
11-65 years -Allows clients to identify their personal behavioral responses and develop strategies for enhanced participation; via questionnaire. -Identifies which sensory system in hindering performance.
Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS)
-Children over 2 who have mild, mod, or severe autism -Determines the severity of autism and distinguishes children with autism from children with developmental delays (not autism); via observational tool.
Coping Inventory and Early Coping Inventory
-Coping inventory: 15 yrs and above; Early Coping Inventory: 4-36 months -Assesses coping habits, skills, and behaviors through questionnaire.
Revised Knox Preschool Play Scale (RKPPS)
0 - 6 years - useful for kids who standardized testing may not be appropriate -Observe play skills to differentiate developmental play abilities, strengths, and weakness and interest areas
Transdisciplinary Play-Based Assessment (TPBA)
Infancy - 6 years -Measures child’s development, learning style, interaction patterns, and behaviors to determine need for services -Non-standardized play assessment - team observations
Participation Scale (P scale)
15 and older with physical disabilities -A measure of restrictions in social participation related to community mobility, access to work, recreation, and social interaction with family, peers, and neighbors -Method: Questionnaire, self care, mobility, and social function and their functional subunits
School Function Assessment (SFA)
-Assess and monitors functional performance in order to promote participation in a school environment - does NOT measure academic performance. - criterion-referernced questionnaire
Test of Playfulness (TOP)
15 months to 10 years -assesses a child’s playfulness based on observations according to four aspects of play. OT will observe and rate the child in different behaviors like intrinsic motivation, internal control, and so forth.
MOHO-based pediatric assessment
Short Child Occupational Profile, Child Occupation Self-Assessment, Pediatric Interest Profile, School Setting Interview.