Ch. 5 Flashcards
Factors determined at conception
• Personality comes from genes.
The sum total of ways in which an individual reacts to & interacts with others
Personality Traits
Enduring characteristics that describe an individual’s behavior
What is the Big Five Model?
- ) Extraversion
- ) Agreeableness
- ) Conscientiousness
- ) Emotional Stability
- ) Openness to Experience
Dark Triad
A constellation of negative personality traits consisting of:
- ) Machiavellianism
2) Narcissism - ) Psychopathy
The degree to which an individual is pragmatic, maintains emotional distance, & believes that ends can justify means
A measure of how responsible, organized, dependable, & persistent
• Highly valued in work setting
Emotional Stability
A person’s ability to withstand stress; people with high scores tend to be calm, self-confident, & secure
Openness to Experience
Interest & fascination with novelty; creativity, curiosity, & artistic sensitivity
The tendency to be arrogant, have a grandiose sense of self-importance, require excessive admiration, & have a sense of entitlement
The tendency for a lack of concern for others & a lack of guilt or remorse when their actions cause harm
Approach-Avoidance Framework
How individuals react to stimuli & their motivation:
- ) Approach motivation: attraction to positive stimuli
- ) Avoidance motivation: aversion to negative stimuli
Core Self-Evaluations (CSE)
Bottom-line conclusions individuals have about their capabilities, competence, & worth as a person
An individual’s ability to adjust his/her behavior to external, situational factors
Proactive Personality
People who identify opportunities, show initiative, take action, & persevere until meaningful change occurs
Situation Strength Theory
The way personality translated into behavior depends on the strength of the situation
• The degree to which norms, cues, or standards dictate appropriate behavior:
- ) Clarity
- ) Consistency
- ) Constraints
- ) Consequences
Trait Activation Theory (TAT)
Predicts that some situations, events, or interventions “activate” a trait more than others
Basic convictions about what is right, good, or desirable
Value System
Ranks values in terms of intensity
Terminal Values
Desirable & end-states of existence; the goals a person would like to achieve during his/her lifetime
Instrumental Values
Preferred modes of behavior or means of achieving terminal values
Personality-Job Fit Theory
Identifies 6 personality types and proposes that the fit between personality type & occupational environment determines satisfaction & turnover
What are Holland’s 6 personality types?
- ) Realistic
- ) Investigative
- ) Social
- ) Conventional
- ) Enterprising
- ) Artistic
What are Hofstede’s 5 Dimensions of National Culture?
- ) Power distance
- ) Individual vs. Collectivism
- ) Masculinity vs. Femininity
- ) Uncertainty Avoidance
- ) Long-Term vs. Short-Term Orientation
Power Distance
The extent to which a society accepts that power institutions & organizations is distributed unequally
The degree to which people prefer to act as individuals rather than as members of groups
A tight social framework in which people expect others in their group to look after them & protect them
Uncertainty Avoidance
The extent to which a society feels threatened by and tries to avoid uncertain & ambiguous situations
Long-Term Orientation
Emphasizes the future, thrift, & persistence
Short-Term Orientation
Emphasizes the past & present, respect for tradition, and fulfillment of social obligations
Describes the extent to which the culture favors traditional masculine work roles of achievement, power, & control; societal values characterized by assertiveness & materialism
Indicates little differentiation between male and female roles; a high rating indicates that women are treated as equals of men in all aspects of society
GLOBE Framework for Assessing Culture
The Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness; research program updated Hofstede’s research
• (See slide)